Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 4: Killing Zombies

The soldiers were getting closer and closer to the zombies, but there was no sound from their feet. It seems that the mobilized soldiers really obeyed Han Feng's orders absolutely.

Getting closer, getting closer! Han Feng was staring at the backs of the mobilized soldiers and clenching his hands nervously.

Does it really make no sound? How will the soldiers deal with this zombie without shooting? What can I do? What if I can’t beat him? What should I do if I get bitten? Will these mobilized soldiers turn into zombies? Then who the hell can beat him... Han Feng kept thinking about various possibilities in his mind.

Reality told Han Feng the answer. To be precise, it was the skills of the mobilized soldiers who told Han Feng the answer.

When the soldiers were only four or five meters away from the zombies, the zombies seemed to notice something. Turning around to face the mobilization soldiers, he roared and then bitten.

I saw the mobilizer leaping up, rushing towards the zombies in an instant, holding the AK47 with both hands and bursting out with a devastating blow. The solid and powerful muscles are really not a joke...

"Boom!" There was no loud sound, and the zombie was hit hard on the head by the soldier's gun butt.

Think of a 1.9 meter muscular man hitting a 1.7 meter man on the head with the butt of a gun... It's so violent.

The zombie flew back three or four meters after being hit. That's right, he was really knocked back three or four meters.

I saw zombies falling heavily to the ground, and mobilization troops followed closely. (audience)

The zombie that suffered a heavy blow did not die on the spot. It still tried to grab the conscript's feet with stiff movements. That’s right, the skull is the hardest bone in humans. Even if it hits hard, it may not really explode.

But the conscript moved faster, raised one foot and stepped on the zombie's head.

"Bang!" The zombie's head was stepped on and exploded! The red and white object exploded and hit the conscript in the leg.

Under normal circumstances, the force of a human stepping on it will not cause the head to explode. But the fatal blow just now had actually caused cracks in the zombie's skull, and coupled with the already strong legs of the conscripts, this situation was formed.

A zombie that has lost its head is completely dead.

It's also because of this zombie's bad luck that he met Han Feng and the mobilization soldiers as soon as he became a zombie. His zombie career ended in a hurry.

After killing the zombies, the mobilization troops returned to their military posture, as if waiting for Han Feng's review.

The brown leather jacket was stained with blood, and a few drops of blood slowly flowed from the butt of the AK47 in his hand. If people don’t know about zombies, they will definitely think of war-torn areas when they see this scene. Headless corpses lay on the ground, with well-trained thugs standing next to them... It looked like a scene of thugs holding hot weapons to torture unarmed civilians.

But the truth is even more unbelievable. They are zombies that are more difficult to deal with than the riots!

Han Feng was stunned. He couldn't find any words to describe his mood at this moment. Just now I was thinking about various possibilities, but the zombies were mobilized to solve the battle in a few seconds?

Han Feng swallowed, he couldn't believe that the weakest soldier in the red police could be so powerful!

Very good! Han Feng was ecstatic after reacting.

"I found a treasure! I found a treasure!" Han Feng said to himself ecstatically. Because he knew that the stronger the combatants summoned by the red alert, the greater his hope of survival.

Han Feng hunched over and ran toward the mobilization soldiers, but did not dare to make too much noise under his feet. The joy in his heart diluted the olfactory and visual stimulation of Han Feng. Even the minced meat and the strong smell of blood on the ground were ignored by Han Feng.

"Let's go into the canteen." Han Feng whispered.

After the two quickly entered the canteen, Han Feng closed the door. In an attempt to reduce the noise as much as possible, Han Feng, who was worried, even pushed out the bar counter of the canteen to block the door.

"This should be safe, right?" Han Feng muttered to himself while wiping his sweat.

"You guard the door and be alert. If anything happens, notify me immediately. Remember not to shoot casually." Han Feng issued a series of orders to the mobilized soldiers.

"Yes!" The mobilization soldier said and walked to the door, always on guard.

Han Feng looked at the products in the canteen and picked up chocolate, Snickers, dried meat and other foods on the shelves. Han Feng knew that these foods were extremely high in calories and could help him live longer than foods like bread.

There are not many things in the canteen. A dozen pieces of chocolate, six Snickers bars, three bags of dried meat... any plastic bag can fit them.

Oh, and there's water. Han Feng turned around and took a bottle of water from the shelf, opened it and took a sip. "It's great!" Han Feng, who had been thirsty all morning, finally drank his first drink of water in the apocalypse.

Han Feng took a bottle of water and threw it to the conscript, indicating that he should also drink some water. Then Han Feng turned around and picked up the bread.

Tear open the package and eat directly. In fact, Han Feng is not hungry, but it is also a good thing to reserve more energy in the end of the world.

While eating and shopping, Han Feng discovered good things - canned luncheon meat and compressed biscuits!

That’s right, what’s best in the apocalypse? Water, canned luncheon meat and compressed biscuits of course! Water is essential for the human body, and canned luncheon meat has a very long shelf life of three years! Needless to mention compressed biscuits, they are resistant to hunger, have a strong sense of satiety, and have a long shelf life.

It's a pity that there are only two compressed biscuits. More canned lunch meat, four cans...

By the way, there is a small door behind the canteen. If I guessed correctly, it should be a warehouse, right? Just in time to see if there are boxes of canned lunch meat and boxes of compressed biscuits. Although Han Feng knew there was little hope, because the canteen was a canteen after all, not a supermarket. For products like this that are not sold often, the store will not purchase too many goods at once.

But even if there are no canned food and biscuits, it is good to take a package of water. Can't you just take two bottles out? Risking your life just for two bottles of water?

After thinking it over, Han Feng opened the door of the store warehouse. After entering, he turned on the light. Because the place was small, Han Feng turned around and closed the door.

Han Feng squatted on the ground with his head down and looked at the goods carefully, trying to find canned food or biscuits. But he didn't expect that danger was approaching...

The light reflected a swaying figure. After noticing the figure on the ground, Han Feng raised his head, but he was almost face to face with the approaching zombie.

The zombie bent over and looked at Han Feng, and Han Feng squatted on the ground and looked up at the zombie. The beautiful picture was frozen for only a second...

"Ah!!!" "Roar!!!" Two voices came out almost at the same time! The two hugged each other instantly.

Absolutely can't let him bite me! Absolutely not! This is the first thing Han Feng thought of in his mind. Because now Han Feng understands the zombie's attack and infection methods, which is to bite. So Han Feng knew he had to stay away from the zombies' mouths!

"Help! Mobilized soldiers! Come here!" Han Feng remembered in a panic that there were mobilized soldiers outside, so he shouted this sentence without caring to lower his voice. I hope the mobilized soldiers move faster! Otherwise, I'm going to die!

"Bang bang bang." Push the door

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