Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 364: Massacre of the Village

The unsure survivors saw this scene and put down their work, followed Han Feng and Tanya with a mentality of watching the fun.

After the radar confirmed the location of the priest, Han Feng ran straight there.

Tens of seconds later, Han Feng saw the terrified priest at the priest's home...

"Holy...Holy Envoy!"

The priest stared at Lin Lan in Han Feng's hand and exclaimed intermittently. ✪

"Heh..." Looking at the priest's reaction, Han Feng finally sneered for the first time since waking up...

"Beast! Let go of the Holy Envoy! Let go!" Suddenly, the priest pointed at Han Feng and cursed!

"Very good..." Han Feng said with joy instead of anger, and then stared at the priest's eyes and said, "Where is the Holy Lord? Tell me, and I'll spare your life."

"Shut up! Little beast! Can a scum like you like me touch the Holy Lord?!"

After scolding Han Feng, the priest continued "still unsatisfied" and said, "You really don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is! If the Holy Lord comes here in person, will you still be so arrogant?!"

Han Feng looked at the exasperated priest with a faint smile on his face.

"Why don't you let the Holy Envoy go quickly?! If you kneel down and beg for mercy now, I will also think of your face for the nutrition paste a few days ago and say a few good words for you. If the Holy Lord really wants to kill you, maybe he will leave you a whole body!"

Seeing Han Feng's "dumb" smile, the priest thought he had scared Han Feng, and his attitude became more arrogant.


In the priest's smug look, Han Feng activated his telekinesis.

Ten silver wings flew out from Han Feng's waist, flashing a cold light and passing through the ten survivors behind him who were watching the excitement.


Han Feng specifically chose the carotid arteries in their necks to attack, and in an instant, blood gushed out... the ground was stained with blood!

"Kill! Kill! Kill..."

Seeing the companions beside him die, the crowd instantly "exploded"!

Not wanting to hear the noisy voice, Han Feng immediately activated the imprisonment and fixed the group of people behind him.

"I don't want to ask my question again." Staring at the priest's eyes, Han Feng said slowly.

Being stared at by Han Feng, the priest subconsciously took a step back.

In the eyes of the priest, Han Feng's eyes at this moment were no less than a dormant venomous snake waiting to strike! And Han Feng's voice was like a low kiss from the underworld...

"Beast..." Trembling with legs, the priest wanted to open his mouth and curse again. But looking at Han Feng's eyes, he changed his words and said, "I don't know! Even if I know, I won't tell you! If you have the guts, kill me! Anyway, the Lord will avenge me!"

In front of so many people, the priest couldn't lose face, so he forced himself to stabilize his body and said something.


This was the second sneer from Han Feng.

"Swoosh! Swoosh!"

The silver wings floating around the survivors suddenly moved at this moment, and once again crossed ten warm necks...


In the sound of blood spurting, Han Feng stared at the priest with a smile...

"You devil! You will die! The Lord will avenge his people!"


Before the priest finished speaking, Han Feng took action again!

When the extremely clean silver wings stopped in mid-air again, thirty survivors were lying at the door of the priest's house...

"You don't want to tell me? It doesn't matter.♦♦  ♦♦" Lifting his legs and walking towards the trembling priest, Han Feng continued, "You have about seven or eight hundred people here. I kill a hundred people every day. I'm not afraid that you won't remember..."

Smiling, Han Feng said leisurely.

"Ah! I'll fight you! I'm going to kill you!" Seeing Han Feng approaching step by step, the priest suddenly rushed towards Han Feng instead of retreating.

However, the ability of this priest is fundamentally different from that of the previous manager...

With almost no effort, Han Feng stepped on the priest.

"I won't let you die, but don't be anxious, okay?" After stepping on the priest, Han Feng turned his head and winked at Tanya.

Understanding Han Feng's meaning in seconds, Tanya found a rope and tied up the priest.

In this way, Han Feng carried Lin Lan in one hand and the priest in the other hand and stepped upstairs.

Han Feng found a random room and threw the two of them on the ground. He found a stool and sat down, smoking and saying, "I know you two have a way to contact the Holy Lord and ask him to come quickly. Otherwise, all these "pets" he raised will die."

"Haha~ You want to see the Holy Lord?" At this time, Lin Lan raised his head and looked at Han Feng and continued, "Don't worry! The Holy Lord is someone you can't even think of dying!"

"I don't miss him, I just want him to die." Looking at Lin Lan expressionlessly, Han Feng said indifferently.

"Haha~ With your ability, it's not good enough! Far from it! If the Holy Lord didn't want to play, how long do you think you can live?!"

Hearing Lin Lan say this, Han Feng slowly got up and walked out of the house.

Holding a cigarette and leaning against the fence, Han Feng slowly closed his eyes...

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

"Howl! Clang!!!"

In an instant, twenty customized weapons soared into the sky! Heading straight to various places in the village!

After a few seconds... No one in the entire village survived.

"You want to play? Then I'll play with you, slowly, slowly!" Han Feng opened his eyes and looked at the triumphant Silver Shuttle and Silver Wing, muttering to himself.

Going back into the house, Han Feng killed the priest without saying a word.

Carrying Lin Lan downstairs, Han Feng handed her to Tanya.

After watching Tanya put her back in the trunk, Han Feng ordered, "Luna, summon a hundred Navy SEALs, confirm."

Just when he went downstairs just now, Han Feng specifically looked at the number of gold coins and found that he had become a millionaire again.

Some of these gold coins were rewards for killing the sixth-level female corpse. More of them were the output accumulated by the ore refinery in the past few days.

"Okay, Captain Han, one hundred Navy SEALs are being summoned, please wait."

Standing quietly in place, Han Feng felt the bloody smell blowing in the wind...

For some reason, since he had blood rage, Han Feng "fell in love" with this smell...

"Report to Captain Han, one hundred Navy SEALs have been summoned."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng did not reply.

Lifting his legs and stepping out of the priest's house, Han Feng saw that the road was densely packed with Navy SEALs.


Han Feng looked at the horizon and continued, "Look for other bases."

"If you find it, remember to come back and report to me."

After saying these three sentences expressionlessly, Han Feng took Tanya back to the multi-purpose infantry vehicle and left in a cloud of dust.

On the way back, Han Feng leaned against the car window, staring at the scenery outside the window in a daze...

Four hours later, at dusk, Han Feng and Tanya returned to the base.

Looking at the base that was still in ruins, Han Feng asked in his mind, "Luna, have you found Wei Yun?"

"Report to Captain Han, no."

After hearing this, Han Feng opened the car door and walked towards the ruins.


When he arrived at the ruins, a muffled sound erupted from Han Feng's body.

Blood rage, open!

As blood oozed from his body, Han Feng stretched out his hands forward, and the next second... his mind power suddenly rose!

In the ruins, pieces of metal flew up and were moved aside.

After a while, metal fragments of varying sizes were removed, revealing the bodies of the Red Alert soldiers inside.

The bodies and corpses were placed on one side, and construction waste and metal scraps were piled on the other side.

Three minutes later, two "mountains" of varying sizes were formed.

But...no matter how Han Feng looked, he could not find Wei Yun's body.

It was as if he had evaporated from the face of the earth...

After digging three feet into the ground, Han Feng could no longer withstand the "backlash" of Blood Rage, so he had to shut down Blood Rage.

In just a few minutes, Han Feng moved a thousand tons of heavy objects!

With the help of Blood Rage, Han Feng barely managed to clean up the "ruins". If there was no Blood Rage blessing...Give Han Feng another hour, it would be impossible to move such a heavy object with telekinesis!

Drops of blood on the ground

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