Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 347: Seeing Lin Lan Again

Amid the deafening explosion, a beautiful and spectacular mushroom cloud rose from the corpse tide...

In Simon's sight, Han Feng clearly saw the shock wave, like a small stone thrown into the lake, "ripples" spreading out layer by layer!

"Avoid...Avoid! Avoid! Quick!!!" Seeing this scene, the anxious Han Feng even began to "knot" when speaking.


It was as if a hurricane blew over...sand and gravel, broken limbs and arms rushed at a very fast speed!

"Bang! Boom! Boom! Boom!!"

Hearing the violent beating in his ears, Simon had to lower his head and hide himself under the rooftop fence to avoid the sharp edge.

"Luna! Luna!!! Red Alert..." In the "storm", as soon as Han Feng opened his mouth, a foreign object rushed into his mouth... After feeling the severe pain from his front teeth, Han Feng covered his mouth with both hands and stopped talking...

"Luna, how are the Red Alert soldiers?!" Unable to speak, Han Feng quickly asked Luna in his mind.

"Report to Captain Han, our personnel were slightly injured and are not in serious condition. We can attack normally."

"Well..." Hearing Luna's reply, Han Feng was relieved...

Knowing that the cr-terrorist bomb is powerful, but I didn't expect that the power would reach such a level! !

"Hua La La..."

After a few seconds, the shock wave gradually dissipated.

When the "storm" was over, Simon immediately extended his sniper scope to give Han Feng the first-hand vision.

Through Simon's perspective, Han Feng saw... In front of him, the Terminator was holding his body tightly to block the flying debris for him.

"Thank you! Without you, I would have been dead!" Extending his right hand, Han Feng patted the Terminator on the shoulder.

The Terminator did not speak, his hands still resting on the light tank behind Han Feng, motionless.

"Ghost? Ghost?!!" Seeing that the Terminator did not move, Han Feng panicked!

"What's wrong, Captain Han?"

"Oh my..." The Terminator's muffled answer rang in his ears, and Han Feng quickly patted his chest...

When Han Feng finished speaking, the last remnants of the shock wave also dissipated.

Sensing that the danger was over, the Terminator retracted his supporting arms. After straightening his waist, he turned to face the group of corpses outside the distribution warehouse.

When the Terminator turned his back to Han Feng, Han Feng realized... The Terminator's back was full of scars!

Do you know the "pockmarked" face on the surface of the moon? Yes... that's it.

From large to deep lacerations of titanium steel bones, to small to smash marks of bionic skin... It is conceivable that if the Terminator had not stepped forward at the critical moment to resist all alluvial deposits for Han Feng, then... the consequences can be imagined!

The trembling corners of his mouth and the action of wanting to say something but not saying it, covered all of Han Feng's words of gratitude and excitement.

Simon held a sniper rifle and looked at the zombies through the sniper scope.

At the center of the terrorists' death, within the radius of 300 meters around... there was no zombie!

In the mess on the ground, the power of the explosion left a small "meteorite crater". Dozens of meters outside the crater, in addition to the broken arms and limbs, there were only some small pieces of meat and blood left...

A radius of 300 meters... a full radius of 300 meters! All the zombies were turned into ashes with the terrorists!

Outside the 300-meter explosion range, the zombies lay on the ground and struggled to get up.

But it was still strange... in places where the explosion range did not reach, the zombies still stood there stupidly, without any other movements!


When the fallen zombies got up, they began the action that Han Feng had "long awaited" - filling the empty space cleared by the previous explosion.

When the zombies returned to the state before the explosion, they stopped.

"Bang... Bang!"

Han Feng gritted his teeth tightly when he saw this scene.

"Simon! Find! Find for me! Find their highest-level zombies! It's definitely a trick! Absolutely!!!" Han Feng pointed at the zombies and ordered angrily.

"Okay, Captain Han!"

After Simon responded, the seven snipers started to investigate all the time.

"Report to Captain Han! A suspicious target was found at one o'clock, one kilometer away, and twenty meters high!"

During the tense search, another sniper next to Simon reported.

"Simon! Vision!"

Hearing that a target appeared, Han Feng immediately notified Simon.

"Okay, Captain Han!" Simon responded while turning the sniper gun.

"Lin..." When Han Feng saw the suspicious target, he was shocked beyond words!

"Lin Lan! It's her!!"

That's right... At the location reported by the sniper, Lin Lan stood on the rooftop of the residential building, hugging her arms and looking over here.


Han Feng's subconscious words had not yet been finished, and a surprising scene appeared! In Simon's sniper scope, Lin Lan seemed to find that she was being "observed"!

Lin Lan raised her head and looked at "herself". And she raised one of her arms that were originally folded... and waved at herself!

"Why..." Han Feng murmured downstairs...

All the communication between me and the sniper was through the system! I didn't say a word!

Why could Lin Lan sense that she was being seen from a kilometer away? !

Why did Lin Lan know to look Simon in the eye? ! Does she know that I am sharing the field of vision with Simon?

Wait... Why is Lin Lan here? !

What is her relationship with the zombies? ! Why did she appear here after disappearing for several months? !

Could it be that... these zombies... are controlled by her?

One question after another kept hitting Han Feng, and no matter which question, Han Feng could not give a "scientific" explanation.

At this time, in Simon's vision, Lin Lan retracted her swinging arms, turned around and walked down the rooftop.

"Where is she going?! Why is she gone!" After muttering to himself, Han Feng ordered "Luna! Turn on the scan! Confirm! Track Lin Lan for me! Quick!"

"Okay, Captain Han, the radar is scanning, please wait..."

Two seconds later...

"Report to Captain Han, the radar cannot track Lin Lan's position."


"Sorry, Captain Han, I don't know..."

"Hiss..." After listening to Luna, Han Feng hugged his head in pain...

The radar can't track Lin Lan... Does it mean that Lin Lan has... You know, only zombies will not be discovered by the radar!

Squatting on the ground, Han Feng thought of Lin Lan's makeup just now.

Her appearance and clothes are similar to those before she "disappeared", with a delicate face and clean and tidy clothes... From this point of view, Lin Lan should still be a human.

Even if he met the strongest level 6 female corpse, she looked like neither a human nor a ghost. No matter from which point of view, Lin Lan and the zombies just now were very different.

"Captain Han, look! The zombies are retreating!" When Han Feng was lost in thought, Simon's voice came to his mind.

"Retreat?" Through Simon's vision, as expected... all the zombies turned around and retreated back the way they came.

? ? ?

This, is it over? Retreating now? !

Looking down from a high place, Han Feng was stunned at the zombies like a receding wave!

As soon as Lin Lan left, the zombies "receded"... With the situation developing to this point, it was difficult for Han Feng to believe that Lin Lan had nothing to do with the zombies.

But... what was Lin Lan's purpose in doing this? !

There was no reason to bring a large army of zombies and travel thousands of miles just to come and see him, right?

But it was good this way... at least he was spared the trouble of fighting zombies.

"Huh..." Taking a deep breath, Han Feng's heart was temporarily relieved.

As for Lin Lan? Let's analyze it slowly after we get back.

"Simon, organize the mobilization troops to move the gold bars." Holding the light tank, Han Feng issued the order to move.

And Xi

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