Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 87: Fully Armed

After dozens of minutes of intensive preparations, the trunks of ten off-road vehicles were filled to the brim with various weapons and ammunition.

"Bang!" After locking the trunk door, Han Feng wiped his sweat and said breathlessly, "Damn...it depends on whether you die this time!" After saying this, Han Feng touched the tip of his nose with his knuckles. Ordered to set off.

Six Saber-toothed Tiger armored vehicles opened the way ahead, followed by ten off-road vehicles, advancing according to the route planned in Han Feng's mind. On the first armored vehicle, Han Feng looked at Wei Peng and Guo Yongxing and said, "Today, I plan to take you two to deal with a guy who gives me trouble sleeping and eating."

"Level 3 zombies, right?" As soon as Han Feng finished speaking, Wei Peng rushed to answer.

"Level 3? Zombies? What the hell is that? As for using so much force?" After Wei Peng finished speaking, Guo Yongxing looked at Han Feng with puzzled eyes and asked.

"Yes! Let's kill the level three zombies today!" After talking to Wei Peng, Han Feng turned to look at Guo Yongxing and continued, "You have never been exposed to level three zombies before, so you don't know how powerful they are. So. Let me tell you, the zombies you see can be collectively called first-level zombies. They have no IQ and only know how to eat. They are very slow in attacking and chasing. Except for their strength, they are very weak. , an ordinary person can crush him with the help of his IQ advantage.”

Speaking of this, Han Feng paused and gave Guo Yongxing some time to understand.

"As for the second-level zombies... they are much more agile than ordinary zombies. They can run and even jump. I have seen a few that run faster than normal humans, but their IQs are still low. They are not a threat, but... …”

Before Han Feng could finish speaking, Guo Yongxing grabbed the topic and asked, "But what? According to you, the level 3 zombies shouldn't be much stronger? With so many people, you can't beat mosquitoes with a cannon, right?"

After asking this question, Guo Yongxing seemed to suddenly think of something, and said, "Huh? Are they also divided into levels?"

"I don't know much about their grading. I only determine the grade based on their changes in strength...Level 3 zombies can completely surpass your cognition. They have extremely strong defense, agile speed, They also have amazing recovery capabilities. The most important thing is that they are as smart as ordinary people! This guy can command level one and level two zombies.”

After hearing what Han Feng said, Guo Yongxing was already stunned in the car. He hesitated to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

"Don't worry, this Level 3 zombie can be considered an old friend of mine! This time, I want to reminisce with it properly!" After gritting his teeth, Han Feng looked out the car window and then said, "Stop the car and wait where you are. !”

After these few minutes of conversation, the motorcade had arrived in front of the building where Lin Lan and Liu Rui were.

After the vehicle stopped, Han Feng got out of the car and said, "You guys stay in the car and wait for me. I'll go up and talk to them so that they don't worry about us. ♦♦  ♦♦"

"Okay~ Hurry up, brother-in-law!" Wei Peng stuck his head out and shouted.

Going upstairs, Han Feng found Lin Lan and stepped forward and said, "I'm going to kill the level 3 zombies in a while. I can't feel at ease if I keep this scourge. During the time I leave, I will leave some soldiers behind." , I’ll leave it to you in prison.”

"What?! Are you going to find level 3 zombies?! No, it's too dangerous! Even if you want to go, I have to follow you!" After hearing Han Feng's intention, Lin Lan decisively rejected his idea.

"Don't be impatient. Listen to what I have to say first. I can command the team to fight now, but if you ask me to manage this prison, I will never be able to do it. You also know that in terms of management, you are the best The only candidate here. Besides, I have checked the prison. There is no danger. It is enough to leave some people for you. "

Looking at Lin Lan, who was a little anxious, Han Feng hurriedly continued, "Fighting level three zombies, the opponent is a huge crowd... Your super power has great limitations. I brought Xiaopeng because he is fast enough, even if there is danger, He can protect himself enough, and Guo Yongxing is even safer. Who can touch him if he activates his superpower?"

At this time, Han Feng settled Lin Lan. After seeing Lin Lan's somewhat shaken look, Han Feng continued, "Don't worry, I've driven all the Sabretooth Tiger armored vehicles this time. I've also prepared rockets, grenades, and all kinds of ammunition. The number of rounds, We can't compare to them. But as for weapons? Hey, we will definitely make them bloom this time."

After Han Feng finished speaking, Lin Lan did not speak, but just stood there with his mouth pursed and thinking.

After a long while, Lin Lan responded, "Okay... I'll stay here this time. But I can't stay here forever. When Liu Rui and Wei Yun are healed, I have to go out and look for clues. Do you understand?" "

"Okay! It's a deal! Wait until I get rid of the level 3 zombies and then stabilize the prison. Let's start looking for clues, okay?" Han Feng promised as he spoke.

After hearing Han Feng's promise, Lin Lan smiled and said, "Then go back quickly and pay attention to safety. By the way, how do you find level three zombies?"

"Have you forgotten the police dog Hayate? Last time I let it track a level three zombie. Calculating the time, it was almost two days. If I don't look for it, I'm afraid it will change its hiding place and I will try to find it again. It's even harder." Hearing Lin Lan's doubts, Han Feng explained.

"Yes... you have a police dog. Well, take Xiaopeng and pay more attention to safety. This kid has a very simple mind and is easily fooled. Remember to remind him if anything happens."

"Okay, okay, I got it. I'll keep him safe." Han Feng smiled confidently.

After talking to Lin Lan, Han Feng turned around to look for Liu Rui and Wei Yun. After explaining the operation to Liu Rui and Wei Yun, Han Feng couldn't help but comfort them. A few minutes later, Han Feng settled all the matters and walked out of the building.

In front of the building, Han Feng stood in the sun. He lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth. He ordered in his mind, "The seriously injured Red Alert soldiers stay to continue to recover, and the lightly injured soldiers also stay and obey Lin Lan's command and arrangements. You must ensure the safety of Lin Lan and the other three!"

After the order was issued, Han Feng blew a loud whistle again and called the police dog Jifeng in his heart.

"Woof! Woof woof!!" A few seconds later, Jifeng's figure appeared in Han Feng's field of vision.

The police dog Jifeng stepped on a gust of wind and ran to Han Feng's feet, wagging his tail and acting coquettishly. Seeing Ji Feng's look, Han Feng smiled, bent down, hugged Ji Feng, rubbed him, and said, "Ji Feng, go find the hiding place of the third-level zombies. You lead the way in front, don't go too fast, and pay attention to safety."

"Woof!" After receiving Han Feng's order, Ji Feng barked to show that he understood. After turning around a few times, he ran towards the prison gate.

Looking at Ji Feng's unhurried pace, Han Feng raised his legs and walked towards the first armored vehicle. After getting in the car and sitting in the co-pilot's seat, he ordered in his mind, "Go, follow Ji Feng closely. The vehicles behind should also follow closely and don't fall behind. Let's go!"

"Boom!" After the order was issued, sixteen vehicles roared together.

As the vehicle rushed forward with the police dog in front, Han Feng turned around and said to Wei Peng and Guo Yongxing behind him, "If I can't take care of you later, you two must remember to protect yourselves, especially Xiaopeng. This operation will be very dangerous, do you hear me?"

"I know, brother-in-law! Don't worry, if you can't beat them, can you run away?"

"Haha, looking at you like this,

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