Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 487: Long Eyes

After waiting for about a minute, Han Feng looked at the psychic detector and asked doubtfully, "Luna, it's been so long...why don't I feel anything?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, there is currently no enemy intention to attack.

"Haha~ Really~..."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng smiled awkwardly... secretly thinking that he was impatient.

"Everyone, let's go back and have lunch~It's okay~" .🅆.🄲

Turning around, Han Feng said to the people behind him.

"This guy... can really help us identify attackers?"

After much hesitation, Lin Lan decided to step forward and ask.

"Well, that's right~ You'll know later~"

Showing a confident look, Han Feng responded. But in fact... Han Feng himself didn't know for sure.

This thing can indeed detect hostility in the game, but... it is a show after all, and this... is the real world!

As the saying goes, "The heart is separated from the belly". You know people but don't know their faces. The heart is always a "forbidden place" for human understanding, untestable, untestable...

Moreover... zombies are defined by the system as "inanimate objects".

It feels like a stone. Can you tell what it's thinking?

But then I thought about it again. After all, this mind detector is produced by the system... It should, probably, maybe, 80%, almost... be easy to use.

"Oh~ let's go~ I'm hungry!~"

Seeing that Lin Lan opened his mouth to ask more questions, Han Feng quickly opened the topic and came up with the excuse that he was already hungry, thereby "blocking" Lin Lan's subsequent questions.

"Oh... let's go, let's go."

After saying this, Lin Lan took three steps and turned back to look at the mind detector...

After lunch, Lin Lan took the initiative to approach Han Feng and expressed that he wanted to take a walk with him.

Of course, Han Feng would not refuse.

However...from Lin Lan's "abnormal" eyes, Han Feng knew that her companionship was "fake" and her inquiry was real.

Sure enough... while walking with Han Feng, Lin Lan asked, "Oh, that's right~ This detector of yours... How did you make it?"


Stopping, Han Feng blinked and began to think about how to explain...

Ten seconds later, when Lin Lan could no longer wait any longer, Han Feng slowly said, "I didn't do this.

"When I found this place, it was a military base. I... just cleaned it up and repaired the machines here."

"The mind detector you mentioned, I just happened to see the instructions for use~"

After Han Feng finished speaking, he pretended to be relaxed, but in fact he was a little nervous... After all, this argument was full of loopholes.


With deep doubts, Lin Lan said to himself, "Why didn't I know that this kind of thing existed in the country..."

"Haha~ the country's

You know all the secrets~"

Seeing Lin Lan's self-doubtful expression, Han Feng knew that he had passed the test~!

"That's right...I'm just a small instructor~not a confidential scientific researcher~"

A few seconds later, Lin Lan accepted Han Feng's explanation, which was full of loopholes.

"What about these tanks? Especially these two, they look weird and different from ordinary combat tanks."

The next second, Lin Lan raised his hand and pointed at the Apocalypse Tank and Light Prism Tank in front of him and asked.

"This is a super heavy tank, weighing more than 180 tons!"

"This is a light energy tank that can fire something like a laser."

Looking at the two tanks Apocalypse and Light Edge, Han Feng deliberately concealed their real names and only introduced their different uses.

"Super heavy duty? Light energy?!"

Looking at Han Feng and then at the tank, Lin Lan raised his voice and said.


Maintaining a straight face, Han Feng nodded.

"Do you think I am a three-year-old child?! Even if this is a national secret, is it too science fiction?! Light energy tanks, even in the Magnesium Country, this kind of tank only exists in theory! Moreover, super The heavy tank was only produced in small batches during World War II, and it was simply not suitable for combat! "

"This fully shows that you know nothing about our country's high technology."

Han Feng did not change his tone because of Lin Lan's excitement. Still that "calm and calm" performance...

"That's not allowed..."

"Come on~! I'll give you "long" eyes!"

Seizing Lin Lan's words, Han Feng slowly turned around and faced the tank team.

In his mind, he contacted Luna and said, "Luna, let the Apocalypse tank fire. The target is on the hillside right in front!"

"Received from the Korean team."



After Luna finished speaking, the muzzle extended from the Apocalypse tank turret suddenly spit out two dazzling fires! What was shot immediately were two "heavy shells"!

Feeling the tremor of "destroying the world and destroying the earth", Han Feng waved one hand, and an invisible barrier of telepathy was instantly propped up in front of the two of them.

With the previous "lessons" and not wanting to accept the "baptism" of dust again, Han Feng learned the lesson this time...

"Boom! Boom!!!"

In less than two seconds, a huge hole was instantly blasted out on the hillside a kilometer away! It can be seen how strong the penetrating power of the Apocalypse Tank is!


