Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 45: The stolen gas station

Lin Lan's superpower is to imprison all living things within a certain distance around him, and Wei Peng's superpower is an increasingly fast speed...

For unknown reasons, the two of them have the ability to evolve. And I...

Thinking of this, Han Feng was actually a little excited, but also a little afraid.

The reason for the excitement is that he can also be as powerful as Superman in the movie and can use superpowers. The reason for the fear is... Lin Lan and Wei Peng both fell into a coma because of using superpowers, and the most powerful Lin Lan was in a coma for two days before.

What if I fell into a coma while using superpowers against the enemy?

Thinking of this, Han Feng was a little worried. For the time being, I can't think of a better countermeasure, so I can only let it develop. After the combat laboratory is built, let the system's black technology solve it.

"Report to the commander! The weapons of the five dead mobilized soldiers have been found and collected, and the bodies have been handled in accordance with the "Battlefield Corpse Cleaning Code"! "In front of him, an American soldier reported to Han Feng the actions of the three teams just now.

"Thank you for your hard work. Let's go." After patting the American soldier in front of him, Han Feng turned and walked towards the school gate.

Outside the gate, the sound of the previous battle attracted more than a dozen zombies around.

"Da da da!" Han Feng, holding a machine gun, stood inside the gate and shot at the zombies outside.

Ten seconds later, the machine gun bullets ran out, and the zombies outside the door were all killed by Han Feng alone.

After returning the machine gun in his hand to the American soldier, Han Feng looked at the gold coins again.

9137 gold coins!

"Yes!" Han Feng took the heads of eleven zombies alone. One step closer to a millionaire.

Walking forward, Han Feng reached out and took off the padlock hanging on the gate.

Pushing open the gate, Han Feng walked straight to the car.

"Take the diesel generator and oil drums, and go to the gas station later." After a pause, Han Feng continued, "Put Lin Lan and Wei Peng in my car."

As soon as the words fell, the two mobilized soldiers carrying Lin Lan and Wei Peng walked towards Han Feng's Hummer, opened the door, and gently put the two on the back seat.

Seeing that all the supplies were placed, Han Feng opened his mouth and ordered, "Everyone, set off. Destination, gas station."

Leading the way, Han Feng stepped on the accelerator and headed towards the gas station. About 20 minutes later, Han Feng and his team arrived at the first gas station.

After getting off the car, Han Feng looked around. "Fire axe, give it to me." Han Feng said to a mobilized soldier beside him.

Taking the fire axe, Han Feng walked towards the two zombies alone.

"Hu, hu" The sharp axe chopped down at a high speed, bringing a slight sound of breaking wind.

In more than ten seconds, Han Feng killed the two zombies in the gas station.

After brushing off the blood clots that had just been splashed on his body, Han Feng said, "Bring the oil barrels here, fill them up with oil, and remember to distinguish between diesel and gasoline."

After giving some instructions, Han Feng walked towards the convenience store with a fire axe.

Although the convenience store had been robbed by Han Feng several times, there were still many items inside. For example, shampoo, shower gel, underwear and other daily necessities.

This time, Han Feng planned to take away some more daily necessities.

Pushing open the door of the convenience store, Han Feng stood at the door...

"What the hell?" An unbelievable voice came from Han Feng's mouth.

"Damn! Who the hell did this?!" Walking into the convenience store, Han Feng quickly shuttled around the convenience store...

The whole convenience store... is empty!

That's right, it's empty! Even several shelves are missing!

In addition to a few crooked shelves, there is only one counter left.

Looking at the convenience store that was truly looted, Han Feng stood there and smiled bitterly.

"Report to the commander, all the gas stations are out of gas." An American soldier pushed the door open and said to Han Feng.

? ! ? ! ? ! Han Feng was stunned!

He walked out of the gas station without saying a word. Looking at the facilities that were only for show, Han Feng had no other reaction except a wry smile.

Such a large-scale raid... it should not be possible for one or two people to cause it.

Even if the gas station was robbed by Han Feng several times, the remaining oil volume was at least calculated in tons.

There are also goods in the convenience store. Even if Han Feng brought a convoy to move twice, he might not be able to move them all!

Not to mention the missing shelves...

According to the sophistication of this robbery... it is estimated that there are at least two small trucks on the other side!

"Luna, scan the surrounding area with radar!" Suddenly, Han Feng contacted the radar liaison Luna and requested a radar scan.

A trace of hope rose in his heart. What if the other party didn't go far... could he share a piece of the pie with the other party?

"The radar scan range is five kilometers, and it requires 100 gold coins. Commander, are you sure to scan?" Luna's playful voice sounded in Han Feng's mind.

"Confirmed." Ignoring Luna's mood, Han Feng, who wanted to see the other survivors, said directly to confirm.

"Okay... Commander who doesn't understand romance..." Luna said angrily and operated the radar to start scanning.

A few seconds later, Luna's voice sounded again, "Commander, the scan is complete."

Hearing Luna's answer, Han Feng's attention went directly to the radar in the system.

Looking at the radar display, Han Feng was a little disappointed...

The place with the most red dots on the display was the gas station where he was.

In addition, within the five-kilometer range, Han Feng only found two survivors gathered together. And the supply box... was still not refreshed.

"How far is the distance?" Han Feng asked Xiang Luna directly because he couldn't understand the scale of the radar display.

"It's 37 kilometers away from the two of them. If you want to go there, we need to walk 41 kilometers." After saying that, Luna quietly waited for Han Feng's next instructions.

"41 kilometers...Okay, let's navigate." After saying that, Han Feng exited the system interface.

"Everyone, get ready to go." Opening his eyes, Han Feng gave the order directly.

According to the navigation instructions, Han Feng used the shortest distance to approach the location showing the two people.

The distance was getting closer and closer. When the distance between the two sides was only a few hundred meters, Han Feng contacted all the red police soldiers in his mind and said, "Stop the car with me. Don't come out for a while and wait for orders!"

When the distance was only about a hundred meters away, Han Feng stationed the convoy and stepped out of the vehicle alone.

"Wayne, give me the pistol as the secondary weapon." In his mind, Han Feng contacted Wayne. It's almost five o'clock, and the second batch of Red Alert soldier weapons have been refreshed.

"Bang" the door of the vehicle behind sounded. After getting out of the car, Wayne walked towards Han Feng and handed over his secondary weapon-9 pistol.

After taking the pistol, Han Feng hid it in his lower back.

You have a gun and bullets, don't panic. What's more, there are forty red police soldiers of his own a hundred meters away, waiting for dispatch at any time.

Without any worries, Han Feng walked towards where the two of them were.

After entering, Han Feng saw a restaurant with a closed anti-theft rolling shutter door. According to the radar display, the two were in this restaurant.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang," Han Feng stepped forward and knocked on the rolling shutter door.

Ten seconds later, a man's voice came from behind the rolling shutter door, "Who is it! Are you fucking sick? It's just under five o'clock! What good things can you find! Can't you send it over later?! Believe me or not I'll kill you with a fucking knife!"

Cursing sounds came out, and Han Feng clenched his fists... took a deep breath to suppress the dissatisfaction in his heart.

"Clatter" accompanied by the sound of metal collision, the rolling shutter door was pulled up a distance of one person's height.

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