Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 454: Severe Pain

"Boom! Boom..."

Soon after Han Feng gave the order, a deafening bombing sound was heard again in the corpse tide.


In the corpse group, Han Feng's knife swinging speed gradually slowed down. The effect of the gene-rapid recovery potion began to show a downward trend.

To put it bluntly... the effect of the recovery potion could not keep up with Han Feng's consumption.

The recovery potion not only restores Han Feng's physical strength, but also restores the blood in his body. Nothing can be seen in a short time, but over time... Han Feng's decline gradually revealed.

Sensing his own situation, Han Feng stayed one kilometer away from the west city wall and did not go deeper.

At this moment, Han Feng's main target of killing is the level 5 zombie.

Although his own strength is not at its peak, it is not a problem to deal with a mere level 5 zombie!

Every few minutes, Han Feng opened the God's vision to observe the boundary of the corpse tide in the distance. But... every time, Han Feng was depressed and closed the God's vision.

With a cold face, Han Feng kept doing mechanical movements - hacking...

Perhaps the only "good news" is that if he kills one more zombie now, there will be one less zombie when "mining" the city in the future...

Taking advantage of the current zombie "gathering", it can be regarded as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Thinking of the optimistic direction, Han Feng's knife unconsciously accelerated a few points.

Two hours later...

The bright sun at noon has passed, and the time has come to the afternoon.

So far, Han Feng has summoned 500 terrorists.

Under the bombardment of artillery fire, most of the city buildings in sight have been reduced to ruins.

Behind him, the sound of firing on the west city wall also completely stopped half an hour ago...

Han Feng, who has been injected with countless fast recovery potions, is still wandering among the zombies, slashing constantly.

Fighting with Han Feng are Liu Zhe, Master Zhi, Tanya Natasha and others who go up and down, down and up...

In addition to these people, hundreds of Red Alert soldiers also took "cold weapons" - fire axes and machetes to fight.

In order to gather hundreds of weapons, Bo Lao almost looted all the machetes in the city. Even in the end, some Red Alert soldiers were holding machetes, kitchen knives and other blades in the hands of residents.

And those Red Alert soldiers who were accidentally bitten used the wild beast serum they carried with them to continue fighting and killing...

At this stage, this battle has become a white-hot bayonet battle.

Zombies, living people... mixed together. The remains and minced meat were mixed together, evenly covering every corner of the city's sight...

At this moment, Han Feng smelled a mixture of gunpowder and blood with every breath he took.

At the beginning, this was the best "stimulant". But at this time... Han Feng just wanted to find a tree pit to "let it all out"...

But the zombies were not eliminated, and Han Feng did not dare to slack off...

As time went by, several hours passed in a flash.

When the sunset covered the earth, Han Feng, holding a knife, was like a robot, and his eyes had long lost any expression.

Numbness, mechanicalness, and dullness filled Han Feng's eyes. Combined with the scarlet blood rage, it gave people the illusion of a "fake person".

From about ten o'clock in the morning, Han Feng's blood rage has been on for more than ten hours.

Perhaps it was the inexplicable persistence in his heart that made Han Feng strong until this moment.

The blood oozing from Han Feng's body was no longer as bright red as before. Instead, it was a pink liquid...

He had not eaten a drop of water or a grain of rice for a day, and he really relied on the effect of the medicine.

In the distance, in the heart of the city, in a high-rise building that Han Feng could not observe, a level 7 zombie stood on the rooftop and quietly watched Han Feng...


Looking at Han Feng and then at the sky, the level 7 zombie raised his head and muttered to himself...




In the distance, the level 7 zombie shouted a strange sound.

The next moment, every zombie echoed this sound and burst into roars.


Hearing this familiar voice, Han Feng's eyes widened as if he had just woken up from a dream! The numb and dull look disappeared at this moment, replaced by extreme caution... and panic.

But... something Han Feng didn't expect happened!

After the zombies roared, they turned around and began to leave. This was quite different from the "riot" Han Feng had in mind.

"Swoosh! Huh..."


After jumping to a high place in three or two steps, Han Feng looked at the evacuated zombies and couldn't speak for a long time.

A few minutes later, Han Feng could no longer see any zombies within his sight.

Looking back blankly, the expressions of the people outside the West City were not much better than his own.


Jumping down from the high platform, Han Feng stepped on the ground covered with corpses, making a disgusting sound.


Han Feng, who was holding the knife and relieved his blood anger at the first time, almost fell down. He gritted his teeth and held on, then he straightened his legs...

At this moment, Han Feng experienced what it meant to be "eaten by thousands of ants"!

Every muscle, every bone, every cell in his body...was trembling under extreme fatigue...

With staggering steps, Han Feng told himself "It's almost there...I'll be in the city soon..."

This section of the road was extremely difficult for Han Feng to walk.

