Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 473: Three Days

After a few seconds, Han Feng retracted his gaze and began to think about a new way to find it...


Suddenly, a light flashed in Han Feng's eyes! There is a way!

Since the seventh-level zombie and the mother body can be summoned through perception. Then why don't I... also use perception to determine its location? !

As soon as this idea came up, Han Feng closed his eyes and did it!


Five seconds later...Han Feng pursed his lips.

Ten seconds later...Han Feng frowned.

Twenty seconds later...Han Feng slowly opened his eyes.

After nearly half a minute of perception, Han Feng did not find anything in the perception area...

In other words, the seventh-level zombie...is not here.

"I said this guy, how can you guarantee that he won't appear in front of me for three months...It turns out that he has fled to another city..."

Squinting his eyes, Han Feng secretly guessed in his heart...

Turning back to the car, Han Feng felt very "frustrated". Originally, he was confident in finding the seventh-level zombie, but now it seems...this plan is ruined.

In the next few days, in order to find the level 7 zombie, Han Feng ran around tirelessly every day.

But... after exploring more than a thousand kilometers around, he still found nothing.

It was as if... the level 7 zombie "evaporated".

Staying in the second base, Han Feng watched the engineers busy while thinking about the secret behind the disappearance of the level 7 zombie...

Soon, a month passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the general outline of the second base has been initially built.

Looking at the huge metal shell of the Allied base vehicle, Han Feng also lamented the passing of time.

At this point in time, everything is going according to plan. The only thing that is not perfect is... during this period of time, the zombies are really just like what the level 7 zombie said, and they have never been seen.

And Han Feng, from time to time, strolled into the city. Unless he deliberately entered the building to search, the streets were really empty.


At noon, Han Feng drove back to the hotel.

Because of the "accident" three months ago, Lin Lan became pregnant. At this moment, the signs of Lin Lan's pregnancy also gradually emerged.

Her originally flat belly now had a slight bulge.

"How was it today? Did you find anything?"

Seeing Han Feng coming back, Lin Lan put down the magazine in her hand and asked in the hotel lobby. And this, I don't know how many times Lin Lan has asked.

"No, I still haven't found anything."

In response to Lin Lan, Han Feng looked at her belly and said, "What about you?"

"Are you asking me or him~"

Raising her eyebrows, Lin Lan stroked her belly and asked Han Feng playfully.

"Haha, of course I'll ask you, he can't talk~"

After that, Han Feng slowly walked towards Lin Lan who was sitting on the sofa.

"I'm fine, I just read books every day when I'm free, but... I can't feel him yet."

Looking down at her belly, Lin Lan said hesitantly.

"Nonsense... He just took shape, it's strange that you can feel him!"

With a coquettish word, Han Feng gently placed his hand on Lin Lan's belly. ♦♦  ♦♦ and contacted Luna in his mind and said, "Luna, test it~"

"Okay, Captain Han, the system is conducting a preliminary test on Lin Lan, please wait..."

Two seconds later, Luna continued, "Report to Captain Han, Lin Lan's physical signs are normal, there is no abnormality."

"That's good, that's good..."

"Hey, he just took shape, it's strange that you can feel him!"

Seeing Han Feng touching his stomach for a long time without saying anything, Lin Lan simply returned his words a few seconds ago.

"Haha~ I'm fine~"

Han Feng said, and stood up with a smile.

"Ah? Of course I'm fine..."

Hearing this intriguing sentence, although Lin Lan was a little confused, he still responded with a smile.

"Let's go, eat, I'm hungry again~"

Walking in front, Han Feng pressed the elevator.

Entering the restaurant, the eight dishes and one soup on the table were all produced by the zinc mine barracks.

In order to reduce the burden of Boss Wang of the "Logistics Department", Han Feng decided more than ten days ago that all meals in the future would be supplied by the First Base.

"Brother Han, I saw you go out again today~"

Seeing Han Feng and the others enter the restaurant, Wei Peng was the first to greet them.

"Well, it's a pity that we still didn't find anything."

"Tsk~ You guys are really something, isn't it better to be safer? There are these monsters, people die every day, you are not afraid, but I am afraid."

Biting the chopsticks, Boss Wang complained.

After listening, Han Feng smiled and said nothing. Looking at Master Zhi, he found that Master Zhi also had a smirk.

"Today's suffering is for tomorrow's happiness. Kill one more zombie today, and there will be one less zombie tomorrow."

After drinking a sip of water, Liu Rui continued with a stern remark, "Captain Han said that there must be a conspiracy behind the zombies during the three-month truce! If we don't find a way to break it now, what if a large army comes after three months?~"

"But even Captain Han can't do anything, what can we do?"

Putting down the chopsticks, Boss Wang asked Liu Rui in return.

"What can you do?" Looking at Boss Wang, Liu Rui thought for a few seconds and then asked, "Do you have a Buddha statue?"

"Buddha statue?"


"No...but there is a God of Wealth, what do you want to do?"

Hearing Liu Rui's "irrelevant" question, Boss Wang was a little puzzled.

"It's OK to have the God of Wealth~ You go and worship him, and pray for your captain Han. I hope he can find the zombie "leader" as soon as possible, and then destroy them in one fell swoop~"


After listening to Liu Rui's words, Boss Wang curled his lips and said with disgust, "What a bad idea..."

"Eat, eat~ You two chat for a while, the food is cold!"

Holding the bowl and chopsticks, Han Feng looked at the two and took the lead in picking up a piece of meat and putting it in Huhu's bowl, saying, "You eat more, it's time to grow up~"

"Big brother, eat too."

While speaking, Huhu imitated Han Feng and added food to Han Feng's bowl.

"Hahaha~ This little Huhu is a beauty at first glance. When she grows up, she will definitely be a big beauty!"

Liu Zhe teased, amused by Huhu's appearance.

After Liu Zhe said this, Han Feng also looked at Huhu's little face. He had never looked at her appearance so carefully before.

"Yeah, it's true, there will definitely be a lot of people chasing after her in the future~"

While teasing, Han Feng somehow felt that Hu Hu's appearance was familiar...

Ha~ It would be strange if he didn't feel familiar! Having been with Hu Hu for nearly a year, he had never paid attention to these things. Now that he suddenly "remembered" them, he would definitely feel this strange feeling.

Shaking his head gently, Han Feng turned his attention back to the dishes and started eating...


Another month has passed...

During this period, Han Feng went out several times a day. In the places where he kept looking for level 7 zombies.

As the agreed deadline approached, Han Feng began to worry...

After a while, when the time came, the plan of the level 7 zombie would succeed. If he became the new mother, the abilities of all zombies would be improved to a certain extent.

And the GS virus that had disappeared for a long time... would also start the evolution mode again.

"Luna, when will the second base be built?" Han Feng asked Luna in his mind after parking the car in the heart of the city.

After a rough calculation, Han Feng found that it has been almost three months since the construction of the second base began.

Now... apart from the seventh-level zombies, the most important thing is to complete the second base.

"Report to Captain Han, there are only three days left before the completion of the Allied Second Base."


"Well, I know..."

After a few seconds of silence, Han Feng responded.

After getting off the car, Han Feng took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it...

Sitting in the shade

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