Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 399: Hidden Mission 2

“Luna, I’ll leave the rest to you.

"Okay, Team Han, don't worry, Tanya, Natasha, I are here."


In his mind, Han Feng nodded gently to the doctor after finishing his instructions, indicating that he had made arrangements.

"Okay, raise your head a little and put this on."

The doctor held an oxygen mask and said to Han Feng.

Raising his head, the doctor quickly put it on for himself.


Suddenly, there was a surge of gas and anesthetic gas began to be released from the oxygen mask.

Breathing in the fruity anesthetic gas, Han Feng slowly closed his eyes.

"Okay, let's start the operation."

After the doctor finished speaking, Han Feng, who was lying on the operating table, opened his eyes.

Um? Operation? Not a blood transfusion? Why surgery? Am I injured? Why do you need hands...

Thinking of these words, before Han Feng had time to ask, he felt his body getting heavier... getting heavier...

A few seconds later, Han Feng half-opened his eyes, tilted his head to one side, and fell asleep...

In the dream, Han Feng returned to a world where there were no zombies, no panic, no death, and everything was beautiful...


I don’t know how long it took, but Han Feng, who was lying on the hospital bed, let out a murmur...

Opening his eyes, Han Feng saw the white ceiling...


"Are you awake?"

Seeing Han Feng's body moving slightly on the hospital bed, Lin Lan stepped forward and asked.

Watching Lin Lan step forward, Han Feng noticed that she was holding a half-peeled apple in her right hand. In the other hand, there is a small fruit knife.

"Luna... what time is it now?" Han Feng asked Luna in his mind with his mouth extremely dry.

"Reporting to the Korean team, the current time is 7:30 pm."


His eyes moved slightly, and Han Feng looked at Lin Lan's shoulder.

The smooth and white shoulders showed no trace of injury at this time.

"The recovery potion is really good..."


Because Han Feng's voice was too low, Lin Lan couldn't hear him clearly.

What am I thinking... At this time, I am still thinking about restoring the effect of the medicine? ! Wait... Apple? ! Where did the apple come from? !

Looking at the apple in Lin Lan's hand, Han Feng asked in a hoarse voice, "Apple?"

"Well! Just wait~"

Lin Lan, who was prone to misunderstandings, thought that Han Feng wanted to eat the apple, so he quickly scratched the apple with a fruit knife...

Holding a small piece of apple, Lin Lan stuffed it directly into Han Feng's mouth.


With a confused look on his face, Han Feng started chewing...

After being moistened by the juice, Han Feng felt that his dry throat was much better.

Propping up his body, Han Feng sat up.

Seeing that Lin Lan wanted to feed him apples, Han Feng raised his hand and waved.

"Where did the apples come from?"

Pointing to the apple in Lin Lan's hand, Han Feng asked.

In this barren world...where are the green vegetables? Not to mention such fresh fruit.

"Natasha gave it to me, saying it would be good for my health. (っ◔◡◔)っ

Continuing to peel the unpeeled apple, Lin Lan responded with a smile.

"Luna, where did the apple come from?"

Unable to find out the source of the apple, Han Feng directly contacted Luna and asked.

"Report to the Korean team that apples, like milk, are pre- and post-meal foods for military meals."

"Oh...that's it..."

"Who are you talking to?"

Hearing Han Feng's murmur, Lin Lan stepped forward and asked.


Maybe because he just woke up, Han Feng was a little confused.

Lin Lan reached out his hand and stroked Han Feng's forehead.

"I don't have a fever..."

Sensing Han Feng's normal body temperature, Lin Lan said in confusion.

"By the way, if something like this happens again in the future, you can just transfer me to the front line. Behind the scenes... I can't help you, and I always distract you."

As he spoke, Lin Lan handed the peeled apple to Han Feng.

Taking the apple dully, Han Feng looked at Lin Lan with a frown.

"Luna, didn't you tell Lin Lan... about her pregnancy?"

In his mind, Han Feng asked Luna.

"Report to the Korean team, no."

"Then she doesn't know she's pregnant yet? Is she?"

"Report to the Korean team, yes."


No wonder... No wonder Lin Lan said such words... It turns out she hasn't noticed yet...

"Okay, let's talk about this later." After a pause, Han Feng glanced around and asked, "Is there any water?"

Han Feng... still doesn't know how to talk about this to Lin Lan...

"Yes, yes, please wait a moment."

After that, Lin Lan ran out of the ward. A few seconds later, he walked in with a full glass of water.

After drinking, Han Feng put down the water glass.

Eating an apple, Han Feng got down from the hospital bed.

After putting on his shoes, Han Feng turned around and asked, "Where is my knife?"

"It's outside." After saying that, Lin Lan looked into Han Feng's eyes and joked, "You have been asleep for two days, and you still haven't forgotten your weapons."

"Two days?!"



After hearing this, Han Feng opened the door and walked straight outside.

Arriving outside the hospital, Han Feng saw vague traces of the battle in the previous days in the open space within the wall...


After a moment of silence, Han Feng turned his attention to the system.

Looking at the more than seven million gold coins in the gold coin column, Han Feng did not feel much surprise.

I killed more than ten level six zombies alone...

"Luna, upgrade all main buildings to three stars."

Now that I have money, the first thing to do is of course to upgrade the buildings.

"Report to Captain Han, upgrade the Allied Base, Power Station, and Mine to three stars, a total of 3.1 million gold coins are needed, please confirm the upgrade."


After saying these two words, Han Feng's gold coin bar instantly decreased by more than 3 million...

This is the most money I have spent since I got the Red Alert system!

"Okay, Captain Han, the main building - the Allied Base, is being upgraded, please wait..."

"The main building - the power station is being upgraded, please wait..."

"The main building - the mine is being upgraded, please wait..."

Luna finished speaking in one breath, paused and continued, "Report to Captain Han, the main buildings - the Allied Base, the power station, and the mine have all been upgraded to three stars."

"Report to Captain Han, due to the effect of the upgrade, the damaged main buildings are now back to normal."

After hearing this, Han Feng turned his head to look at the base and the power station...

Sure enough! The Allied Base and the power station appeared in front of him intact! For this, Han Feng praised him and said, "Good job..."

"Congratulations to Captain Han for completing the time machine hidden mission."

Suddenly, a cold mechanical voice sounded in his mind, interrupting Han Feng's cheers.

The next second, the system mechanical voice sounded again, "When the commander completes the following tasks, you can build the ultimate building-the time machine."

"Task one is to upgrade all main buildings to the maximum level."

"Task two is to build your own forces and become a perfect leader. The task indicator is to protect at least 10,000 survivors."

"Task three is unknown (when the commander completes task two, unlock task three)"

After saying this, the system mechanical voice stopped talking...

"Oh my god...there is also task three?" After frowning, Han Feng seemed to have just reacted, and he glared and roared, "Ten thousand people! Where can I find these ten thousand people!!!"


After roaring, Han Feng began to squat on the ground and think...thinking about how to get ten thousand people...

"Luna, turn on the radar scan."

After a few seconds, Han Feng decided to start with the radar...

After all, the radar now covers an area of ​​500 kilometers! If there are really so many people within this distance, then I will have to work hard and run one by one...

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