Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 366: Hard Battle

Han Feng licked his lips while quietly "appreciating" the priest's transformation...

Somehow, at this moment, Han Feng actually felt a little excited and teased! It's rare to face such a "strong man"!

"Now, it's too late for you to kneel down and beg me.

After the transformation was completed, the priest turned his neck and said to Han Feng.

"Hahahaha! Hahaha~"

Seeing Han Feng suddenly laugh, the priest raised his eyebrows and asked, "What are you laughing at?" ✪

"Please? Haha! Please~"

"Hey!" The humiliated priest suddenly jumped out of the bricks and punched Han Feng!

"Bang! ..."

Han Feng, who watched the "giant fist" attacking him, did not move until he was hit.


While flying backwards, Han Feng spurted out a mouthful of blood. As soon as the mist-like blood left the body, it drifted away with the wind...

"Bang! ..."

Han Feng's back hit the wall and he was forced to stop.

Looking at Han Feng lying on the ground, the priest locked his eyes on Tanya again.

"Girl, I don't hit women! But you offended me first today! Don't blame me! "

After speaking, the priest took a step forward and punched Tanya.


The strong wind of the fist blew past her ears, but Tanya did not retreat but moved forward, going around the priest's chest.

Since the priest was more than two meters tall after the transformation, there was a large area of ​​space in front of his chest under his aggressive attack.

"Hiding" in front of the priest's chest, Tanya hit the priest's heart with an elbow.

If this blow hit an ordinary person, three lives would not be enough to kill him! But... the priest at this time was full of strong muscles! Like a giant wearing heavy armor!

Tanya's little strength... only made a purple mark on his chest.

The priest saw that his punch missed, and quickly changed his body shape. He locked his arms Tanya's retreat around him, trying to lock her arms and strangle her.

But as a one-star hero, how could Tanya let the priest succeed? !

With a leap, Tanya flexibly jumped up from the space controlled by the priest!

"Flying out" of the enveloping circle, Tanya turned half a circle above the priest's head, and kicked out a kick, hitting the priest's cheek.

This kick only slightly deviated the priest's face, and did not cause substantial damage to him.

Looking at the priest who was still standing, Tanya thought to herself that it was not good...

This guy... was as difficult as a level 6 female corpse!

When Tanya thought of this, the priest crossed his thick legs and approached Tanya again! After all... in the eyes of the priest, Han Feng was already a dying man.



Hearing Han Feng calling him, the priest stopped and gave up chasing Tanya. Because he also wanted to see what Han Feng wanted to do and what he could do.

"Ahem! "

Han Feng coughed a few times with blood on his lips.

Raising his right hand, Han Feng wiped his mouth and said, "Contact the Holy Lord."


Seeing Han Feng still being stubborn, the priest changed direction and ran towards Han Feng!

"Contact one..."



Han Feng looked at the approaching priest, but he still didn't dodge, and used his body to take the priest's punch again!

This time, the priest hit Han Feng's abdomen.

Because Han Feng was too close to the wall behind him, this punch did not knock Han Feng away, but fixed him firmly on the wall!

Under the moonlight...

The priest held Han Feng to the wall with a straight fist, and the wall behind Han Feng... was broken into spider web-like traces. If you listen carefully, you can hear the "rustling" sound of wall fragments falling.

"Contact the Holy Lord..." ... Tie the holy... "

Hearing Han Feng say this word, the priest glared at him! Then, his fists hit Han Feng one after another like a perpetual motion machine! The speed was so fast that it was unbelievable!

"Bang bang bang..."

Facing the violent fists, Han Feng did not make any defensive moves and just let the fists hit him...

"Boom boom boom..."

After a few seconds, the wall behind Han Feng could no longer withstand such a bombardment and collapsed!

"Hmph~ you don't know how to live or die! "Looking at Han Feng in the broken bricks, the priest yelled.

"Contact the Holy Lord..."

To the priest's surprise, Han Feng was still alive!

"Give me back my Wei Yun..."

"Hua La La..."

Han Feng stood up from the broken bricks while speaking.

However...even when Han Feng stood up, he was hunched over.

It seems that the priest's attack just now did cause Han Feng a lot of damage.

"Tell him to give me back my...Wei Yun..."

"Give it back to me...OK..."

After speaking, blood slowly flowed out of Han Feng's mouth.

"Oh~I thought~it turned out that she was here to ask for someone!" Looking into Han Feng's eyes, the priest continued, "Since she offended the Holy Lord, she deserves to die!"

"Bang!!! Bang!!! "

As soon as the priest finished speaking, Han Feng's eyes widened instantly!

One punch!

Just one punch!

The huge priest was punched dozens of meters away by Han Feng! By the way, he also knocked down the remaining half of the wall behind the priest!

After landing, the priest quickly got up!

When he looked at Han Feng again, he saw a "blood man"!

Han Feng...blood fury, open!


The extremely fast speed cut through the air, and Han Feng came to the priest in the blink of an eye.

Raising his head, Han Feng said again, "Contact the Holy Lord and ask him to return my Wei Yun to me."


Looking at the bloody face on his chest, the priest roared and smashed down with both fists!

Facing this ton-level heavy blow, Han Feng took a half step to the side... Turning his waist, Han Feng threw a whip kick!

Seeing Han Feng dodge the attack, although the priest could not see Han Feng's subsequent actions, the urgent warning in his heart told him to defend!

Taking a deep breath, the priest squatted half a step and stood firmly in the horse stance!


When the priest completed the action, Han Feng's whip kick kicked him!


Under the fierce impact, the dust on the ground was blown away by the strong wind!

And the priest was kicked away a little half a step by this whip kick...

Turning his head, the priest looked at Han Feng beside him, his eyes gradually turned red!

"Contact one..."

"I'll contact your uncle!!!" Hearing Han Feng's repeated words, the priest was furious!

Turning around, the priest took a deep breath, raised his fist and smashed it hard at Han Feng!

The fist has not arrived, but the wind has arrived!

Feeling the wind coming from the fist, Han Feng licked the blood at the corner of his mouth, clenched his fist and blasted away!

Neither side used any moves to resist, just punching against fist, flesh against flesh...




When the two fists met, there was an explosion in the air for no reason!

Then, the huge energy dispersed the surrounding air and took away the small stones on the ground...

The next moment, the air returned! Pulled the small stones back again!

Just like that... a strange and peaceful picture appeared...

Under the beautiful moonlight, the huge priest and the "small and exquisite" Han Feng were both fixed in the posture of blasting against each other.

The moonlight stretched the shadows of the two people, stretching out two dark figures...


A few seconds later, a slight bone cracking sound was heard.

"Don't come over!" Han Feng saw Tanya trying to help in his peripheral vision. Han Feng, who didn't want others to join the fight, stopped her.

Turning his gaze, Han Feng looked into the priest's eyes and continued, "Contact the Holy Lord and ask him to return my Wei Yun to me, okay..."


At this moment, the priest went berserk! He retracted his fist, and blood dripped from the tip of his fist.


Shouting again, the priest swung his fists left and right, and rushed towards Han Feng in front of him.



The two fought again!

With fists coming and feet going down, the big priest gradually fell into a disadvantage. Because Han Feng was too "petite" and his body was agile.

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