Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 432: Causes and consequences

Instantly... Han Feng solved another puzzle.

That is, after the Matrix escaped from here, other countries must have sent teams here to capture the Matrix alive. But unexpectedly... they were all killed by the Matrix, and then sent to this "massacre cave" one by one!

After killing them all, the Matrix should have restored the seal on the ground and waited for the next batch of special forces to die.

"hat are you dog? hel!"

"What are you doing? Save me!"

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→🆃🆆🅺♦🅽.🅲♦🅼]

"Luna, analyze how many team members are here."

Han Feng ignored the survivors lying on the ground, but changed the subject and asked Luna.

"Report to Captain Han, there are a total of 389 special forces wreckage here."

"389... That means there are two teams buried here~"

Hearing this number, Han Feng said happily.

"Yes, Captain Han, and after a detailed radar scan, it was found that there were three energy 7 injections among these wreckages."


Hearing Luna's words, Han Feng was stunned!

Oh my god! That's right! The special forces have energy injections!

It's really hard to find it, but it's easy to get it! ! !

"Great Luna! We finally..."

"But Captain Han..."

When Han Feng was talking excitedly, Luna interrupted Han Feng's congratulations with a sentence.

"What's wrong, Luna?"

Keeping a smile, Han Feng asked.

"Captain Han... Although the injections were found,... there is nuclear radiation on the ground. These injections are afraid..."

This sentence was interrupted again... But Han Feng understood what Luna meant.

"Can't be used anymore..."

Thinking of the injection being contaminated by nuclear radiation, Han Feng muttered to himself in disappointment...

"Captain Han, that's not the case. The construction of this laboratory meets the radiation resistance standards. And it is deep underground, so it has some radiation resistance."

"Then these injections..."

"Not contaminated by nuclear radiation for the time being."

"Hey~ Then what are you talking about~ Can't you just inject it and then go up?~"

Hearing this, Han Feng was completely relieved. As long as the injection is not contaminated by nuclear radiation, it can be used~

"Captain Han, you can't take off your protective clothing now. Moreover, these injections can't be brought up. Once the injections come into contact with the nuclear radiation dust outside, they will be contaminated immediately."


After hearing this, Han Feng began to think about how to deal with it...

"fool! I'm to you! Are you deaf?!"

"Fool! I'm talking to you again! Are you deaf?!"

Seeing that Han Feng had been ignoring him, the survivor on the ground was instantly annoyed and pointed at Han Feng and cursed.


Looking sideways at the man lying on the ground like a dead dog, Han Feng whispered, "Do you know who I am?"

"Aren't you here to save?!"

"Aren't you here to save me?! Damn it! Why did you take so long to come?!"

Looking at the group of people in front of him wearing heavy protective clothing, and Han Feng speaking fluent English, the survivors certainly thought they were here to rescue him.

"Who are you? Why are you here? What is your duty?" After asking this question, Han Feng used telekinesis to lift him up and sent him in front of him, and Han Feng continued, "Also, keep your mouth clean!"

After saying this, Han Feng suddenly felt that this man looked very familiar...

After a few seconds, Han Feng finally remembered. This face, he had seen it in the video.

Although he was wearing a mask at the time, Han Feng still recognized him as the "photographer" through his eyes and nose.

"I'rou, resohe research of eic ants..."

"I am the leader of the seventh research group, responsible for researching energy agents..."

In the air, the man didn't realize that he was floating in the air until he finished speaking.

After a few screams of fear, it turned out that it was Han Feng who was causing trouble. Instantly... the man started laughing!

"E ade it! Sueed! Haha!"

"We succeeded, we succeeded! Haha!"

"Elve years! Elve years! Od did you see it? E ade it!"

"Twelve years! Twelve years! God... did you see it?! We succeeded!"

Looking at the crazy man in front of him, Han Feng felt extremely noisy...


Under the pressure of telekinesis, the man's right foot was severely "crushed", making a series of bone-breaking sounds.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!!!"

Under the stimulation of pain, the man temporarily regained his sanity.

"Listen carefully, I will only ask once... What success are you talking about?! What kind of monster did the girl who escaped from here become?!"

Looking at Han Feng's threatening eyes, the man panicked...

After careful interrogation and "thunderous means" of forced confession, Han Feng learned the cause and effect of the GS virus.

Magnesium and other allied countries coveted China's vast resources, so they decided to secretly conduct a "super soldier" experiment.

In earlier research, they used various drugs to paralyze the subject's perception, hoping to make it a super soldier who does not feel pain. But... failed.

Afterwards, they used reagents to destroy the subject's specific brain area, achieving a deeper level of super soldier who does not feel pain and fear. However, in this way, they are destined to fail again.

After twelve years of research, they finally successfully produced a virus they had never seen before in the laboratory - the GS progenitor! That is, the predecessor of the GS virus.

In order to fully promote the next research process, they almost endlessly cultivated this "end of the world" virus. Of course... even if they were beaten to death, they would never think of what disaster their selfishness would bring to the world!

When the virus stock was accumulated, they sent these viruses to various branch laboratories around the world in batches, trying to speed up the research process again.

Until... until the GS virus progenitor mutated in this poor girl...

And the mother body was born from that moment!

In short... this group of "scientists" who claim to be the world's blessing have personally destroyed the future of mankind!

Even if humans can "stand up" from the end of the world, technology will regress for many years... And all this is just for their bandit mentality!

"It's you who made this world a mess."

After the interrogation, Han Feng looked at the man in front of him coldly.

"Ors! is the orld's or!"

"No! We are the creators! We are the new creators of this world!"


Listening to the man's still stubborn thoughts, Han Feng destroyed a piece of bone in his body with telekinesis.

"Ah! you should thank ! it's , you cahese abilities!"

"Ah! You should thank me! It's me, you have all these abilities!"

"I would rather not have..."


As he spoke, Han Feng destroyed another piece of the man's bone...

"You are guilty."

Staring at the man who was already sweating profusely, Han Feng made the final "judgment".

"No I didn't!"

"No! I didn't!"


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