Her legs were already sore and weak, and the road was slippery... If Han Feng hadn't been obsessed with cleanliness and stood firm, otherwise...

"Hold on! Wait for me!"

Suddenly, a sonorous female voice sounded in front of him.

Looking up, it was Lin Lan holding a three-edged military bayonet with both hands.

Coming to Han Feng's side, Lin Lan snatched the mad knife from his hand, trying to share some of the weight for Han Feng.

"Ah... Bang..."

But little did he know... The mad knife weighing more than 80 kilograms slipped directly from Lin Lan's hand and fell to the ground.

"Don't worry about the knife first... Help me go back!"

Holding his chest, Han Feng said with bloodshot eyes.

"What's wrong with you?!"

Seeing Han Feng like this, Lin Lan was terrified.

"I... I don't know... My heart, my heart suddenly hurts so much..."

As he spoke, Han Feng tightened his hand on his chest...


Lin Lan looked back at the mad knife on the ground, then turned his head to look at Han Feng, and finally gritted his teeth and carried Han Feng on his back!

"You, you hold me, just... just..."

On Lin Lan's back, Han Feng gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words from his mouth.

Han Feng knew... Lin Lan was pregnant now, and she had been fighting for such a long time...

"What's wrong with you..."

Under him, Han Feng could feel Lin Lan's body trembling slightly...

"I don't know... I don't know..."

After speaking with a breath, Han Feng suddenly felt... This pain... familiar! ! ! !

I thought of it! It's Energy 7! It's the pain in the heart after injecting Energy 7! ! !

"Luna! What's going on?!"

Han Feng, who couldn't think of a clue, asked Luna in his mind.

"Report to Captain Han, the GS virus in your body is currently active."

"I'm asking about the heart! Why... it hurts so much?!"

Seeing that Luna didn't answer the question, Han Feng, who was suffering from inhuman pain, became a little anxious.

As for whether the GS virus in his body is active or not, and whether it will cause any consequences to himself... Han Feng didn't care to think about it.

"Report to Captain Han, unknown..." After saying that, Luna paused and continued, "After the system's detection of you, it only detected that you are now in a state of separation and the GS virus is active. As for your heart... the system detection did not show any abnormalities."


After hearing this, Han Feng tightened his throat...

Until this moment, Han Feng suddenly sensed a hint of conspiracy...

But as for what this conspiracy was, Han Feng, who was in pain, had no time to think carefully.

"Ah... Bang!"

Carrying Han Feng on his back, Lin Lan had just walked a dozen steps... and accidentally fell to the ground.

"Are you okay!"

"Are you okay!"

Suddenly, the two people on the ground asked each other in unison.

"I'm fine! How about you?!"

In a hurry, Han Feng forgot the fatigue of his body and the severe pain in his heart. While talking, he struggled to get up.

"I'm fine, you..."

"Tap tap tap..."

When Lin Lan answered, a series of footsteps came from far away.

Lin Lan paused and looked up...It was Wei Peng and Liu Rui running with dozens of Red Alert soldiers.

"Who...who is it..."

Han Feng, who continued to cover his chest and lay on the ground, asked in a low voice.

"It's Liu Rui and your soldiers..."

Looking back, Lin Lan looked at Han Feng and said.

"Okay... okay..."

Han Feng didn't care about "decent" at this moment, leaning against the dirty ground. Because...his heart hurt even more!

Everyone half-supported and half-lifted Han Feng and transported him back to the city.

"What's wrong with him?! I just saw that there was no wound?! Why is he so uncomfortable?!"

"I don't know, I don't know..."

On the way back, Liu Rui asked Lin Lan. Lin Lan, on the other hand, kept shaking his head...

"Quick! Comrades, get in the car first!"

In the West City, Bo Lao had been waiting for a long time. Seeing that everyone was surrounding Han Feng, he immediately cleared a passage and called for the car to come over.

"I have already contacted the hospital, and the doctor is waiting in the operating room! We will be there soon, soon!" In the car, Bo Lao held Han Feng's bloody hand, turned around and yelled to the driver, "Quick! Quick! Step on the accelerator to death! Whoever is blocking the way, just run over him!"

Bo Lao, who was wearing a white training suit, no longer cared about his so-called external image. In Bo Lao's heart, he thought that if Han Feng really died in the place under his jurisdiction... he, the so-called "boss", should really step down!

"Okay! Okay!"

The driver responded to Bo Lao with a serious face, and at the same time stepped on the accelerator to the lowest!

"Buzz! Boom..."

Accompanied by the crazy roar of the engine, the car rushed on the road at lightning speed, "flying" towards the hospital in the city...

"We're here! We're here!"

The original 20-minute journey was compressed into five minutes by Bo Lao.

Looking at the red sign of the hospital, Bo Lao hurriedly opened the car door and helped the Red Alert soldiers to get Han Feng out...

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