Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 387: Natasha

Pursing his lips, Han Feng took out his phone and looked at the time... around 10 am. ♦♦  ♦♦

Looking up at the bright and clear sky, Han Feng played with the hero nameplate in his pocket, muttering "six more hours..."

Yes... in another six hours, another "mysterious" hero-level soldier will appear.

Five minutes later...


Pinching out his cigarette, Han Feng took a deep breath out of boredom.

The nearest group of zombies was fifty kilometers away. They couldn't get through in a short time.

Even if the third-level zombies were desperate to lead the charge, the bullets fired by the sniper would become a gully they couldn't cross!

"Oh! That's right!"

When Han Feng thought of the sniper rifle, he instantly thought about whether there were enough sniper bullets. If there was not enough ammunition in the fight, he would be "blind"!

"Luna, make one... no, make 100,000 sniper bullets!"

"Report to Captain Han, sniper bullets are mid-level ammunition. It takes one thousand gold coins to make 100,000 sniper bullets. Please confirm the production."


"Okay, Captain Han, 100,000 sniper bullets are being made. Please wait..."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng added, "Snipers can collect bullets by themselves. 100,000 bullets will definitely not be used. The rest will be placed in the ammunition depot for ready use at any time."

"Okay, Captain Han."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng pondered for a few seconds...

Now, both tank ammunition and soldier ammunition are fully prepared.

In addition to sniper bullets for precision sniping, there are also thousands of Stinger missiles like heavy soldiers' firepower coverage!

This battle... no matter how the zombies fight, they have no chance of winning.

Especially when "Ten Thousand Arrows" are fired at the moment, no matter what level of zombies, they will have no place to stand!

In that case...

"Then what am I worried about~"

With a chuckle, Han Feng turned and walked into the nearest hospital.

Sitting on a chair in the hospital lobby, Han Feng ordered, "Luna, send out all the police dogs to monitor the zombies' movements."

"Okay, Captain Han."

After arranging all this, Han Feng guarded his base with peace of mind.

Two hours later...

Feeling a little hungry, Han Feng casually ordered a fish-flavored pork rice from the military camp.

After eating, he continued to wait boredly...

"Luna, the zombies' movements." This was the sixth time Han Feng asked...

"Report to Captain Han, the zombie swarm is still approaching slowly. It is 40 kilometers away from the zinc mine."

"Oh...didn't see any level 6 zombies?"

"Report to Captain Han, no."


After updating the real-time "battle report", Han Feng lay down on the chair in the row and waited...

"This little girl, what on earth do you want me to do when I come back..."

Staring at the ceiling of the hospital, Han Feng felt that he was almost bored...

Closing his eyes, before he knew it...Han Feng actually fell asleep.

"Ding! Ding Ding!!"

Suddenly! Several crisp sounds rang out!

"Swoosh! Whoosh..."

Han Feng, awakened by the sound, "flew up" from his chair in an instant, and subconsciously dodged to the side! At the same time, his body also showed an offensive posture.

He looked in the direction of the strange sound...

"Damn..." It turned out to be a silver shuttle that slipped from his waist! ! !

When Han Feng confirmed the "maker" of the sound, he cursed inwardly.


Han Feng got up after exhaling a foul breath.

Took out his cell phone to check the time... 4:30 in the afternoon! ! !

"Luna, I slept for so long?!" After a short nap, four hours had passed? ! Han Feng, who was a little surprised, couldn't help but ask Luna.

"Report to Captain Han, yes."


Frowning, Han Feng asked, "During my sleep, the base... was okay?"

"Report to Captain Han, there was nothing unusual."

"That's good..." Patting his chest, Han Feng felt a little relieved.

"What about the zombies? How are they moving?"

"Report to Captain Han, the zombie swarm has stopped approaching. It is less than ten kilometers away from the zinc mine."

"Is it so close?" After hearing the news that it is less than ten kilometers away, Han Feng narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself...

He took out a cigarette and lit it, and walked out of the hospital.

Feeling the cold wind blowing, Han Feng felt extremely cool at the moment.

"Luna, summon hero-level soldiers!"

Since twenty-four hours have passed, if we don't summon them now, when will we? !

"Okay, Captain Han, hero-level soldiers are being summoned, please wait..."

As soon as Luna finished speaking, the hero soldier nameplate in Han Feng's hand disappeared instantly.

Holding a cigarette, Han Feng happily waited for the legendary man - the elite combat soldier!

After a few seconds...


With his back to the hospital, Han Feng heard a series of footsteps.

But... Han Feng, who heard the footsteps, suddenly frowned between his eyebrows!

This sound... is the sound of high heels!

As he turned around hesitantly, Han Feng was still thinking, is it the footsteps of a nurse...

But when Han Feng turned around completely, he was dumbfounded...

A tall and hot beauty with golden hair standing in front of him.

"Where is Boris?" Staring at the beauty who suddenly walked out, Han Feng subconsciously asked such a question!


After Han Feng asked, the beauty covered her mouth and laughed, making a wonderful laugh.

Looking at her, Han Feng frowned and was speechless for a moment...

"Report to the commander! Natasha Volkova, a special soldier of the Soviet Union, reports to you!"


Hearing the beautiful woman's introduction, Han Feng's eyes widened instantly. He subconsciously took a step back and shouted in "horror".

"Report to the commander! Natasha Volkova, a special soldier of the Soviet Union, reports to you!"

Looking at Han Feng, who looked flustered, Natasha did not put down her salute hand, but raised her voice and reported again.

"Na... Natasha?" Looking at the "flaming red lips" in front of him, Han Feng whispered in confusion, "You are... a hero-level soldier?"

Following Han Feng's question, Natasha put down her hand and said, "Report to the commander, yes!"


Continuing to stare at Natasha, Han Feng's mind was in a mess...

Who is Natasha? ! Where is my elite combat soldier Boris? ! Why is she a woman? !

In a trance, Han Feng took another half step back and said, "Who... who are you?"

"Report to the commander, I am Natasha Volkova, a special soldier of the Soviet Union..."

"Stop, stop, stop..." Han Feng waved his hands hurriedly.

After a pause, Han Feng sorted out his thoughts and asked, "Natasha? I have never heard of you? You are..."

"Report to the captain, Natasha Volkova is a combat hero of the Soviet Union. From "Red Alert 3"."

Before Natasha spoke, Luna in Han Feng's mind explained first.

"Red Alert 3..." Holding his forehead, Han Feng murmured...

No wonder I don't know, Red Alert 3... I haven't played it! ! !

After a few seconds, Han Feng began to look at this "different world" character.

It must be said that Natasha's appearance has a unique Russian "style". High nose bridge, slender figure, and teasing eyebrows, revealing a hint of "spicy" feeling.

Look at Natasha's clothes again.

A nurse's uniform... and a pair of high heels?

Looking at the ill-fitting clothes, Han Feng pointed and asked, "Where are your clothes?"

"No clothes~ I found this now~"

Wearing the nurse's uniform, Natasha continued while spinning around, "Does it look good? Commander~"


Han Feng was confused by the "sudden" appearance of Natasha just now, and it was not until now that Han Feng "came to his senses".

Looking at Natasha's curvy figure, Han Feng subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

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