Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 74: The disappearance of Guo Yulang

"Don't get excited. Didn't you say it all? These are just your guesses. They are not sure of the truth, right?" Seeing Lin Lan so upset, Han Feng tried to comfort her.

"A whole prison! There is not a single guard! What does it mean?! It means that there are more armed police and special police stationed here! They evacuate first! They must be going to protect their superiors!" After saying this, Lin Lan suddenly grabbed Han Feng's arms. While shaking, he said urgently, "Please! You must take me to HS City! That's the capital! You must find something!"

"Okay, okay! I'll take you there! I will definitely take you there! Let go first!" Han Feng quickly agreed with Lin Lan, tears in his eyes.

Hearing Han Feng's promise, Lin Lan let go of his hands. Perhaps feeling that his behavior just now was a little inappropriate, Lin Lan said in an apologetic tone, "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?"

"No... It's okay." Han Feng waved his hand and rubbed the place that was just "harmed" by Lin Lan with his other hand.

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"I know how you feel now, and so do I. I also hope to find out the reason for all this. The world is now like this because of zombies. I..." Han Feng suddenly stopped here.

Inadvertently talking about finding out the reason for the matter reminded Han Feng of something more important-the combat laboratory!

Without the combat laboratory, all speculations are in vain.

Without paying attention to Lin Lan's reaction, Han Feng's attention instantly came to the system in his mind.

6907 gold coins... It's not a little short of 10,000 gold coins.

"Fuck..." Han Feng blurted out a common catchphrase.

"Huh?" Lin Lan was a little confused after listening to Han Feng's somewhat incoherent words.

"No, I said... The world is now like this because of zombies, I... fuck, hehe..." After forcing a wave of explanations, Han Feng quickly opened the topic and said, "Let's go, let's go back. Liu Rui and his family will be anxious after disappearing for so long."

After Han Feng evaded the current situation in a few words, he took Lin Lan to the Hummer and said to Wayne, "Let's go back to find Liu Rui."

"Yes! Captain Han!" After a brief answer, Wayne drove away.

"Luna, report the details of our personnel." Sitting in the car, Han Feng's first thing was to ask the radar liaison Luna.

"Reporting to Captain Han, we now have 58 personnel. Including 18 American soldiers, 38 mobilized soldiers, 1 engineer, and a police dog. Three of them are seriously injured and 12 are slightly injured. The level is one one-star American soldier and two one-star mobilized soldiers." In Han Feng's mind, Luna reported one piece of information after another.

"Which type of soldiers are seriously injured and slightly injured? How much impact do slightly injured personnel have on combat? There are now two one-star mobilized soldiers?" After listening to Luna's report, Han Feng asked questions one by one.

"The seriously injured soldiers are one American soldier and two mobilized soldiers. The slightly injured soldiers are all mobilized soldiers. The impact of slightly injured soldiers on combat is between 20% and 30%. Possible situations include slower movement speed, reduced shooting accuracy, lower physical fitness level, etc. In the battle last night, one of the mobilized soldiers who was initially summoned was upgraded, but because the battle situation last night was more critical, and you fell into a coma in the late stage of the battle, the soldiers were upgraded and not notified in time." Luna stopped talking after explaining, just quietly waiting for Han Feng's next question.

"Okay, from now on, the seriously injured and slightly injured personnel will stay to recuperate. The remaining personnel... will be divided into nine teams. Every two American soldiers will lead two mobilized soldiers, and those with insufficient numbers will be summoned to fill the quota. Except for my car, all the other nine cars will go out. Kill as many zombies as you can within a five-kilometer range!" Han Feng said.

"Okay, Captain Han, we need one more American soldier and three mobilized soldiers to fill the quota. A total of 800 gold coins are required, please confirm." After speaking, Luna waited for the confirmation order to be issued.

"Confirmed. By the way, soldiers without bullets should look for the remaining weapons and equipment from last night's battle. If you can use cold weapons, try to use cold weapons..." Thinking that some soldiers' weapons and equipment have not yet reached the refresh time, Han Feng can only let them pick up the remaining weapons from last night's battle first.

Considering that the soldiers who go out may encounter a large number of zombies, Han Feng also specifically instructed them to save bullets as much as possible if they can't shoot.

"Okay, Captain Han." After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng's gold coins instantly decreased by 800... Looking at the remaining 6107 gold coins, Han Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head, and he successfully took another step back from building the combat laboratory...

When the progress bar of the system call began, Wayne also drove the car to the room where Liu Rui was. After getting off the car with Lin Lan, Wayne reported to Han Feng and turned away, presumably to leave the prison to go out "hunting".

Looking at Wayne's back, Han Feng frowned. After all, it's still poor... If there were enough gold coins, he would not be willing to let the Red Alert soldiers go out to "earn money".

"Brother Han, you're back, let's eat." At this time, Wei Yun in the house noticed the movement outside and was the first to get up to greet him.

"Hmm? How did you cook? Can you find firewood, rice, oil and salt?" Smelling the fragrance of the food, Han Feng looked at Wei Yun and asked.

"Of course I can't find it. It's all because of this big brother. He brought me something so I can make you a hot meal. I heard that you haven't eaten for a while, so I quickly fried some dishes. I was afraid that I wouldn't have time to stew the rice, so I heated up a few steamed buns." Wei Yun answered Han Feng's question while looking in another direction.

Following Wei Yun's gaze, Han Feng also looked into the house.

"Hello, I'm glad to see you again." Before seeing the person, I heard the voice first.

Hearing a familiar voice, Han Feng began to think carefully about the owner of the voice.

"Ah ha? It's you? Brother Yulang!" Before he could figure out who the owner of the voice was, Guo Yongxing had already walked out of the house and stood in the sun.

"Yes, it's me. Come in and eat, I know you're hungry, come in and talk if you have anything to say." Still with a faint smile, as if the big changes last night had nothing to do with the man in front of him.

After a little confusion, Han Feng nodded gently and raised his legs to walk into the house with several people.

On the table, there were two steamed buns next to three stir-fried dishes. Seeing the food, Han Feng, who was already hungry, became even more hungry.

"Luna, can you check if the food is poisonous?" After all, Guo Yongxing next to him was Wei Ge's man before, and Han Feng was afraid that he would poison the food to avenge Wei Ge. With the mentality of believing it is better to believe it than not, Han Feng asked Luna.

"Okay, Captain Han."


Hearing the answer, Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Luna's answer showed that the system really has the function of checking if the food is poisonous.

"Captain Han, after the preliminary inspection of the system, there are no known toxins in the food." In just a few seconds, Luna reported the test results.

"Known toxins?! So there are unknown ones?!!!" After saying that, Han Feng, who had been relaxed, became nervous again.

"The toxins known in the system are the comprehensive data of all toxins discovered by humans today. In other words... if there are toxins unknown to humans in these meals, the system cannot identify them. For example, the current zombies, the system's preliminary test shows that they are caused by viruses, and the system cannot answer more specific reasons." Having said this, Luna paused and continued, "If Captain Han is worried, please build a combat laboratory. Let the combat laboratory do a deeper level of these meals.

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