Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 55: Battle Damage Statistics

"Ah! Ah!"

"Brother Han! Brother Han! Hey, hey, hey!"

"Huh!?" Opening his eyes, Han Feng looked at Liu Rui, who was holding him and shaking wildly. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

"It's... it's a dream... Huh." Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief and slowly closed his eyes again.

"Oh shit! Zombie!" Suddenly, Han Feng suddenly remembered something, yelled and struggled to get up from the bed.

"It's okay! It's okay! It's okay now!" Liu Rui on the side held down Han Feng who was about to get up, and kept saying it was okay to comfort Han Feng.

"It's okay... It's okay? Where are the zombies! Where are the third-level zombies! Where is Lin Lan!" After being pushed back to the bed, Han Feng held his aching head and tried his best to recall what happened before he fell into coma...

"The third level you mentioned never appeared again. Wei Yun also passed out after you passed out. The battle continued until the morning, and Lin Lan is still in a coma... You... Oh, you Go and see for yourself." After saying that, Liu Rui lit a cigarette and stopped talking.

Confused, Han Feng slowly got off the bed, holding his painful head with one hand and the wall with the other. He wandered towards the bedroom door.

After opening the door, Han Feng was stunned...

In the corridor, the smell of blood rushed into Han Feng's nose instantly... Corpses on the ground filled his field of vision.

The corpses of zombies mixed with the corpses of red police soldiers were staggered and scattered on the ground. Han Feng raised his legs and slowly looked for a place to stay.

"Tear...tear" The uncoagulated blood on the ground stuck to the soles of the shoes, making a tiresome tearing sound.

"I...this..." Han Feng opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

Passing through the corridor on the second floor, Han Feng walked towards the first floor.

The scenes on the first floor are no less bloody than those on the second floor, or even more tragic!

In the living room on the second floor, a blood-stained machine gun bunker was built here.

With his eyes widened, Han Feng looked at what was happening in front of him in disbelief. His mind has been frozen. He could never have imagined how fierce the battle would be after he fell into coma yesterday!

Passing through the first floor, Han Feng ran out of the villa.

When Han Feng saw the world outside the villa, his whole body began to tremble...

At his feet, a conscript lay quietly on the ground with a fire ax in his hand. Not far away, a conscript with his entire arm blown off was lying on the ground facing the ground. He had become stiff, but it was not difficult for Han Feng to see... In the last moments, the conscript died with the zombies with a grenade. Already...

A circle of machine gun bunkers were built close to the outer wall of the villa, and a lot of blood was sprinkled on each machine gun bunker... You know, zombies don't have so much flowing blood! So...these blood

After running around the villa, Han Feng didn't see any Red Alert soldiers. It was just that the corpses all over the ground made it difficult for him to get down, and among the corpses staggered there were zombies and conscripts. There are also American soldiers...

It seems that the battle has ended long ago, but the smell of gunpowder smoke and blood in the air is still pungent!

"What... happened... to the system! Why! Where are they? Are... all... killed and sacrificed...?" Standing where he was, Han Feng closed his eyes and quietly felt the battle. The tragedy. In his mind, he asked the system tremblingly regardless of the pain.

"When the commander was unconscious, the system automatically took over the commander's instructions before he became unconscious and continued to maintain the battle. However, because the system's emergency reminder failed, it was unable to retain images of the battle." The system's voice said unhurriedly in South Korea. sounded in Feng's mind.

After listening to the system's statement, Han Feng said nothing for a while and silently lit up a cigarette. After a pause, Han Feng searched for all his remaining troops in his mind.

"Everyone, gather at the entrance of the villa." After giving the order, Han Feng slowly walked towards the assembly point.

Ten seconds later, all the red police soldiers in charge of security arrived in front of the villa, waiting quietly for Han Feng's next dispatch.

At this time, Han Feng supported his body with his hands and slowly sat on the ground. Looking at the few remaining Red Police soldiers in front of him, he smiled bitterly and shook his head, muttering, "It's all my fault..."

Several red police soldiers covered in blood stood motionless, their tall figures looking slightly bleak under the sunlight.

"System, how many defenses are left? What...what am I left with?" Han Feng, who was sitting on the ground smoking a cigarette, asked the system in his mind.

"Report to Commander, the number of machine gun bunkers is 11, and the number of sentry guns is 1. The perimeter of the wall is 1,000 meters." The system paused here, and a few seconds later, the system's voice rang out from Han Feng's mind again, "Commander ? Are you still listening?"

"Ah? Yes, I'm listening. You can continue." The brief absence was interrupted by the system. After the system responded as if waking up from a dream, Han Feng calmed down.

"Okay commander, I will continue to report to you now. The current number of surviving soldiers is 4, including 3 conscripts, 1 American soldier, and 1 police dog. All surviving soldiers have reached one-star status. The rest are on the battlefield , and died in the mission of protecting important personnel of our own side." When the system said this, Han Feng lowered his head and smiled, not happy... but laughing at himself. I remember that I had nearly a hundred Red Police soldiers in my hands, but now...

The system did not stop reporting because of Han Feng's actions. After a two-second pause, the system continued, "The number of killed last night was 210, including 188 conscripts, 29 American soldiers, 1 engineer, and 2 police dogs."

After saying that, the system stopped reporting. Just when Han Feng was about to speak, the system started the second stage of reporting.

"Now let's report last night's results, 25,362 low-level zombies and 79 second-level zombies were annihilated. A total of 29,312 gold coins were harvested..."

After the system's answer, Han Feng checked his gold coins.

86...86 gold coins stung Han Feng's eyes.

After a moment of silence, Han Feng thought about it. It seems that all the gold coins have been used to build defenses and summons...

After putting out the cigarette butt, Han Feng stood up.

"Hahahaha! Haha! Ah!!!" Han Feng raised his head and laughed wildly before shouting! Working hard to vent the depression and grief in his heart.

"Did you hear that, Han Feng! You are a waste! 210 Red Police soldiers! Those are 210 soldiers of flesh and blood! In order to protect themselves! They were all killed! I'm sorry for you! Ah!!!" After shouting, Han Feng blamed himself to himself. At the end of the two lines, tears came out of my eyes. Guilt, sadness, sorrow, regret... It was as if all the mountains in the world were pressing on his heart, and Han Feng was so heavy that he couldn't breathe...

He just clenched his fists, and there was a hint of viciousness in his two scarlet and bloodshot eyes. "Level 3 zombies... haha... Level 3 zombies! You are dead! I said so!" Another soliloquy came from Han Feng's mouth. At this moment, Han Feng had never wanted to die alone so much!

"System, recover all the defenses..." Han Feng, who felt better after venting his depression, said to the system in his mind.

"Okay Commander, are you recovering all the fortifications? Please confirm."


"The defenses are being recovered. The recovery targets are 1 machine gun bunker, 1 sentry gun, and 1,000 meters of wall. A total of 16,750 gold coins..."

A few seconds later, all the machine gun bunkers, sentry guns, and walls around Han Feng disappeared in an instant.

Because the wall disappeared, Han Feng's vision broadened for an instant.

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