Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 361: Blood Rage

Standing aside, Han Feng watched Wei Peng trying to pull Wei Yun up, but he couldn't.

"Sister, get up."

"Sister, get up!"


After trying several times, Wei Peng seemed to have recognized the truth, and knelt down beside Wei Yun and cried.


"Who is it..."

"Who... made this place..."

"Make it like this..."

Han Feng's trembling voice gradually became louder, and his eyes gradually became red.

"Report to the commander, the Allied liaison and radar soldier Luna has been copied and reborn."

"Luna, who is it?!" Hearing that Luna "came back", Han Feng changed the subject and asked.

"It's me."

Suddenly, a very discordant voice came from the ruins above Han Feng.

Looking for the sound...

"It's you?!"

Han Feng stared, looking at... Lin Lan in disbelief!

At the same time, Wei Peng also saw Lin Lan, and cried out loudly, "It's you! You killed my sister! It's you!!!"

After saying that, Wei Peng jumped up from the ground and activated his speed superpower instantly.

At such a close distance, Wei Peng can be said to have teleported!

Thanks to Han Feng, who is also a speed superpower, Han Feng can easily capture Wei Peng's every move.

Wei Peng rushed to Lin Lan and punched Lin Lan in the heart with a straight punch!

At this time, Wei Peng was desperate and angry! This punch almost used all his strength!

As long as this punch hits Lin Lan head-on, then... Lin Lan will definitely be seriously injured even if he doesn't die! Because with such a force...even if it is placed on himself, he will either die or be disabled.

"Bang! Buzz..."


Wei Peng...hit! Hit the "unprepared" Lin Lan!

With the blessing of speed, Wei Peng's punch dealt at least tons of damage!

However, Wei Peng's attack can be regarded as hurting the enemy by a thousand and hurting himself by eight hundred.

After the fist hit, Han Feng clearly saw that Wei Peng's fist was abnormally twisted. His...hand bone was broken.

But...what surprised Han Feng was that Lin Lan's figure did not change at all! Not even a small step back!


When Wei Peng fell, Lin Lan made a move!

With a sharp sound of breaking wind, Lin Lan grabbed Wei Peng's neck with one hand.

With a slight tightening... Wei Peng's eyes rolled back, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

"Someone asked me to save your life, but don't be too arrogant. If you keep bothering me... I just said that I won't kill you today, but it doesn't mean you can still live tomorrow."

Holding Wei Peng, Lin Lan spoke to him. But... Lin Lan's eyes always looked towards Han Feng intentionally or unintentionally. As if he meant something...

"Huh..." After saying that, Lin Lan waved his right hand and threw Wei Peng lightly to the side.

"Boom, Guluo"

After rolling several times, Wei Peng lay on his back on the ground...

"Which dream is it? Which dream!"

The next moment, Liu Rui, who was sitting next to Han Feng, shouted like a madman.

After Liu Rui finished speaking, Han Feng also reacted immediately...

Ruins, Wei Peng, death... and the headlights that shone when he came just now!

However, the person who died changed from Wei Peng to Wei Yun...

When Han Feng didn't speak, Lin Lan squatted down, looked at Liu Rui and smiled, "You are so powerful, why don't you dream... How did Han Feng die?"

"Oh, right~ I almost forgot." When he looked away from Liu Rui and returned to Han Feng, Lin Lan continued, "I almost forgot that you have a companion."

After Lin Lan finished speaking, Han Feng instantly remembered Guo Yongxing, who he hadn't seen just now.

"Hey~He's here." As he spoke, Lin Lan took out an arm from behind and threw it down.

With a "bang", Guo Yongxing's broken limbs fell at Han Feng's feet, stirring up a cloud of dust...

"Ouch, sorry~ I didn't take all of them, wait a minute~" Lin Lan laughed "self-deprecatingly", and then took out Guo Yongxing's other broken limbs from behind...

"Why..." At this time, Han Feng became somewhat calm from the initial trembling...

Lin Lan pretended not to understand Han Feng's question, and asked back "Why?"

"Why do you have to do this..."

"It's fun~" When responding to Han Feng, Lin Lan also made a playful expression.


"Yeah, have you forgotten? I told you before, what would you do if I killed Wei Yun, Wei Peng, Liu Rui and others?"

Looking at Han Feng who was lost in memories, Lin Lan continued, "Look, I told you in advance, you just forgot."


Seeing Han Feng suddenly laugh, Lin Lan asked in confusion, "Huh? What are you laughing at?"


"What???" Hearing Han Feng muttering in a low voice, Lin Lan frowned.





Twenty customized weapons flew out from Han Feng's waist! In pursuit of "speed kill"! Han Feng didn't even let the customized weapons turn, and pierced through the clothes directly!

When the silver shuttle and silver wings pierced Lin Lan, Han Feng also activated his speed superpower at the same time and rushed straight to Lin Lan!


Lin Lan stood up and flew backwards to avoid it!

This action... normal people can't do it at all!

How could a human being stand up and move backwards at the same time? ! Especially... at such a fast speed! It was like... as if there was an invisible rope pulling Lin Lan backwards!


But it didn't matter, the speed of the custom weapon was much faster than Lin Lan!


Seeing the silver shuttle and silver wings approaching, Lin Lan, who couldn't retreat in time, quickly rolled his body on the ground and dodged the attack of the custom weapon.

But Lin Lan didn't escape unscathed, at least... his clothes were mostly torn.

When the first wave of attacks passed, Lin Lan stood up and stood in place, looking at Han Feng who was chasing him.

Facing Lin Lan, who was half-exposed and disheveled, Han Feng showed no mercy!

He turned his feet a few times, twisted his waist, and kicked Lin Lan's neck with a whip kick! At the same time, the silver shuttle and silver wings behind Lin Lan also completed the "turnaround" and prepared to come back!

In the position of being attacked from both sides, Lin Lan looked at the approaching Han Feng with a smile.

Not good! There's a trick!

Seeing Lin Lan's fearless eyes, Han Feng's heart sank! He secretly said in his heart that it was not good...

However, with such a terrifying speed, how can it stop just like that? !

There was no "way out", Han Feng simply gritted his teeth and accelerated again! Prepare to cut off the firewood from the bottom of the pot!


When Han Feng and the silver shuttle and silver wings were about to touch Lin Lan, a strange scene happened...

Lin Lan activated his telekinesis - imprisonment!

The three people who were fixed were floating in the air, motionless, like performance art.


At the moment when Han Feng struggled hard, two sabers cut through the air and attacked Lin Lan's head.

"It was my mistake that I didn't kill you last time. But this time, you are not so lucky!"

From the sound, it was Tanya! Reinforcements have arrived! ! !

"Swoosh..." Lin Lan squatted down and dodged the fatal blow of the two sabers.

However, Lin Lan did not release Han Feng's control... Han Feng could still feel the pressure of the confinement.

"Tap, tap, tap..." Listening to the rapidly approaching footsteps, Han Feng knew that Tanya was very close to him!

"The adults are talking, and the children can go play with the children." Lin Lan looked at Tanya sideways, without even looking at her straight in the eye.


Suddenly, another figure came over quickly.

It was... a level 6 female corpse!

"Bang! Boom..."

A few dozen meters to the side, the level 6 female corpse and Tanya collided with each other, making a loud muffled sound.

"Oh no..."

Han Feng felt as if his heart was in a pit when he saw the level 6 female corpse...

But on second thought, Tanya has now been promoted to a one-star hero-level soldier, so it may not be true that she is not dead.

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