Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 442: Secret Journey in the City

After laughing, Wang Dafa started to talk, "How come those guys who are neither human nor ghost that you mentioned have never attacked us? It's just that we fought back bravely~"

When Wang Dafa said this, Lin Lan suddenly asked back, "Can a mere 10,000 people resist the invasion of endless zombies?"

"Why not?! Back then, we had 30,000 warriors to protect our homeland!"

"30,000? Forget 30,000. Even if you have 50,000 or 100,000, you can never defend the city.♦♦  ♦♦I know this better than anyone else!" ✪

Wang Dafa said something, and Lin Lan "countered" it. After that, Lin Lan continued to interrupt and said, "Low-level zombies are easy to resist. A little bit of hot weapons can stop them. But what about high-level zombies? I don't believe that level 4 and 5 zombies have never "visited" you."

Hearing Lin Lan ask this question, Han Feng also became interested.

Back then, a level 3 zombie could give me a headache... Then the level 4, level 5, and even level 6... Every time a zombie upgrades, it almost destroys the power I have worked so hard to build.

I can summon Red Alert soldiers and tank fighters. But what about the people in the city? What do they rely on?

Thinking of this, Han Feng pricked up his ears and waited attentively for the boss's explanation.

"I don't know the difference between level 4 and level 5, but I know that there are indeed more powerful monsters coming." After a pause, the boss glanced at everyone and continued, "But we have heavy machine guns, bombs, rocket launchers, and fighters. With these..."

"Fighters?! You have fighters?!"

When the boss said this, it was Han Feng's turn to "interrupt".

"Yes, fighter jets. There are Gatling guns on fighter jets~" Wang Dafa touched his lips excitedly and continued, "The fighter jets were suspended in the air, and the machine gunners kept firing. Da da da da da~ It was so exciting! There were also missiles~ With a bang~ All of them were broken into pieces!"

"WZ-10... armed helicopter?"

Lin Lan was the first to react and corrected the boss's mistake in his words.

"Ahaha~ Right, right, right! I was wrong, it was a helicopter~ Fighter jets can't hover, I remembered it wrong~"

Haha, the boss continued, "There are heavy machine guns on the ground, helicopters in the air, and various strange people joining in. Even if there are tens of thousands of these monsters, they are just delivering food~"

"How many armed helicopters do you have? Where do the pilots come from?"

This time, Lin Lan asked the boss Wang Dafa to finish...

"I don't know, these are all confidential information of the top leaders." After a pause, Wang Dafa pretended to be in deep thought and continued, "Anyway, the most armed helicopters I have seen once... It seems like there are five or six. You also know that when a war breaks out, planes are flying all over the sky. They are here for a while, and then go to other places. I didn't bother to count them."

"What about the pilots? Without professional training, no one can successfully fly a helicopter, not to mention the numerous weapon systems."

Seeing that Wang Dafa didn't speak, Lin Lan asked again.

"You are talking about pilots... They used to fly airplanes. At this point, Wang Dafa patted Han Feng beside him and said, "Hey~ Nancheng, you know? There is an airport in the south city."

"Although these pilots have never flown an armed helicopter, they at least have the "foundation" of flying skills~"

"I guess... there should be an "instruction manual" on the armed helicopter~! They followed these instructions and trained for a period of time before they could fly the helicopter. "

As he spoke, Wang Dafa began to speculate.

Hearing this, Han Feng and Lin Lan nodded gently...

Recalling the "evolutionary path" of zombies, Han Feng knew that it took about a week for a level one zombie to evolve to level two.

It took about half a month for a level two zombie to evolve to level three. As for the big guy, the level four zombie, it took more than two months to appear.

With such a long time, this group of pilots who fly planes can really figure out the "use method" of armed helicopters.

At the beginning, more than 30,000 people relied on thermal weapons to resist low-level zombies. Even if level three zombies appeared, the powerful firepower network could kill them. When the level four zombies came out, it was the "first flight" of the armed helicopter...

"Do you know why the tiny city is divided into five districts? ~"

While Han Feng was still "simulating" the scene of resisting the invasion of zombies in his mind, the boss Wang Dafa suddenly asked.

"Aren't there five city lords? "

Han Feng responded with a confused look on his face.

"No~" Wang Dafa continued with a trailing tone, "It's because a large number of weapons were found in these five districts. And the people who can own these weapons are the city lords. "

"Oh... the arsenal..."

Hearing the words "a large number of weapons", Han Feng immediately remembered the existence of the arsenal.

"At the beginning... we were united and fought against the enemy together. But the appearance of these weapons... caused us to start an internal conflict. "

"Hehe~" After a self-deprecating smile, Wang Dafa stood up and walked to the window, looking at the mountain view outside the window and continued, "Weapons are supposed to protect us. But these city lords are unwilling to submit to each other... Then, these people started to fight hand to hand. "

"The purpose of each city lord is very clear, that is, to "unify the world" and own everything! "

Looking at the boss's back, Han Feng could feel the "decline" of human nature... Once people have powerful weapons, they want to conquer others. For example... the existence of the "troublemaker" of Magnesium. The originally peaceful and tranquil area has been turned into a habitat for war-torn demons.

"Alas..." Han Feng sighed and asked, "What about Bo Lao? How did he win in the end?"

"Bo Lao~ He was just lucky." Turning around, Wang Dafa took out a cigarette and walked around and explained, "The middle city where he is is where the armed helicopters are parked."

"Don't think that these pilots are from the south city, but there is no place to park the helicopters in the south city~haha~"

After laughing a few times, Wang Dafa raised his eyebrows and continued, "Even if the pilots fly the armed helicopters to the south city, it's useless~ because the weapons and ammunition of the armed helicopters are all in the middle city!"

"Relying on the air superiority, Bo Lao defeated all the four city lords around! During this period, several of them wanted to join forces and steal Bo Lao's "nest". Guess what?~"

Keeping the secret in suspense, Wang Dafa held a cigarette in his mouth and looked at Han Feng with interest, motioning him to guess.

"I think... there are spies planted by Bo Lao around the four city lords!"

"No~" Wang Dafa waved his hand and continued, "Guess again!"

"Someone reported their joint rebellion?!"

"Haha~ Wrong again!!!" Patting Han Feng, the boss explained, "These four guys didn't reach an agreement when discussing the "division of spoils"! Haha~"

"I also heard that these four people almost fought for their interests! Haha~ I laughed to death!" Holding his belly, Wang Dafa laughed very "unbridled"...

After laughing, the boss He straightened his tone and said, "After the "civil war" was over, Bo Lao stood firm and realized that the reduction in personnel was too outrageous. Therefore, he issued an order to prohibit internal strife. The guards also took advantage of this trend."

"You know almost everything about what happened later. A competition is held every three months to select top warriors to resist more powerful monsters. While protecting the safety of the city lord, it is also to strengthen the defense of the border city."

"Now everyone understands."

After Wang Dafa finished all this, Han Feng turned around, sat up straight and looked at everyone.

"Well...it can be explained."


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