Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 481: Search in vain

Han Feng closed his eyes while sitting in meditation. In his mind, the previous scenes kept flashing...

Enemy country audio-visual materials, video footage of the birth of the mother body...

Details of the experimental subjects in the underground laboratory, the attack method of the mother body...

For more than ten minutes, Han Feng has been thinking around this vicious circle. But no matter what, he can't find a breakthrough.

No matter how much he thinks, the mother body is dead!

Even if the original assumption came true, the level 7 zombie evolved into the mother body! That level 7 zombie also died three hours before the construction of the empty finger department was completed!

All this, isn't it back to the vicious circle at the beginning? ! !

With a deep frown, Han Feng suddenly remembered a point he had overlooked before...

In the hidden mission 4, find the hidden mother body, followed by a half word. In other words...are there two mother bodies? Or more? !

The mysterious girl Liu Meng...is just the one "pushed out" by the other mother bodies?

As soon as this idea came up, Han Feng couldn't sit still!

Because according to this line of thought, the Level 7 zombie stole Liu Meng's body, most likely not for itself! It was for other mother bodies!!!

Especially, the Level 7 zombie that reappeared three months later had a greatly enhanced ability!

The mad knife that could easily cut off its arm before, even if all the blades were broken, could not hurt it at all!

So... this conjecture is very likely to be true... There are other mother bodies that have enhanced the ability of the Level 7 zombie!


Standing up from the camp bed, Han Feng pretended to lift his legs to get out of the tent.

But at this moment, Han Feng felt dizzy and his eyes went black.


He took a few steps and fell back to sit down...

"Luna... What's wrong with me?!"

Han Feng asked Luna, holding his still dizzy head. ♦♦  ♦♦

"Report to Captain Han, due to excessive blood loss and heart damage, the blood pumping is insufficient and the brain is ischemic. Dizziness and blackness in front of the eyes are one of the symptoms of ischemia in the body. The system recommends that you do not take any action at this moment and need to rest."


Han Feng gritted his teeth while holding his head...

Two seconds later, after a brief consideration, Han Feng continued, "Luna, make five more quick recovery potions."

"Report to Captain Han, Gene-Quick Recovery Potions can quickly recover from physical injuries, but for blood loss, the system does not recommend that you use it. I still hope you can rest for a while."

This time, Luna politely rejected Han Feng's orders.



After a few seconds, Han Feng put down his hand and sighed. It seems that Han Feng has given up the idea of ​​injecting recovery potions to restore blood...

It is not difficult to understand that before the seventh-level zombies attacked, Han Feng was in a highly nervous state of patrolling every day.

The battle with the level 7 zombies lasted for several more hours...

After several rounds of "bleeding", Han Feng's already tired body became even weaker.


With a helpless look, Han Feng slowly lay down...

Strangely enough, he was not sleepy at all before he said he would rest. But when he relaxed a little, Han Feng fell asleep almost "in seconds".

"Hu... Hu..."

After more than ten seconds, a slight snoring sound gradually rose...

This time, Han Feng slept directly from morning to night... and then to the next day.

The next morning...




A loud alarm woke Han Feng up from his camp bed.


Han Feng reached out and slapped the phone beside his pillow to turn it off.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Han Feng sat up from the bed.


Han Feng lowered his hands and stared blankly at what was in front of him...

"I slept for a day?!"

After more than ten seconds, Han Feng's brain "restarted" and he successfully remembered what happened yesterday.


After getting up, Han Feng walked quickly out of the tent. On the way out, he did not forget to say to Luna, "Luna, two nutrition creams!"

"Okay, Captain Han, two nutrition creams are being made, please wait..."

"Natasha, come out! There is a mission!"

Running to the gate of the base, Han Feng did not bother to reply to Luna, but hurriedly called Natasha.


"What's the matter? What's the matter?!"

Soon, Natasha ran out of the base wiping her hair.

Looking at her hair with water dripping...she should be washing her hair.

"Forget it! Go blow dry your hair first, I can find Tanya."

Looking at Natasha, Han Feng thought for two seconds and said.


"Hey, hey, don't! It's okay! I can do it, tell me, what's the matter!"

Seeing someone trying to grab her mission, Natasha got anxious.

"I want to take the transport plane. The wind is too strong on the road. Don't let it blow you to get a migraine."

"Come on, come on, the strong wind is just right for blowing your hair. It's okay, I'm not afraid!"

As she spoke, Natasha threw the towel and turned to run towards the Nighthawk transport plane...


Seeing this, Han Feng couldn't insist on anything anymore, so he turned around and followed silently.

Two minutes later, the Nighthawk transport plane slowly took off.

In mid-air, Natasha turned around and asked, "Captain Han, where are we going?"

"Fly back in the direction where the level 7 zombies came from!"

"Okay, Captain Han~"

After that, Natasha controlled the tilt angle of the Nighthawk and flew straight away.

In fact, Han Feng wanted to fly back yesterday to take a look. But his physical condition didn't allow it...

A day and a half has passed since the death of the level seven zombie. And if the level 7 zombies were "first discovered", it would have been ten days.

After so long... Whether we can find a new mother body can only depend on luck.

But no matter what, Han Feng had to go this time.

Regarding the new mother body, Han Feng has no news or clues. The only hope is this voyage.

Opening the door of the Nighthawk helicopter, Han Feng sat blankly on the corner overlooking the earth.

At this moment, he remembered Liu Rui's dream...

"You and this monster keep fighting, but you can't beat this monster...until...until its arm turns into a sharp thorn and pierces your chest..."

"The long cheeks... have deep ravines on them, like... like injured dead wood. And its eyes are not like humans, but more like beasts. Its body is sometimes big and sometimes small. ! Like "plasticine", you can change the shape at will."

In my mind, Liu Rui’s words echoed in my ears...

"The new matrix? Is it really that strong?..."

Narrowing his eyes, Han Feng muttered to himself in a daze...

The next second, Han Feng suddenly remembered something and said to Luna, "Luna, let Tanya do the hard work and bring Lin Lan and the others to live in the base."

Because of the "lesson" he received from the level 7 zombies last time, Han Feng had a "careful mind" this time.

The safest place I can find now is inside the base. Although there have been safety incidents... they are still more than a hundred times higher than Dongcheng's defense!

"Okay Team Han, I understand."

Following Han Feng's instructions, Luna responded.

An hour later...

"Team Han, we're here." After hovering the Nighthawk transport plane, Natasha continued, "Below the Nighthawk, this is the location where level seven zombies were first detected before the base was built."

"Just wait."


After listening to Natasha's words, Han Feng, who was sitting at the door of the Nighthawk transport plane, jumped straight off the transport plane!

"Crash! Crash!"

Hundreds of meters high in the sky, Han Feng rode the wind down! The strong wind swept through the sleeves, and the dance roared!


When he was ten meters away from the ground, Han Feng pulled out the knife from his back and threw it to his feet.

Stepping on the crazy knife, Han Feng lowered his head and looked...

"Damn it... I should have known that I would have repaired the Crazy Blade first..."

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