Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 91: Fight to the Death

Gritting his teeth, Han Feng persisted. Dare not breathe, dare not move...

Twenty seconds passed...

"Report to Team Han! Wei Peng's bones are moving!" Luna's voice sounded in Han Feng's mind without any warning!

Hearing Luna's voice, Han Feng didn't dare to move even more! This is Wei Peng's life-saving moment!

Thirty seconds later, Guo Yongxing's figure appeared, but this time Guo Yongxing was half-kneeling on the ground.

Before Han Feng could say anything, Guo Yongxing's body fell backward! Even when Guo Yongxing was unconscious, he controlled his body not to hurt Wei Peng!

Looking at the body falling backward, Han Feng wanted to reach out and grab Guo Yongxing who was close at hand, but with Wei Peng still lying in his arms, reason finally prevailed.

"Luna, report Wei Peng's situation!" Without hesitation, Han Feng asked Luna directly in his mind. At this time, Level 3 is still alive, the zombies have not retreated, Wei Peng is still fighting for time with the God of Death, and Guo Yongxing's situation is unknown... There is no time to waste now.

"Report to the Korean team that the bone stubble attached to Wei Peng's heart has been moved by 12 centimeters. The survival rate has increased to 47%, but... Wei Peng's continued bleeding in the chest is still a fatal injury." Luna reported in detail Wei Peng's physical condition at this time.

After listening to the report, Han Feng spoke again and asked, "Where is Guo Yongxing! How is he? Is he okay?"

"Reporting to Team Han, Guo Yongxing's situation is not optimistic either..." After Luna finished speaking, there was no movement, and she quietly waited for Han Feng's next instructions.

Holding Wei Peng, Han Feng originally thought that Guo Yongxing was just a little weak due to excessive use of super powers, but after hearing the four words "not optimistic" from Luna...

An anxious voice came from Han Feng's mouth: "What's wrong with him?!"

"Sorry, Team Han, I don't know...but the system just detected a different unknown energy fluctuation. The only thing that can be determined now is that Guo Yongxing's cerebral cortex is damaged, and the chance of becoming a vegetative state is 73%."

After hearing the end, Han Feng's eyes became stiff and out of focus...

Slowly lowering his head, Han Feng looked at the unconscious Wei Peng. He raised his head slightly and looked at the unconscious Guo Yongxing...

One is on the verge of death to save himself, and the other may become a vegetative state...


From a self-deprecating chuckle to a painful laugh, no one could understand how desperate Han Feng felt at this time...

"It's just a level three zombie! It's just a level three zombie! It's just a level three zombie!" Han Feng repeated these words with tears in his eyes.

He raised his head and glanced around with desperate and helpless eyes. When he saw the vigilant Red Alert soldiers around him, Han Feng suddenly asked, "Why? Why is this happening?! Are we not equipped with enough weapons?! Are we not equipped with enough people?" Is that much? It’s us..."

By the end, Han Feng was crying. However, in this state, Han Feng still tried his best to maintain his balance and try not to make too big movements.

In fact, Han Feng was not wrong. This battle was not about weapons, nor about the number of people... The mistake was that Han Feng did not fully grasp the data. ̢̜̳̱͈̹͓͛͜ḩ̷̻̩͍̱̗͔̺̏̓͊̀͂̀ͅṵ̵̙̻͉̦͙̗̥̉̓̓͊̑̂̑x̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆̆c ̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́ ̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̋̌

That's right, level three zombies are getting stronger! Be it speed or power! But the most frightening thing is the IQ of the level three zombie. It knows how to act quickly under the most favorable environment, without being sloppy.

And these are the data that Han Feng has never mastered! If the third-level zombies were just the original third-level zombies, Han Feng would have captured them long ago!

After the painful screams ended, Han Feng gently put down Wei Peng in his arms and stood up slowly. The battle continues, with zombies dying every second.

The dry wind blows, and the heat wave in the air is no longer as hot as before.

"I want it to die..." Suddenly, the stunned Han Feng softly spat out these four words.

"I want it to die." The second time, Han Feng's eyes had returned to clarity, but the wet tears and aura of despair had not receded.

"I want it to die!" The third time! The look in Han Feng's eyes changed! A sharp gaze shot forward!

"I want it to die!!!" The fourth time! Han Feng roared with all his strength!

Suddenly, the sound of firing on the entire battlefield paused for a second...


"Ta-ta! Ta-ta-ta!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!"

One second later, the Red Alert soldiers unleashed unprecedented combat power!

There is no longer a pause in the firing of assault rifles, AK47, and 60 machine guns.

Hundreds of magazines of various types are consumed at an extremely fast speed!

Grenades and high-explosive grenades can only be described as "the goddess scattering flowers" at this moment!

Rockets, incendiary bombs, and armor-piercing bombs penetrated into the zombies one by one, and then exploded suddenly!

This was not because the Red Alert soldiers were affected by Han Feng's mood, but because Han Feng used collective vision connection and remote command. At this time, Han Feng transformed into every Red Police soldier present! Every time they pulled the trigger, every time they threw a grenade, Han Feng was personally controlling it!

"Team Han! Please stop the vision connection!" Luna's voice sounded in Han Feng's mind.

"Team Han! Please stop the vision connection immediately!!" This was Luna's second alarm.

"Captain Han! Please..."

"The system has detected that the commander's brain waves are abnormal and his mental power is seriously overdrawn. The system has the right to automatically cancel all behaviors that damage the commander's brain." Before Luna finished speaking, the cold mechanical sound of the system sounded first.

"You dare!" Han Feng, staring with eyes, clenching his fists, and trembling all over, squeezed out these two words from his clenched teeth.

"Wrong command, wrong command. The system will automatically cancel the vision connection function." The system coldly rejected Han Feng's "threat". The next moment, the collective vision connection was forcibly canceled by the system...

"Ah!..." After canceling the vision connection, Han Feng screamed in pain and knelt on the ground and struggled.

At this moment, the brain was as painful as thousands of steel needles piercing at the same time. This feeling was a hundred times more intense than the reaction after using superpowers!

Kneeling on the ground, Han Feng's hands slapped his head frantically...

Unfortunately, no matter how Han Feng struggled, he could not get rid of this "torture".

After a few seconds. "Ah..." At this time, Han Feng's voice turned from fierce shouting to unconscious mumbling.

Holding back the headache, Han Feng opened his eyes with difficulty. But this time... the previous light did not appear, but the dark vision replaced it...

Han Feng blinked on the ground, hoping to regain the light. But unfortunately, it was useless.

However, Han Feng did not feel very disappointed. The pain in his head had long become a "magnet" for everything, sucking away all of Han Feng's attention.

Lying on the ground, Han Feng had no strength to roll over, and could only let the pain come.

"Uh... huh?" Suddenly, Han Feng made a puzzled sound.

What puzzled Han Feng was that he could not hear any sound of firing or explosion in his ears. But he knew that the battle was still going on and had not ended. The dead silence was the only sound Han Feng could feel.

"Han... you didn't... wake up..."

In addition to the pain, Han Feng received the intermittent voice of Luna in his mind.

The next moment, Han Feng felt a chill in his head, and then he lost consciousness...

"Ah! Ah!" Suddenly, an electric current swept through every cell in Han Feng's body! Under the strong current, Han Feng struggled and screamed.

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