Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 424: Surprising Discovery

s Yangchun February, the last day. Xiaoruo decided to give it a try! Six updates today! ! !

I hope that on this spring day, this book can take advantage of the spring breeze and flourish in the online literary world. Thank you all readers for your great support! Love you!

This is the first update.

——Separating line——


The first person to respond to Han Feng was Liu Zhe. Looking at Han Feng, Liu Zhe continued, "I knew I was going on an outing today, but I didn't even eat breakfast! I'm so hungry now... I feel like I could eat a cow! Haha~"

"Eat, eat, eat~ take a rest after eating, let's go hiking in the afternoon~"

Looking at everyone, Han Feng turned his eyes, stared at the four Terminators and said, "Follow me, you four~"

With four Terminators, Han Feng walked towards the troop ship where the ingredients were placed.

Five minutes later... five people walked out carrying a lot of things, including large bags and small items.

"Lin Lan, did you bring a carpet?"

Carrying the ingredients, Han Feng looked at the ground and then at Lin Landao.

"I didn't take it...you didn't tell me either..."

Waving his hands, Lin Lan said truthfully.

"..." Silent for two seconds, Han Feng held his body and said, "That's it... I forgot to bring the carpet. It's such a cold floor... Not to mention whether it's clean, if I really sit on the floor, I will definitely have diarrhea when I go back... "

"Team Han~ Put your things down first and follow me. I have a solution."

When Han Feng was worried, Liu Zhe raised his eyebrows and said mysteriously.


Pursing his lips, Han Feng put down the ingredients in his hands and followed Liu Zhe with interest, wanting to see what good ideas he could come up with.

"Hey, haven't we arrived yet? It's already so far away.

After six or seven minutes of "walking across mountains and rivers" with Liu Zhe, Han Feng didn't see that he had any intention of stopping, so he asked.

"Come on, come on~ Hey? We're here! This is it!"

Following Liu Zhe's direction, Han Feng saw a creek.

"Aren't you here for the carpet? What are you doing here at the waterside..."

"Looking for rocks~"

"Huh? Stone?!"

Hearing this strange answer, Han Feng was stunned...

"Look for the big rock! Then use your telekinesis to move it back. I'll bring the flaming mad knife. When the time comes, I'll split it in half from the middle and two round tables will come out, right?"

"...Nah... I said I'm looking for a carpet, why do you want a table?!"

Holding his forehead, Han Feng was speechless.

"Yes, if you split the stone a little thinner, wouldn't it become a natural carpet?"


After listening to what Liu Zhe said, Han Feng felt...it seemed right!

"According to my experience, there are usually larger stones by the river or at the bottom of the river. Although the flow of this stream is not large, but... I think there should be big stones. When we dig it out, it will be just right. And the water can wash it off.”

Listening to Liu Zhe's careful plan, Han Feng grinned.

"In that case, okay!" Turning his eyes, Han Feng looked at the stream in front of him and said slowly, "Psychic power...activate!!!"


"Rumble! Buzz!!!"

Suddenly, the crystal clear stream began to tremble. Immediately afterwards, several stones from the bottom of the stream were dug out...

"Team Han! This! Yes, this is it! It can be used as a bench!"

Liu Zhe stood behind Han Feng and kept picking out the rocks he liked.

All the selected stones were moved to the other side and stacked by Han Feng to prevent them from being found later.

After more than ten minutes of rummaging, Han Feng finally found a boulder as tall as a person!

This boulder is shaped like a large rectangular parallelepiped, with smooth sides.

The two looked at the boulder in mid-air, smiled at each other, and said in unison, "Found it!"

After moving the boulder aside, Han Feng took out two cigarettes.

After giving it to Liu Zhe, Han Feng stood there and began to rest.


"What's going on?!"

While smoking, Han Feng suddenly heard movement in the water and subconsciously asked.

Han Feng, who knew there was no one around him, said to Luna without thinking after hearing the strange noise, "Luna! God's vision!"

"Okay, Team Korea, God's Vision is opening, please wait..."


The next moment, Han Feng's other vision bloomed over the creek...

"I'm going...there are fish in the creek!!!"

When Han Feng saw the "owner" of the strange noise, he opened his eyes and turned to look at Liu Zhedao.

"There are fish? Yes~ It's normal to have fish in the water."

Maybe Liu Zhe didn't react, and didn't notice anything strange for a while.

"Holy crap! I mean, there are fish! There is life in the water! Not "zombie" fish! They are normal fish!!!"

Looking at Liu Zhe who looked confused, Han Feng explained in a panic.

"Normal... fish?!!!"

In an instant, Liu Zhe also reacted!

Also...since the outbreak of zombies, Han Feng's area of ​​activity has basically been the city. In cities, there are usually countless zombies.

Even if ordinary animals want to enter the city, they will be discovered and eaten by zombies on the edge of the city.

And soon after occupying the mine, winter also came...so there were no animal activities on the bare snow-capped mountains.

All of the above... caused Han Feng to be happier when he saw live fish than when he saw gold!

"Team Han, we can have grilled fish for lunch!"


Hearing that Liu Zhe was thinking about eating, Han Feng frowned and looked disappointed...

"Brother...have you seen any animals since the zombie outbreak?"

Looking at Liu Zhe again, Han Feng asked.


"That's right! I haven't seen any animals since the zombie outbreak!" Han Feng pointed to the creek and continued, "Why aren't they zombie fish? Why can they live well in this apocalypse?!"

"Oh...that's right!"

After Han Feng finished speaking, Liu Zhe "really" reacted!

"Luna, check the fish in the water! See if they are normal!"

"Okay Team Korea, the system is conducting preliminary detection of fish, please wait..."

Two seconds later, the test results came out. Luna continued, "Report to the Korean team that the genes of fish in the water are stable and there are no signs of mutation. And there is no gs virus in the living areas of various fish."


After hearing this, Han Feng was stunned...


Suddenly, tens of meters away from Han Feng, he suddenly remembered the sound of rustling.

Since the Eye of God had not yet been released, Han Feng simply watched from above.


Han Feng was dumbfounded when he saw the gray rabbit jumping next to the stream...

"Luna, test rabbit."

"Okay, Team Korea..."

"Reporting to the Korean team, after preliminary systematic testing, the genes in the rabbits are stable and there are no signs of mutation."


"Hello? Captain Han, what's wrong with you? Why don't you speak?"

Seeing that Han Feng was silent, Liu Zhe stepped forward and touched him gently.

"Uh...ha~it's okay!"

After reacting, Han Feng waved his hand and continued, "Bring some fish back, let's bbq!"


Liu Zhe was happier than anyone else when he heard that he could have a self-service barbecue!

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

After Liu Zhe finished speaking, Han Feng's thoughts suddenly started, and in an instant, several fat fish flew up from the water!

Since there has been no fishing for a long time, these fish are getting bigger and bigger!

"These fish are enough to eat. Next time you come over for an outing, be sure to bring a barbecue stove..."

Han Feng muttered a few words, and then used his mind power to wrap up the boulders on the side and the remaining "bench" stones of different sizes.

"Let's go! We're going back~!"

With the output of his telekinesis, Han Feng turned and walked towards the "camp".

On the way back, Han Feng also used his telekinesis to capture four rabbits. Spring has just begun, and the grass has only just sprouted, so these rabbits are not very fat... but they will definitely be "cool" when roasted and eaten!

Ten minutes later...


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