Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 93: Fight

Han Feng stood there, frowning.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network → Yan𝚠𝚔build𝚗.𝚌W𝚖]

"System, analyze the current situation. What is our chance of winning?" Han Feng thought of the system when he was in a dilemma. Perhaps the system can give some advice at this time of dilemma.

"The system is temporarily unable to analyze the battle situation. Commander, please wait for the combat laboratory to be built."

"Alas..." Han Feng sighed when he heard the system's unique mechanical sound answer. He thought, it was just as he imagined. Without the combat laboratory, the system would not be able to answer such questions.

Looking at the battle situation on the first floor of the unfinished building, the last thought was also cut off. Now, I can only rely on myself!

Closing his eyes, Han Feng's brain began to run rapidly. Han Feng had to take into account any details that might make mistakes, or any favorable or unfavorable situations.

The height of the unfinished building is only four stories, with no roof and no ceiling...

There are eleven combatants on our side now, with sufficient ammunition and full physical strength...

The zombies outside have been almost cleared, and I can fight with the third-level zombies for a while and wait for support...

If I leave now, I can wait for the combat laboratory to be built and protect Wei Peng and Guo Yongxing first... In just a few seconds, Han Feng thought about the pros and cons carefully.

Suddenly, Han Feng opened his eyes! He made the final decision! He said, "System! Retreat the sentry guns! Summon 10 American soldiers! Today, fight!"

That's right, Han Feng's final decision is to continue fighting! Even if there is no sentry gun for support.

The reason why Han Feng made this decision is that first, both the Red Alert soldiers outside and in the unfinished building have sufficient ammunition. Although there are no weapons of mass destruction, there are still many conventional guns and ammunition.

Second, after so long of killing, the "little brothers" of the third-level zombies have been killed or injured! If you give up now, the alert level 3 zombies will definitely summon more low-level zombies around you in the future! At that time, it will not be so easy to kill level 3 zombies.

Third, you can summon Red Alert soldiers to fight, and they will only become more and more fierce! On the other hand, level 3 zombies are at the end of their rope! If you don't kill them now, when will you? !

Fourth, and the most critical point! That is, if you withdraw this time, it will be difficult to find level 3 zombies next time!

As for Wei Peng and Guo Yongxing... Han Feng has no better way now. The combat laboratory has not been built, so he can only wait...

"The sentry gun has been withdrawn, and the commander will be returned 5,000 gold coins. It takes 5,000 gold coins to summon 10 American soldiers, please confirm."

"Confirm!" Han Feng said firmly.

"The system is summoning, please wait..."

After the system finished speaking, it began to summon American soldiers.

After handling all matters, Han Feng looked at the first floor again and found that there were fewer zombies. But what surprised Han Feng was that the zombies on the second floor did not seem to rush down, but just stood quietly on the second floor. It seemed that they were waiting for him to go upstairs.

Seeing this scene, Han Feng smiled contemptuously and said, "Haha, it seems that you are afraid of death?! Zombies are zombies! Even if they have evolved, they are still stupid! If you all rush down together, maybe I won't be so easy. But you actually let them stay still? Doesn't that mean I can kill them one by one?!"

In order not to disappoint the kindness of the third-level zombies, Han Feng ordered, "Speed ​​up the attack! Quick!"

After saying this, Han Feng also raised the assault rifle in his hand and joined the killing team. The newly summoned American soldiers also joined the battle one after another.

After several minutes of fierce fighting, the zombies on the first floor had been killed.

Han Feng gently raised his legs, and the sound of "ding ding dang dang" came from his feet. It turned out that there was a thick layer of shells, and as long as there was a slight movement, the shells would scatter and roll down...

At this time, the first floor of the unfinished building was filled with a strong smell of blood mixed with the pungent smell of gunpowder. Han Feng, covering his nose, looked around and confirmed the "phased" victory at the moment.

Looking at the twenty Red Alert soldiers beside him, Han Feng slowly led the team towards the stairs leading to the second floor.

Raising his hand, Han Feng pointed to the second floor and said, "High-explosive grenade."

As soon as the voice fell, two one-star American soldiers quickened their pace and arrived at the staircase before Han Feng. Pull the pull ring of the high-explosive grenade and throw it up with all your strength!

The high-explosive grenade hit the ceiling of the second floor, and the sound of the collision was crisp. The two one-star American soldiers quickly retreated to a safe area.

"Boom! Boom!" Two seconds later, the two high-explosive grenades exploded one after another. The huge explosion shook the ceiling of the first floor and caused a lot of dust to fall off...

"Ahem..." Covering his mouth and nose, Han Feng squinted his eyes and looked at the entrance of the corridor. No zombies rushed down, and no counterattacks from the third-level zombies were seen.

"Winter Soldier, lead the troops up! The four of you prepare for the grenade attack! Wayne, you lead the rear support, as long as the zombies approach, attack immediately! All combatants, always pay attention to the third-level zombies! Always stay alert!"

