Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 409: Return the Body

He moved his feet hurriedly for a few steps, barely able to dodge the sword attack.

Before he could stabilize his posture, the ninja warrior appeared behind him at some unknown time!

Feeling the samurai sword slashed diagonally, Tanya frowned and quickly squatted down.


The sharp edge of the samurai sword cut off several hairs of Han Feng...

"You're careless Tanya~"

Natasha's "mockery" came to Han Feng's mind.

"Shut up! Watch how I knock him down!"

In this electric moment...Tanya still didn't forget to quarrel with Natasha...


Tanya, who lowered her center of gravity, did not choose to stand up, but instead swung her legs close to the ground and hooked her back.

When the sweeper's leg swept across the ninja warrior's area, Tanya didn't feel the touch... This meant that the ninja warrior was no longer where he was!

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Suddenly...Tanya felt the sound of breaking wind coming from above her head.

Looking sideways, Tanya saw the leaping figure of the ninja warrior in the air above... and the sky full of darts!


Tanya yelled and then rolled sideways on the ground, trying to avoid these hidden weapons.


Tanya, who was already in a lower position, could not completely avoid the shots from these hidden weapons no matter how quickly she reacted.

A few meters away, Han Feng's body stopped rolling... Behind him, two darts penetrated his flesh...


Feeling the strange pain on her back, Tanya grinned and said, "No...no!"

"Luna! Detection dart! Quick!"

At this time, Tanya and Han Feng's pain nerves were connected.

When Tanya said the word "wrong", Han Feng immediately reacted. The pain behind his back was different from the "memory"!

Painful...itchy! Even the itching feeling is slightly worse than the pain!

"Report to the Korean team, the system has initially detected that the darts are poisonous!"

"Make an antidote! Confirm!"

There was no time to talk nonsense, Han Feng immediately issued the order.

"Okay Team Korea, the combat laboratory is making the antidote. The production time is thirty seconds. Please wait..."


"Tanya, are you okay?"

In his mind, Han Feng asked with concern.

"My limbs are a little numb... Now I'm in trouble..."

"Hansang, are you... okay?"

What came out together with Tanya were the ninja warrior's knowing words.

"You poisoned the dart."

Putting her hands on the ground, Tanya raised her head and looked at the ninja warrior, and said calmly.

"Yes, within the rules." With an evil smile, the ninja warrior continued, "You still have about five minutes. If you have anything to say, speak now."

The implication... Han Feng will be poisoned and die in five minutes.

"Team Han, there are still twenty seconds."

In her mind, Luna was counting down.

"I have nothing to say, what about you? Do you have anything to say to me?"

Keeping her head raised, Tanya tried to delay as much time as possible. ˜”*°•.˜˜.•°*”˜

"Me? Haha~ You are the first person to be so calm after being hit by my poison dart. This makes me a little impressed."

As the ninja warrior spoke, he stepped back, fearing that Han Feng would struggle to the death.

It can be seen from this that this ninja warrior is a relatively vigilant person.

"Stay close to me, I'm a little tired and don't want to talk loudly."

Looking at the ninja warrior, Tanya hesitated to advance but to retreat.

"Report to the Korean team, there are still ten seconds..."

"Haha~ Do you think I'm a fool? As long as I drag it on, the winner will be me!" Raising his eyebrows, the ninja warrior knew that he had a chance to win. He spoke too much for a while and said, "It's just a pity... my poison Dart, there’s no antidote, so I have to deal with it.”

"Report to the Korean team that the antidote injection is completed." After a pause, Luna continued, "The antidote injection is in your jacket pocket. Ten seconds after injection, the antidote will begin to take effect."

After listening, Tanya controlled Han Feng's body and slowly climbed down. And the hand hidden in the blind spot quietly reached into the pocket...

"Do you know what the villain died of..."

Pretending to be weak, Tanya spoke.

"Villain? Haha~ Here, only the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. These are the words left by your ancestors, don't you know?"

At this time, the figure of the ninja warrior had almost retreated to the edge of the ring.

"Oh... Since you won't come over, I'll go over by myself later."

As she spoke, Tanya inserted the needle into her body through several layers of clothing in her pocket...

"Haha~ What a joke~" After laughing a few times, the ninja warrior continued, "Now, you probably don't have the strength to get up anymore~ And... you only have less than three minutes left in your life. Want to come here? Are you thinking too much? Han Sang!”

"Really? Little devil?" As she spoke, Tanya felt the antidote injection began to work...

"I'm a naturally strong person, so I want to see...if I can get up!"

After saying that, Tanya raised her arms and stood up slowly.

In the panicked eyes of the ninja warrior... Han Feng stood up unsteadily!

"No! It's impossible! You, you can't stand up!"

Pointing at Han Feng, the ninja warrior could not help but fear as if he had seen a ghost.

"Haha... What you didn't expect is this!"

Lowering her head, Tanya said slowly.

After blurting out the last word, Tanya quickly reached for her waist with her hands, and then swung it!

"Whoosh! Whoosh whoosh!"

In an instant, ten silver wings, coupled with several silver shuttles, stabbed at the ninja warrior with the sound of wind!

"Ding! Ding ding!"

Wielding his long katana, the ninja warrior panicked and slashed at the approaching silver shuttle silver wings.

But dozens of telekinetic weapons were thrust out at the same time. How could a ninja warrior resist all this "fire coverage"?

"Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi..."

The extremely sharp silver wings easily penetrated the ninja warrior's body. The sharp silver shuttle, after piercing the ninja warrior's body, lost its subsequent kinetic energy and got stuck in his body.

"Uh... so... so fast..."

"Ding ding ding..."

In his mouth, the ninja warrior uttered his dying words.

And his katana suffered irreversible damage when intercepting the silver wing, and finally broke off now.

The dagger fell to the ground, and the clear sound resounded throughout the ring...

Tanya pursed her lips, without any expression on her face.

Walking in front of the ninja warrior, Tanya stretched out her right hand and gently pushed the body of the ninja warrior who had already expired.


Falling down, the ninja warrior released half of the katana in his hand...

As the saying goes, treat others in their own way!

If this ninja warrior pays attention to martial ethics, maybe Han Feng will intervene when Tanya takes action and spare his life.

But quenching poison on hidden weapons...

Haha, Han Feng doesn't care about his life or death! All this is his own fault.

"Oh my god...this is the most exciting counter-attack I have ever seen!"

Seeing the death of the ninja warrior, the host took the microphone and stepped onto the stage.

“The cold wind is awesome!!!”

"Well done! Well done!"

I have to say that the host really knows how to arouse the audience's emotions.

However... it may be because the opponent is a Japanese, so there may be another emotion in the audience's mind.

"I declare! The winner of this game is Mr. Hanfeng!" The host shouted, raising Han Feng's hand.

Immediately afterwards, the host continued, "Mr. Hanfeng's strength is really unfathomable~ In such a thrilling time just now, Mr. Hanfeng didn't even draw out his weapon~"

“Ho ho ho~~~”

Offstage, the audience booed.

"Okay~ Now please take Mr. Han Feng off and take a rest~"

Nudged Han Feng in the back again, and the host motioned for Han Feng to step down.

Walking off the ring, Han Feng saw the anxious boss in the tunnel.

"Xiao Han, how are you?!"

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