Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 6: Escape

The zombies who heard the gunshots in the distance quickened their pace and roared towards Han Feng and his team. Fortunately, the zombies were scattered and did not gather together, otherwise Han Feng would not dare to take the risk.

"Puff, puff." The sound of bullets entering the flesh rang out, knocking down one zombie after another, and the zombies who fell to the ground struggled to stand up again.

Damn! I forgot to tell the mobilized soldiers that only by hitting the head can the zombies be eliminated!

"Hit the head! Don't hit the body!" Han Feng hurriedly reminded the mobilized soldiers.

Perhaps because the gunshots were too loud, Han Feng did not hear what the mobilized soldiers answered, but the guns in the mobilized soldiers' hands locked the heads of the zombies one by one.

Finally, when they were a few meters away from the vehicle. Han Feng and his three companions met the zombies head-on. βœͺ

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"Ka, ka." The ak47 in the mobilized soldiers' hands finally used up all the bullets.

The mobilized soldier threw the gun back, and the belt on the gun turned. The AK47 turned behind the mobilized soldier. Then the mobilized soldier sprinted forward and blocked Han Feng and the girl, attacking the zombies with his bare hands. Each attack forced the zombies back step by step, and the distance of more than ten meters was actually shortened.

The zombies behind him were also approaching, and the good news was that they were getting closer and closer to the vehicle.

Finally, with the mobilized soldier trying his best, Han Feng and the girl came to the car. The girl's remote control key had already unlocked the car, and the girl and Han Feng got into the car in an instant.

"Get in the car! Stop fighting!" Han Feng shouted at the mobilized soldier anxiously.

After hearing this, the mobilized soldier punched the nearest zombie hard. After forcing him back, he turned around and opened the car door, but there was no follow-up action. He was stunned for a moment, and turned his head to continue hitting the approaching zombies.

It turned out that Han Feng and the girl sat together in the back seat in a panic. There was no room in the back seat, which was not spacious in itself, to accommodate the mobilized soldier.

Han Feng and the girl looked at each other. "You go drive!" The two said this in unison.

There was a brief silence in the air...

"I can't drive!" The two said in unison again.

"I just got my driver's license a few days ago!" The girl said this before Han Feng spoke.

"That's better than me! I haven't passed the driver's license test! You go drive!" After Han Feng said this, he forcibly pushed the girl out of the back seat. When he turned around to look at the mobilized soldiers, he found that the mobilized soldiers were fighting with the zombies again.

"Get in the car!" Han Feng shouted to the mobilized soldiers again.

The mobilized soldiers forced the zombies back and turned to get into the car.

After the three people entered the vehicle, the girl pressed the lock button. With a "click", the car door was locked. Temporarily safe, Han Feng was dragged into the abyss of fear again by the crazy clapping before he could catch his breath.

"Drive quickly, drive quickly! "Han Feng said anxiously, but the girl didn't seem to hear Han Feng's panicked voice.

"Seat belt, turn the key, ignite, turn the steering wheel, step on the clutch..." The girl muttered the formula silently.


"No! And release the handbrake..." The girl muttered to herself, not caring about Han Feng's feelings in the back seat.

You are poisonous! Han Feng roared in his heart.

After more than ten seconds, the vehicle finally started slowly under the girl's difficult operation.

Han Feng and the mobilized soldiers were sitting in the back seat, which was not big in itself. Han Feng felt squeezed and moved forward, and finally came to the co-pilot seat.

"Hu..." Han Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Listening to the chaotic knocking in his ears and looking at the hideous zombies. Han Feng no longer had the strength to move. He placed all his hopes on the girl.

"What should I do if there are people in front?" The girl said to Han Feng anxiously.

"They are dead, they are zombies. Don't be afraid, hit them! "Han Feng encouraged the girl with a firm voice.

"Okay! I'll listen to you!" After saying that, the girl stepped on the accelerator.

"Ah!!!!" With the girl's long scream, the car knocked down seven or eight zombies in a row, temporarily breaking through the siege.

"Ah!" The latter scream was not shouted by the girl, it came from Han Feng's mouth.

"Can you take your hands off your eyes? ! Put them on the steering wheel! Are you driving with your mind!" It turned out that Han Feng had been paying attention to the zombies outside the window and didn't look at the girl.

When Han Feng turned his head, he saw that the girl covered her eyes with both hands, and the steering wheel was empty, especially when the car was still going very fast...

The girl reacted after hearing Han Feng's reminder and took control of the steering wheel with both hands again.

However, before Han Feng had time to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw the tree in front of him again... "Ah!!!!" The girl started screaming again...

"Step on the brakes! Step on the brakes! Step on the brakes! "Han Feng's heart was in his throat. Han Feng swore! Even when facing zombies, he would not feel so powerless...

"Three boards under my feet! Which one is the brake? ! ! " Although the girl did not step on the accelerator, she had forgotten which one was the brake in a hurry and because of her unfamiliar driving skills...

Even if she did not step on the accelerator, the speed of the vehicle did not slow down at all after the sprint just now.

"Ah! ! ! " The vehicle was getting closer and closer to the tree, and the screams of the girl in the car were getting louder and louder.

Han Feng's eyes were wide open! He did not die in the mouth of zombies, but died in a car accident after the end of the world? God has doomed me, Han Feng! This was Han Feng's truest thought before he "died".

"Squeak--" A sharp brake suddenly sounded! Two meters away from the tree, the vehicle finally stopped!

In panic, the girl stomped on the three boards under her feet... There was a one-third chance that the girl would be lucky enough to choose the brake pedal.

"Bang!" Han Feng's arm came into close contact with the front desk of the co-pilot, making a loud noise.

"Ah! Hiss..." Han Feng raised his head and made a distressing sound, with tears in his eyes. He swore madly in his heart that he would wear a seat belt when he got in a car next time! ! !

The girl held the steering wheel with her hands, and the mobilized soldier sat in the back seat with the support of the front seat... So only Han Feng suffered a "brake injury".

It hurts... It hurts too much! It hurts so much! Can't move? ! It won't break, right? ! Han Feng thought to himself.

"Don't worry about me, you drive! Try to find a place without zombies!" Han Feng's voice was faintly crying. But Han Feng knew that the current crisis had not been truly resolved. There was still a

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