The battle has already come here. There is no trace of the third-level zombies. Is it a conspiracy? Is it cowardice? Or a plan? The actions of the third-level zombies made Han Feng confused, and he could only issue combat orders cautiously.

Watching the seven one-star Red Alert combat elites advance alternately, Han Feng regretted it a little. If Lin Lan was here now, maybe the battle would be much easier. It's a pity... But now is not the time to tangle with these issues.

"Boom! Boom!"

While Han Feng was still considering the next deployment, the battle at the stairs had already started!

According to Han Feng's instructions, the four mobilized soldiers, led by Winter Soldier, successfully climbed to the second floor. As soon as they got upstairs, the four mobilized soldiers threw the grenades in their hands in all directions.

After the grenade exploded, before the dust settled, Wayne rushed up with the American soldiers and fought side by side with Winter Soldier and others.

"Da Da! Da Da!" The fierce sound of firing rang out again.

"Let's go!" Downstairs, Han Feng led ten American soldiers to the stairs.

The first thing Han Feng did after climbing the stairs was to look around and try to find the traces of the third-level zombies.

Unfortunately, there were so many zombies on the second floor that Han Feng could not distinguish them carefully. In particular, there were dense firing sounds and muzzles with flames bursting out in his ears, which undoubtedly hindered Han Feng's observation.

Because the battle started a little suddenly, Han Feng's combat area was a little narrow, resulting in no combat position for the American soldiers in the back. In a critical situation, Han Feng ordered, "Move forward! Expand the battle area! Let more people come up!"

After receiving the order, the American soldiers and mobilized soldiers in the front row began to move.

"Swoosh!" Just as the Red Alert soldiers moved forward, a sudden change occurred! The figure of the third-level zombie suddenly rushed out of the zombie group!

The third-level zombie couldn't wait any longer. As the battlefield was gradually eaten up by Han Feng, the territory left for the third-level zombie was getting smaller and smaller. While Han Feng and his men had not come up on the first floor and the firepower had not reached its peak. The third-level zombie decided to take a gamble...

Since Han Feng was in the protection circle of the Red Alert soldiers, the third-level zombie did not regard Han Feng as the first target, but a mobilized soldier in front of him. When Han Feng saw the third-level zombie rushing out of the zombie group, it was too late to give orders...

In an instant, the mobilized soldier in front of Han Feng was abducted!

Due to the position, Han Feng could clearly see that the one-star mobilized soldier in the air was still desperately attacking the legs of the third-level zombie with an AK47.

Unfortunately... the mobilized soldier could not adjust his position to attack the head of the third-level zombie. After landing, Han Feng could no longer see the figure of the third-level zombie. The radar showed that the mobilized soldier just now was dead...

Everything happened so suddenly. Until this time, all the American soldiers behind Han Feng climbed to the second floor.

Han Feng stood in place, trying his best to control his emotions. That was a one-star mobilized soldier! I don’t know how many battles it takes to produce a one-star Red Alert soldier!

"Hu... Hu..." Taking a few deep breaths, Han Feng suppressed the strong hatred in his heart.

"High-explosive grenade! Blow it up! Clear the field!!"

Han Feng's order was issued, and the three American soldiers stopped attacking. After pulling the high-explosive grenade from his chest, he pulled the ring and quickly threw it into the zombie group in the distance.

"Woo~Woo~!" As soon as the high-explosive grenade was released, the strange humming sound of the third-level zombies began to sound.

This strange sound was different from the previous ones. It seemed to be aimed at Han Feng and others, because the zombies did not riot because of the strange sound.

"Ah..." Han Feng insisted on firing with one hand and covering his ears with the other hand due to the unbearable pain in his head. But it was useless... The sound seemed to penetrate all obstacles and pierce directly into Han Feng's weak brain.

Not only Han Feng, but also the mobilized soldiers and American soldiers were hit! One by one, they half-knelt on the ground and fired with difficulty. It was also thanks to the well-trained Red Alert soldiers summoned by Han Feng, otherwise ordinary people would not be able to stand in such an environment.

"Boom! Boom!" At this time, the three high-explosive grenades exploded! The explosion of the high-explosive grenade interrupted the humming sound of the third-level zombies, and Han Feng was temporarily saved.

"Luna, what's that sound? Why is it like this?" Standing up from the ground, Han Feng's first thing was to figure out what the sound was.

"Sorry, Captain Han... The system cannot analyze it for the time being. However, according to the system's preliminary detection, it should be some kind of sonic attack, or a method similar to sonic attack. For more specific information, please wait for the combat laboratory to be built before conducting research."

While listening to Luna's report, Han Feng tried his best to find the figure of the third-level zombie. Finally, the heavens paid off! Han Feng really saw the third-level zombie!

"Sonic attack?" Han Feng responded to Luna while staring at the third-level zombie.

"Not sure, because the system cannot do a deeper study." Luna answered Han Feng in an apologetic tone.

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