Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 497: Extinction

s Dear friends, this book is expected to be finished in three days~

——Separating line——

Tanya, Natasha...including Wei Peng and Liu Zhe! They are all on the front line of the battlefield!

Lin Lan, on the other hand, was forced to join the war because she was pregnant... dozens of medical staff and red police soldiers guarded her to ensure that she would not be harmed.

"I'm willing to do anything for you...Why can't I make you change your mind?!"

On the top of the mountain, Liu Meng clenched his fists and said words that were almost farewell...

"You have already killed the person who caused you pain. You have used killing to fill up the resentment in your heart. Isn't that enough?"

Leaning against the tree, Han Feng felt a sharp pain in his chest...

Holding back his physical discomfort, Han Feng continued, "The guilty person has received the due verdict."

"But the remaining people are just innocent people. You have no right to decide their life or death, and neither do I..."

"I don't care...this world needs to be buried with me!"

Narrowing his eyes, Liu Meng took a step forward... He stretched out his right fist and gently pressed it against Han Feng's heart, preparing for the final blow...

"Haha... Obsession leads to disaster... Obsession leads to disaster!"

"Obsession? Why! Why can they ruin my life at will!"

Staring, Liu Meng stepped forward again! His face almost stuck to Han Feng’s face!

With a roaring voice, Liu Meng shouted, "Don't advise me to be kind if you don't know the suffering of others! You are not worthy! You are not worthy!!!"


After finishing speaking, Liu Meng thrust out his right fist instantly!



Liu Meng's right fist penetrated Han Feng's chest and stabbed out from behind!

The dripping blood dripped onto the ground along the small fist...

"I gave you a chance... but you gave up on your own."

In my ears, when Han Feng was dying, Liu Meng whispered...

"Then...your opportunity...will you cherish it?"

With blood overflowing from his mouth, Han Feng supported his body and looked into Liu Meng's eyes and said.

"Opportunity? When did God give me a chance?!"

After saying that, Liu Meng frowned deeply and said with a ferocious expression, "Do you know how cold and cold that basement is?! Do you know how outrageous those people's behavior is?! Do you know what it feels like to be in a dark laboratory?" ! Do you know how painful it is to pray for someone to save you every day?

"You don't know! You don't know!"

"I know……"

With long bloodshot eyes in his mouth, Han Feng whispered...

"I know...I know...I know how sad you are..."

"Haha...hypocrisy~" The language was frivolous, and Liu Meng continued, "As long as you change your mind now, I can save you. Is it ridiculous?~ Your life depends on my thoughts. You can't save me, but I can easily Change anyone’s life or death!”

"If...all this, there is

A chance to come back...are you willing? "

Raising his head with difficulty, Han Feng murmured angrily.

At this time... the effect of the rapid recovery injection in Han Feng's body is about to wear off... the alarm sound in his mind also follows...

Without treatment, Han Feng would not survive more than ten minutes.

"Again?! Haha!! Are you kidding?! Why do you have to do it again? ~ I am the king! I am the king of this world! Why do you have to do it again!"

"I can take you away, take you away from that place. Never go back again..."

After holding on for a breath, Han Feng straightened his arms regardless of his chest.

Seeing Han Feng like this, Liu Meng was "scared" to take a small step back.

"You said you were willing to do anything for me. Now I want to go back and rescue you. Are you willing to come with me?"

Seeing Liu Meng's evasive eyes, Han Feng continued, "Leave that dark underground...Leave that dark place. Go see the sunshine and see the beauty of the world. You said that you prayed for your hero to save you... …I’m going to save you, are you willing to come with me?”


Looking into Han Feng's eyes, Liu Meng didn't know that he wasn't lying!

"This is your chance, your only chance..."

After saying this, Han Feng could no longer hold back his breath... and slowly fell to his knees.

Supporting the ground, Han Feng looked at Liu Meng's shoes and lost the strength to raise his head...

"Will you really save me..."

Listening to Liu Meng's questions, Han Feng saw Liu Meng slowly squatting down...

"As long as you forgive the world..."


At this time, every time Han Feng said a word, his body became weaker.

The arms that were originally strong were trembling at this moment, and there was a possibility of "collapse" at any time.

"I can't go back..."

As she spoke, Liu Meng shed tears...

Why doesn't she want to live a normal life? ! But how can she stop the spread of the GS virus...

"I can..."

After saying this sentence, Han Feng's mind was filled with thoughts of a time machine!

As long as the time machine is built, all this tragedy... can be avoided!

Those innocent people who died can stand up again!

Those broken families can also become beautiful again!

As soon as...the time machine is built!

"What should I do..."

At this moment, Liu Meng's tone softened, and the atmosphere turned tense.

"As long as you die, I can go back to the past. Pull you out of the darkness..."

