Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 393: Tragic Death

Half an hour later...

Han Feng, lying on the operating table, had no idea how many bags of blood were transfused. (-_-) (-_-)

Han Feng fluttered his eyelashes and opened his eyes.

His clear pupils indicated that he had recovered most of his strength.

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Staring at the white ceiling, Han Feng asked Luna in his mind, "Luna, where are the zombies?" ✪

"Report to Captain Han, the zombies are six kilometers away from the zinc mine and are still slowly approaching."


After hearing this, Han Feng was silent...

Summon a tank now?

It's too late... It's useless.

Even if the time is halved, it will take twenty minutes to summon a tank.

A few hours later, the zombies invaded all along the line. It was a pipe dream to try to stop the zombies with a few tanks.

Moreover, even if there were enough tanks... how many zombies could be killed with a single tank gun?

Instead of doing this, it would be better to make more high-explosive grenades.

But... high-explosive grenades have a more fatal disadvantage.

That is, the distance of casting is too close...

The distance of 30 meters is the distance of grenade delivery. 30 meters... This is no different from "face-to-face" fighting...

Han Feng had a bitter face and felt like a hero in his twilight years...

His strength can completely crush the zombies. But... Facing such a large number of enemies, he is unable to split himself!


Suddenly, Han Feng's eyes widened!

Because in his mind, a great idea suddenly rose!


The next moment, Han Feng blurted out these four words!

"By the way! There is also Crazy Ivan!!!"

As soon as the terrorists came out, Han Feng thought of another legendary figure-Crazy Ivan!

Ivan bomb plus the terrorists' VR-terrorist bomb, the power is so great that even he himself does not know.

"Luna! Summon a hundred terrorists! Quick!"

Han Feng did it without any hesitation.

"Report to Captain Han, summoning 100 terrorists requires 50,000 gold coins, please confirm the summoning."


"Okay, Captain Han, the terrorists are being summoned, please wait..."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng contacted Simon in his mind and said, "Simon, how many small cars are there in the mining area now?"

"Report to Captain Han, there are still 12 small cars left in the mining area now."


After Simon finished speaking, Han Feng suddenly felt a sense of loss in his heart...

Thinking back to when he was looking for steel, Han Feng melted hundreds of small cars...

In this way, the terrorists can't go deeper into the enemy camp...

According to Han Feng's idea, the terrorists tied Ivan bombs and drove the cars straight into the depths of the zombies. Then... with a "boom"...


"Twelve cars... Forget it, let's do this first."


While Han Feng was talking to himself, the door of the operating room suddenly opened.

"Is it time?"

Looking at Natasha's little head sticking in, Han Feng asked. ♦♦  ♦♦

"Well, half an hour has passed, I want to wake you up."

"No, I'm not asleep."

Lying on the operating table, Han Feng responded.

"Then should I remove the needle now?"

Walking next to Han Feng, Natasha pointed to the blood transfusion needle in her arm.

"No, transfuse more. There will be a fierce battle tonight."

Preparing for a rainy day, Han Feng immediately decided to transfuse more blood. Fortunately, the blood rage can be maintained for a longer period of time at night.


With a brief response, Natasha walked to the blood bank and brought two bags of 400 blood for Han Feng again.

After changing the blood bags, Han Feng looked at Natasha and said, "You go out first, I'll stay alone."

"Okay, call me if you need anything~"

After receiving the instructions, Natasha walked out of the operating room.

"Simon, drive all the small vehicles to the base."

As soon as Natasha left, Han Feng immediately contacted Simon.

"Okay, Captain Han."

After Simon finished speaking, Han Feng sighed...

Now, whether the zombies can be kept out depends on these loyal "death warriors"...

Although Han Feng was reluctant to send the terrorists to their deaths. But...this was also something he had to do.

If these 100 people were not sacrificed, once the zombies broke through the zinc mine, the number of casualties would be far more than this.

About five minutes later...

"Report to Captain Han, I have arrived at the base with twelve small cars, please give instructions!"

"Luna, can the terrorists drive?"

Han Feng did not respond to Simon first, but turned to ask Luna.

"Report to Captain Han, the terrorists can drive basic vehicles."

"Simon, let your people come down." After getting a definite answer, Han Feng said to Simon.

"Okay, Captain Han."

After a pause, Han Feng continued, "Luna, let the terrorists get on the bus, as many as can be squeezed into each bus!"

"Okay, Captain Han."

After Luna responded, Han Feng suddenly remembered something and said, "Oh, by the way, remember to let Crazy Ivan get on the bus as well, don't leave him behind."

"Okay, Captain Han."

"Forget it...Luna, vision connection. Target Simon." Han Feng, who thought for a few seconds and felt something was wrong, decided to see it with his own eyes.

"Okay, Captain Han. Vision connection is connecting, target Simon. Please wait..."

When Han Feng opened his eyes again, his vision was already outside the hospital.


Looking at the various people on the open ground, Han Feng was a little dumbfounded...

There were students wearing school uniforms and carrying schoolbags, white-collar workers carrying briefcases, and doctors carrying medicine boxes... There was even an old man carrying a basket, who seemed to be going to buy vegetables.

"Luna, are they all terrorists?"

"Report to Captain Han, yes, they are all terrorists."

As soon as Luna finished speaking, Han Feng remembered that the first terrorist he summoned was a migrant worker.

"It's so similar..."

Scanning every terrorist, Han Feng always has new discoveries.

"Report to Captain Han, terrorists are proficient in disguise, just to penetrate deep into the enemy without attracting attention."

"Well... It's really a specialization." After praising, Han Feng ordered, "Pedal! Get as many people as you can!"


After the order was issued, a hundred terrorists responded in unison and began to walk towards the vehicle.

More than ten seconds later, Han Feng's eyes gradually changed when he looked at the terrorists...

The driver's seat was still normal, with only one terrorist sitting there.

But the situation began to change from the co-pilot seat...

Two people were stacked together and sat in the co-pilot seat.

And the back seat was even more bizarre!

Not only were there five people squeezed together, but there was also a terrorist lying on their legs.

Next was the trunk... Two relatively smaller terrorists were curled up in it with their heads facing each other.

What was even more ridiculous was... there was even one lying on the roof...

Each car could only carry five people, but now... each car had twelve people!

When the eight cars were full, there were still four cars left, and several terrorists.

"Luna, summon another fifty-five terrorists." In order not to waste resources, Han Feng did a little calculation and figured out how many people these four cars could still hold.

"Report to Captain Han, summon 55 terrorists, need..."

"Confirm, summon."

"Okay, Captain Han."

After talking to Luna, Han Feng turned his head and looked at the eight vehicles full of people and said, "You go to the zinc mine first and wait for my order."

After receiving the order, the eight vehicles started slowly and drove towards the zinc mine.

Watching the convoy leave, Han Feng smiled with satisfaction.

Not long after, more than 50 terrorists walked towards the hospital.

Just like before, Han Feng gave orders and asked them to pedal.

A few minutes later, four vehicles full of terrorists started and drove towards the zinc mine again.

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