Perhaps the Apocalypse Tank was so powerful that Lin Lan screamed in fright and even covered her ears.


"The movement on the hillside the day before yesterday was caused by it!!"

Seeing the tragic situation on the hillside with his own eyes, Lin Lan instantly remembered the loud noise the day before yesterday...


Nodding, Han Feng continued, "Just wait~"

Then, Han Feng contacted Luna in his mind and said, "Luna, let the light tank attack. Target the woods ahead."

"Received from the Korean team."


After Luna finished speaking, the refractor at the top of the light prism tank began to gather energy, and two seconds later a beam of light as thick as an arm instantly pierced out! Point straight into the woods!

"Boom! Click!!!" .🅆.

"Chi chi chi..."

It was like a bolt of lightning struck... All the trees within the attack range were destroyed and turned into charred "carbon slag" all over the ground.

Around the attack point of the light tank, electric current "walks" around and makes a hissing sound.


Looking back at Lin Lan, Han Feng found that her eyes were "straight"...

"And more~" Han Feng smiled with a mysterious smile.

"Luna, it's the Phantom Tank's turn. The target...is still the woods,"

"Received from the Korean team."


After Luna finished speaking, the Phantom Tank instantly transformed from a thick and short tree into its true form...


A slight dull sound of emission...

"Boom! Boom! Whoosh!!!"

The next moment, a tree as thick as a human waist broke in the woods! And a raging fire ignited at the fracture!

Two seconds later, the ferocious flames quickly "climbed" to all parts of the tree and "devoured" the tree as a whole...

"Me me me!!!"

Staring with horrified eyes, Lin Lan covered her mouth with one hand and pointed tremblingly at the burning trees with the other hand. She was so shocked that she couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Crack...chih! Pah..."

Looking at the burning and crackling trees, Han Feng also fell silent...

This is not only the first time Lin Lan has seen a phantom tank attack, but also the first time he has seen it...

In the game, Han Feng knew that the enemy infantry hit by the phantom would appear to be covered in flames. But I really didn’t expect that in the real world... the power of the phantom tank is only high but not low! ! !

"Isn't this a tree?! How did it become a tank?!"


After the attack, the phantom tank transformed from the tank state into a thick and tall tree. It is in sharp contrast to the short trees before.

"It changed back again!!!"

The raised hand "points"

", Lin Lan exclaimed again.

"Just now! Isn't this a tree?! Why did it turn into a tank?! And it changed back again!!!"

Pointing at the "tree" and looking at Han Feng, Lin Lan was as crazy as if he had "bumped into a ghost"...

"Um... don't get excited yet. This is our country's high-tech... phantom technology, which can simulate trees..."

Frowning, Han Feng tried his best to make up lies...

"This, this, this..."

"Oh~ I told you this is a secret! When I saw them for the first time, I was more excited than you!"

As Han Feng spoke, he took a step forward and forcibly "pressed" Lin Lan's arm.

"What about the people who operate the tanks?! Where did all your soldiers come from?! Why do they obey your words???"

When her mood fluctuated greatly, Lin Lan finally couldn't help but ask this question that she had been suppressing for a long time.

Having been in the military, Lin Lan knew one thing. That is...soldiers are very obedient!

But... only if you ask for their identity!

In other words, why can you, Han Feng, order these soldiers? !

"Because they are my people."

While talking, Han Feng took out a cigarette and lit one for himself...

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, Han Feng subconsciously took a few steps back and stood downwind.

The purpose of this is to prevent the smoke from blowing towards Lin Lan...

"I know they are your people, where did they come from?! Where's the military status?! What is your identity?"

Looking at the brand new tank, Lin Lan was a little excited...


Looking into the distance, Han Feng did not speak...

He hasn't thought about it yet, this question... no matter how he explains it, he can't explain it. Rather than do this, it is better to keep silent.

"They are all your personal weapons, right..."

Seeing that Han Feng turned his head and said nothing, Lin Lan's tone suddenly became choked.

"Hey, hey, that's not it, is it? Why are you crying?"

Looking back, Han Feng saw two traces of tears flashing on Lin Lan's delicate face.

"Can you tell me? Who are these people?"

With a cry in his voice, Lin Lan continued, "There is also this military base. Don't lie to me... I know there isn't one here."


Faced with Han Feng's silence, Lin Lan shouted, "Sooner or later the country will find this place! Sooner or later it will find you! What will I do then?!!"


Frowning... Lin Lan's words confused Han Feng...

"Luna, check Lin Lan, what's wrong with her? Why... so excited?"

Quietly, Han Feng quietly contacted Luna...

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