Han Feng had no time to explain...because according to Luna

He reported that he would lose consciousness in two minutes and die completely in four minutes...


What Han Feng didn't expect was...Liu Meng didn't refute him? !

"Aren't you afraid that I will lie to you?"

Lowering his head, Han Feng asked.

"I trust you."

After speaking, Liu Meng slowly stood up.

"I'll give you everything I have...promise to kill for me again!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Meng transformed into his final form.

Ten thousand rattans flew instantly! In the next second, they all wrapped Han Feng into a cocoon!

However, this time it is not an attack... but a "sacrifice"!

Countless rattans, surging with power, were constantly sent to Han Feng!

Han Feng, who was hung in the air, felt no pain at all, only felt waves of coolness all over his body!

"Take me away..."

"Take me away..."

"Take me away..."

These three words kept echoing in the fluorescent cocoon. Sometimes it’s Huhu’s voice, sometimes it’s Liu Meng’s voice…

I don’t know how much time passed, but Han Feng, who was lying on the ground, fluttered his eyelashes a few times...


A murmur sounded, and then Han Feng opened his eyes.

Looking at the foggy sky, Han Feng's absent-minded eyes seemed to be thinking about something...


The next moment, Han Feng exclaimed and bounced up from the cold ground!

Scanning his eyes secretly, Han Feng wanted to find Huhu's figure in the morning mist. But... I only saw the doll stained with mud at its feet...


Looking at the exquisite doll, Han Feng's eyes gradually moistened. With a cry of fox, the tears could no longer be concealed and slowly fell down...

Huhu...at the last moment, he still chose to believe in himself...

Leaning down to pick up the doll on the ground, Han Feng patted it gently, trying to clean off the mud on it.

"Don't worry... none of this... will happen again."

Looking at the doll in his hand, Han Feng seemed to be talking to Huhu.


“Can a time machine be built!!”

On the mountaintop filled with morning mist, Han Feng roared loudly!

"Report to the Korean team! The time machine can be built!"

Luna responded to Han Feng instantly, and her words were full of grief and anger!

The moment Luna finished speaking, the system's cold and familiar voice began to announce...

"Congratulations to the Korean team for completing the time machine hidden mission."

"When the commander completes the following tasks, he can build the ultimate building - the time machine."

"Task 1: Upgrade all main buildings to full level."


"Mission 2: Form your own force and become a perfect leader. The mission indicator is to protect at least 10,000 survivors."

"Mission Three: Find out the cause of the GS virus and seal or destroy the main laboratory."

"Task 4: Find the hidden matrix."

"Task 5: Upgrade all the main buildings of the second base to full star status."

"Mission 6: Kill the mother body."

"Congratulations to the commander for completing all the hidden tasks of the ultimate building - the time machine. Starting immediately, the commander has the right to build the time machine."

"Luna...build a time machine!!"

Holding the doll, Han Feng stood on the top of the mountain and ordered.

"Report to the Korean team that it will cost 15 million gold coins to build the ultimate building - the time machine. Please confirm the construction."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng's heart thumped...because he knew that he didn't have that many gold coins at all. But... Han Feng still turned his attention to the system to see how far it was.

In the gold coin column of the system, Han Feng saw that he had more than 18 million gold coins...

"Reporting to Team Han, you killed the mother body last night, and the system will reward you with 10 million gold coins."

"Build!! Confirm!"

After listening, Han Feng knew that this was Huhu's last "gift" to him!

"Okay, Korean team, please select a site for the ultimate building - the time machine construction site. (Note that the ultimate building - the time machine construction site, the construction length must not be shorter than fifty meters. The construction width must not be shorter than thirty meters. Building The height shall not be less than sixteen meters).

“Is there any open space next to the hospital that is required for complex construction?”

Han Feng asked after hearing the construction instructions.

"Report to the Korean team, yes."

"Okay, okay! Make it!"

Three good ones in a row, Han Feng finally got his wish!

"Reporting to the Korean team, the ultimate building - the time machine, was built at zero hour."

As soon as she finished her last sentence, Luna continued in the next second, "Report to the Korean team that the ultimate building - the time machine has been completed."



After hearing this, Han Feng dodged and disappeared from the place in an instant! Rushing down the hillside and heading straight to the second base...

On the way to the base, Han Feng noticed zombies all over the mountains and plains - corpses!

Most of them had no traces of injury on their bodies and fell to the ground as if they had "suddenly died"...

"I can tell you that as long as I die, all the zombies in the world will die instantly. I am their king and their "mastermind"! Every one of them is under my control!"


Pursing his lips, Han Feng thought of what Liu Meng said to him last night...

However, Han Feng was just thinking about it, and the pace under his feet did not slow down by half, and he was still speeding towards the second base!

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