Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 338: Massive New Units

"It's okay. I'll just go to the hospital and bandage it later. ♦♦  ඏ☆"

Looking at her injured palm, Tanya said indifferently.

"So do you know?" Suddenly, Tanya said something incomprehensible.

"Ah? What do you know?" While responding to Tanya, Han Feng stood up from the ground and patted the snowflakes and dust on his body.

[As I write this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→🅣🅦🅚🅐🅝.🅒🅞🅜]

"So, do you know now that your ability is enough to kill level five zombies?"


"Just now, I tried my best to kill you, but the final result of the battle was that I failed."

"Tch~ Just blow it! You must have let it go!" Han Feng pushed Tanya away from the place and walked towards the hospital, and continued, "Before you were promoted, I couldn't beat you. Now you have been promoted to He’s a one-star heroic soldier, so there’s no reason to get weaker, right?”

"Just now I dared to shoot, and I dared to stick C·4 on my hand and start it again. Do you think I'm letting myself go?" After finishing speaking leisurely, Tanya turned to look at Han Feng and said, "I can go by myself. You haven’t read all the rewards yet.”

Pushing Han Feng away, Tanya walked to the hospital alone.

Anyway, the hospital is still less than 100 meters away, so Han Feng is not worried about Tanya's injury. After watching her leave, Han Feng turned and walked towards the Allied base.

"Am I... really that strong? Can I even defeat Tanya?" Han Feng muttered to himself on the way...

"Reporting to Team Han, you have injected four Energy 7 potions, which contain a huge amount of energy. The outcome of the battle has actually been determined before Tanya takes action."

"Energy 7, Energy 7..." After hearing what Luna said, Han Feng repeated it several times while thinking about how to collect the other six injections...

"By the way Luna, Tanya just said that if you build all the main buildings, the reward will be more than this. Is there anything else?" After a few seconds, Han Feng remembered "serious things".

"Report to the Korean team, yes. When you complete all the main buildings, the following functions will be unlocked."

"Unlock new individual personnel - SEALs, terrorists."

"Second, unlock new summoned vehicles and combat vehicle units - Chrono Mining Vehicle, Rhino Tank, Phantom Tank, and Prism Tank."

"Three unlock new defensive weapons-magnetic storm coil, Patriot missile."

"Four unlocks the independent upgrade function of the main building. (Note that each time you upgrade the main building, you will receive additional rewards.)"

"..." After hearing Luna say these four things, Han Feng stood there blankly, "digesting" the information.

"I wiped it... I posted it! I posted it! Unlocked so many things!!!" A few seconds later, Han Feng danced crazily on the spot!

My dearest SEALs! finally! Finally summoned! ! ! From the moment the zombies broke out, I had always wanted to summon the SEALs. It was only now, half a year later, that I finally got the permission to summon the SEALs!

"Yeah yeah!!!" Waving his limbs, Han Feng was as happy as a "fool"...

"Luna! Tell us about the SEALs! There are other new summoned units~" Han Feng took out a cigarette and tried to calm down the excitement in his heart.

"Good Korean team. The SEALs are also called "American SEALs". They are a powerful weapon against enemy infantry. They can be used to harass and blast buildings, but have little effect on armor. As one of the few "amphibious" combat arms , has the same ability to fight in water as Tanya.”

"Seal team, the main weapon is 5 submachine guns, with an ammunition capacity of thirty rounds, and is equipped with one spare magazine. The secondary weapon is 9 pistols, with an ammunition capacity of fifteen rounds, and is equipped with one spare magazine. Grenade C·4 plastic The bomb is equipped with a quantity of 1. It can be used to blast enemy ships and warships, and its explosion effect is equivalent to Tanya's blast."

"The SEAL team can use teams to infiltrate and conduct sneak attacks on the enemy. Generally, the SEAL team consists of 3, 6, or 9 people."

"Seal characteristics: 1. Perfectly familiar with the application of various weapons, and can use any weapon flawlessly in their hands. 2. Perfectly familiar with the application of various vehicles and combat vehicles, any type of vehicle or vehicle can be used in their hands They will have no time to drive (note that all vehicles include aircraft, battleships, etc.)."

"Seal team, the gold coins required for summoning are five thousand gold coins per person. Report to the Korean team, the details about the SEAL team have been introduced."

"..." After listening to Luna's introduction, Han Feng clenched his fists tightly, his excitement evident on his face!

"Five thousand gold coins... it's worth it! It's worth it!!!" After saying three words in a row, Han Feng continued, "Luna! Summon nine SEALs! I want to form a poster special operations team!!!"

"Report to the Korean team that the number of gold coins required to summon nine SEALs is 45,000. I'm sorry, you don't have enough gold coins..."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng was stunned. At this moment, he remembered that a few days ago, he was already a "pauper"...

Turning his attention to the system, Han Feng saw that he now only had more than 9,000 gold coins left... some of which were obtained through the hyperspace mining vehicle.

"Alas..." With a slight sigh, Han Feng decided to put the SEALs aside for now and listen to other newly added summoned units first.

"Well... let's not summon them for now. You can talk about the other new units."

"Okay, Captain Han, let me introduce you to the new single soldier - terrorists."

"The main weapon of the terrorists is CR - terrorist bombs. There are no secondary weapons. There are no grenades. The characteristics are that they have a self-destruct effect when they die and attack, which is a powerful weapon against the enemy army."

"Terrorists can act alone or attack in a team. As your loyal soldiers, they will be brainwashed and will put life and death aside and use their lives to carry out terrorist suicide attacks."

"The CR - terrorist bombs held by terrorists are a one-time attack method. Its power is equivalent to a rocket launched by a level 3 V3 rocket launcher. The summoning price is 500 gold coins per person."

"Report to Captain Han, the details of the terrorists are complete."

"..."After listening to Luna's introduction, Han Feng couldn't help but think of the "human bombs" in the war-torn areas.

Carrying bombs on their bodies, they rushed into the crowd without hesitation and pulled the fuse... Boom!

"Oh my god... Isn't this a bit inhumane?" After the explosion in his mind ended, Han Feng felt that summoning terrorists was a bit "unbearable"...

These were all soldiers summoned by him, and asking them to attack the enemy with suicide attacks... It's a bit cruel no matter how you think about it. But... the price is really cheap!

"Introduce the next one~" After a few seconds, Han Feng, who decided to "never summon" terrorists, continued.

"Okay, Captain Han, I will introduce you to the super-dimensional mining vehicle..."

"Hey, stop, stop~" Hearing Luna was about to introduce the super-dimensional mining vehicle, he immediately interrupted because he had already seen it.

Pinching the corner of his clothes, Han Feng pursed his lips and said, "Just tell me how much it costs to summon a trans-dimensional mining truck~"

"Report to Captain Han, summoning a trans-dimensional mining truck requires 8,000 gold coins. The summoning time is endless."

"Huh..." Hearing the summoning price, Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief... Then he waved his right hand and said, "Come! Summon a trans-dimensional mining truck! Confirmed!"

"Okay, Captain Han, the trans-dimensional mining truck is being summoned, please wait..."

"Buzz! Huh..."

As soon as Luna finished speaking, the time and space in front of Han Feng twisted, and the next moment... a huge trans-dimensional mining truck jumped into view!

As soon as the trans-dimensional mining truck appeared, it drove itself to the mining area to mine.

Watching the back of the mining truck, Han Feng thought that money was the master of everything! When there is money, what Navy SEALs, what various shells... Isn't it easy? !

Now... I am restricted by money, so

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