Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 71: Capturing the Evolver

"Next door, they are still in a coma and are being monitored by red police soldiers. If they make any move, they will be killed immediately.

"Help me up and go take a look." Enduring the pain, Han Feng slowly moved his body to the bed. After receiving the order, the American soldiers stepped forward to help Han Feng get out of bed and go out.

Walking out of the room, Han Feng saw the bright corridor and said, "By the way, how are the survivors in the prison doing?"

"The survivors spontaneously gathered in the square, saying they wanted to see the heroes who rescued them last night. Outside the square, red police soldiers were doing security work. Some of them had weapons and tried to attack the red police soldiers, but they were all shot dead in the end. People are very honest when they see it.”

"Oh..." Han Feng replied casually and stopped talking.

After Han Feng came out of the room, he went to the next door, opened the door and looked inside. Five American soldiers came into view first, and their vigilant body movements showed that they were on alert at this time. On the ground in front of where the gun pointed, two people were back to back, tied tightly.

"What's going on with them?" Han Feng asked, looking at the two prisoners on the ground.

"Report to the commander, these two people have been sleeping and haven't woken up yet." One of the American soldiers responded.

"Call me Captain Han from now on, don't call me Commander."

"Yes! Team Han."

After hearing the American soldier's answer, Han Feng looked at the two people on the ground again and said, "Notify me when they wake up, and you can continue to watch them." After saying this, Han Feng turned around and slowly exited the room.

Arriving in the corridor, Han Feng frowned and thought for a while, then contacted the system in his mind and said, "Can all the combatants summoned in the future call me Team Han? Commander, the title is too... too middle-class." …”

"Commander, do you want to change the system's address setting for you?"

"Yes, that's right. Is that okay?"

"Okay. The title setting is being modified, please wait..."

"The title settings have been modified. After that, the system will change your title to Team Han."

After listening to the system's answer, Han Feng smiled with satisfaction and said, "Okay, this will make it more comfortable to listen to in the future."

"Team Han, do you need to go see the survivors now?" At this time, Luna's voice sounded in Han Feng's mind.

After listening to Luna's suggestion, Han Feng stood there and thought for a while. Suddenly, a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth and he said, "No, let's go to the equipment warehouse here first."

"But the Korean team... we don't know the location of the equipment warehouse?"

"It's easy, just ask them."

"Um... It seems that all their senior officials have been killed by us, right? The remaining little guys probably can't ask such rigorous questions. Why don't we wait until these two superpowers wake up and ask them?..." Luna said At this point, the tone became a little apologetic.

"... Let's go see the survivors first." The frustrated Han Feng no longer insisted on his own ideas, and followed Luna's suggestion to see the survivors.

Han Feng's place was about three to four hundred meters away from the survivors' location. However, due to his physical injuries, Han Feng actually walked twenty minutes to the place that could have been reached in a few minutes.

It wasn't until a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead that Han Feng walked to the square where the survivors gathered.

Standing on the open-air podium, looking at the dense crowd in the square, Han Feng asked, "Luna, there are so many people..."

"Yes, Team Han. There are now 1,134 survivors. There are now 876 people in this square, and the rest are in various places in the prison." Following Han Feng's question, Luna reported.

"Okay... By the way, where are Liu Run and Ma Zhenfa? Now that the battle is over, let's find them."

"Okay, Team Korea."

After talking to Luna, Han Feng sat on the table and waited.

Because the survivors have never seen Han Feng, nor can they see Luna. So in the eyes of all the survivors, Han Feng is just a person sitting on the stage in a daze...

Standing up slowly, Han Feng lit a cigarette and slowly moved his scarred body.

"Hiss...ah, it hurts." He muttered softly and checked his physical condition.

Fortunately, most of the wounds were just superficial injuries. It's just that my lungs still hurt slightly, but smoking has little effect on it, which means the situation is not bad.

After calming down his thoughts, Han Feng walked back and forth on the stage, adjusting slowly.

Throwing away the remaining cigarette butts, Luna's voice just happened to ring in his mind.

"Report to Team Han, Liu Run has brought it. Ma Zhenfa has also been found and is still on his way here."

Turning to look at the audience, a mobilization soldier came towards this side with Liu Run. After a pause, Han Feng said, "Okay, I understand."

"Hey, let me tell you, I know your leader. Your actions this time are all due to me. You have to..."

"Report to Team Han, Liu Run will bring him!"

It seemed that Liu Run was showing off to the soldiers all the way, but the cold-faced soldiers ignored him. When the two of them walked in front of Han Feng, Liu Run was still chattering...

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, go down." Han Feng said while looking at the mobilized soldiers in front of him.

"Oh, it turns out it's you. Are you from the Korean team? Are you their captain? Take me to see your leader quickly. We are friends. It was he who asked you to rescue me." When saying this, Liu Run Obviously he didn't take Han Feng seriously. In his eyes, Han Feng was just a squad leader.

That's right, Liu Run has never met Han Feng. When they first met, Han Feng was wary, so he did not get out of the car, but asked Wayne to get out of the car and have a conversation.

In Liu Run's opinion, the first Wayne who talked to him was naturally the chief.

Especially the way he was dressed in military uniform and his serious style, he was simply the "god" that Liu Run had been waiting for these days.

And Han Feng in front of Liu Run was much inferior, wearing a civilian outfit and a look without any majesty...

The most important thing was that the mobilized soldiers called him Captain Han. In Liu Run's mind, wasn't this a small captain? Otherwise, which soldier would dare to call his chief the captain?

Liu Run, who thought he had talked to the chief, thought he had made great achievements in this operation, and thought he was very important, was lost in this short peace.

"Hey? Do you still know our chief?" Han Feng, who cooperated with Liu Run, was trying his best to perform at this time...

"Heh~ Of course! I see that you performed well today. When I see your chief later, I will say a few good words for you. Stop talking nonsense, take me to see the chief." Arrogant, rude, and contemptuous. Liu Run's expression and words did not show any gratitude to his lifesaver.

"Want to see our leader? But the leader is busy now, how about... wait a moment?" Now, Han Feng's playfulness came up.

Facing such a person, Han Feng wanted to know what he was going to do, and also wanted to know what would happen if he played with him in the end.

"Yeah, that's right. Your leader is a busy man now, so let's wait until he's done." When he said these words, Liu Run's eyes flashed with excitement.

"Report to Captain Han, Ma Zhen sent it over."

Just as Han Feng wanted to speak, Luna's voice came to his mind.

"Let him come over." After giving an order in his mind, Han Feng said to Liu Run again, "Your friend is here, you and him go to rest first, I'll go inform our leader. When the leader is done, I'll take you to see him, okay?"

"Okay, remember to tell your leader to let him be busy first and not to rush to see me." Liu Run, who thought he was very elegant, said.

"Okay, okay." After saying hello to Liu Runlian, Han Feng turned around and said to the mobilized soldier who brought Ma Zhenfa, "Take them to rest first, and I will notify you if there is any situation."

"Yes! Captain Han!" The mobilized soldier answered straightforwardly.

"Huh? I just arrived and I'm leaving?" Ma Zhenfa, who didn't understand what was going on,

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