Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1021: Portable Missile

The aliens on Na'vi suffered serious losses. The communication was interrupted and the spacecraft was destroyed. It took two days to repair the air converter, which almost suffocated a group of people. The entire main base seemed to have been trampled by a giant beast. Fortunately, a large amount of supplies were transported from several other sub-bases to repair the main base and make it barely usable. The aliens were angry and retaliated against the Na'vi. The Na'vi had to stay away from the aliens...

The magic cube repaired the abdominal machinery and made some individual weapons. The spacecraft and armed helicopter missiles were large and heavy, but they were just right for the three-meter-tall Na'vi. The magic cube converted the missiles into portable individual shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft missiles.

This type of individual anti-aircraft weapon, which was once popular on Earth, was simple, rough and durable to operate. The flexible Na'vi could sneak into the front line with anti-aircraft missiles on their backs and hide and wait for sneak attacks.

In the forest, a Na'vi warrior was cautiously approaching the area where aircraft often appeared...

In addition to the bow and arrow, this Na'vi warrior also carried a missile placed in a simple launch tube. He came to the bank of a river and carefully hid behind a rock. He half-knelt on the ground, took out a portable anti-aircraft missile and carried it on his shoulder. He opened the sight and waited motionlessly, like a venomous snake waiting for prey!

In fact, this Na'vi warrior had no idea whether he could hit those aircraft. The anger brought by the invasion for a long time supported him to ambush here.

The Na'vi warrior carried the anti-aircraft missile motionlessly, and there was nothing in the sky in the sight lens...

After nearly half an hour.

A special sound from the aircraft came from the sky above the forest in the distance. The hateful sound could be clearly heard by the Na'vi even from a distance. Many Na'vi died under the strafing of those aircraft. The Na'vi warrior gritted his teeth and motionlessly handed his life to the thing on his shoulder that was said to be called a portable shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile!

A small black dot appeared, flying quickly over the river. The Na'vi warriors could even see the aliens operating the guns on the side of the aircraft. The two small squares on the transparent lens were quickly following the movement of the aircraft. The Na'vi warriors remembered that they had been told during training that as long as the two small squares overlapped and flashed, they could pull the trigger!

The aircraft was approaching...

Suddenly, the two pilots in the cockpit found that the warning lights were flashing, as if some weapon was locking the aircraft! The two pilots were so scared that they shouted and looked around.

"We are locked! There are no enemy aircraft behind us!"

"Damn, are our stupid teammates joking with us! How could those blue monkeys lock us with bows and arrows?"

While the two pilots were searching for enemy aircraft, the Na'vi warriors pulled the trigger...

Teng~! The missile was ejected and ignited in the air, dragging a white smoke trail and drawing an arc straight to the oncoming aircraft in the sky! After launching according to the training process, the Na'vi warriors carried the launcher into the forest to transfer positions, and while running, they looked back excitedly and watched the missile climb to a higher altitude and rush towards the hateful aircraft!

"In front..."

The pilot quickly maneuvered the aircraft to one side, and the slender missile appeared almost instantly on the side of the aircraft engine. Just as it was about to pass by and fail to hit, the missile suddenly exploded!

Boom! !

In slow motion, the aircraft cockpit glass was hit by the shock wave and then turned white and finally turned into debris flying towards the two pilots. At the same time, the engine was deformed by the shock wave, and dense shrapnel penetrated the thin skin of the aircraft and drilled into the skin to cause crazy damage...

The Na'vi warriors in the forest on the ground saw that the abominable aircraft began to smoke after the explosion and circled and fell to the water surface. They could really shoot down those abominable aircraft! The aircraft fell into the water and bounced twice on the water surface before breaking into several pieces and sinking into the river. The smoke marks in the sky were still there. It felt like a dream. The Na'vi warriors showed their fangs, screamed excitedly, and jumped flexibly to run away.

When Nisha excitedly told the Cube the news, the Cube simply said "oh". If you can't hit a low-altitude aircraft by hiding in a forest of trees over 100 meters high and firing portable missiles, then what's the point of living? It's like holding a submachine gun and shooting at someone squatting in a toilet cubicle. If you can't hit it, just throw the gun away and eat shit.

"Don't get excited too early. There are not many missiles in stock. If you use them up, just use guns. Oh, by the way, there are also limited bullets for guns. You can do whatever you want."

The Cube poured a basin of cold water at the right time, and it was still ice-cold.

"What should we do if we have no missiles and no bullets?"

"Simple, just chop them with a knife. Anyway, they are all cellular organisms and cannot withstand cutting with sharp weapons. What you need to do now is not to destroy them but to compress the range of their aircraft activities near their base."

The Rubik's Cube is installing and repairing machinery in the forest. It is a spacecraft communicator. The Rubik's Cube does not ask to send the signal back to the fleet, but only asks that the next time there is a spacecraft, it will not crash into the mountain again along the route. The spacecraft crashed and the communication equipment was smashed to pieces. Now it is more like picking up scraps from the scrap pile to make equipment.

The manipulator grabbed a severely damaged rectifier device, looked at it, flipped it over and threw it behind his head and continued to pick...


For three consecutive days, a total of six aircraft were shot down. The unusual situation attracted the attention of the aliens. The other side had no large troops or large equipment, just two blue-skinned Na'vi who ran away after the fight. It was conceivable how difficult it would be to track two Na'vi in ​​a forest with trees two or three hundred meters high. Every sneak attack would shoot down an aircraft, which made people panic and had to reduce the patrol range and increase ground troops. The situation began to develop as the Rubik's Cube expected, and the other side retreated to the vicinity of the mine.

When he is bored, Rubik's Cube will fly an armed reconnaissance helicopter to fight against the autumn wind. In aerial dogfights, he will shoot down opponents with machine guns, but during the firefight, Rubik's Cube will try to stay away from those tall cliffs.

In the sky, Nisha is riding on Ikaran's back, next to a propeller-armed reconnaissance helicopter.

"There are two aircraft 20 kilometers ahead! I'll attack from the side, and you charge from the sky and shoot their cockpits!" Rubik's Cube used the communicator to assign tasks to Nisha.

Nisha raised the gun in her hand to indicate understanding. Ikaran flapped her wings to increase altitude and flew high into the sky. Rubik's Cube turned on electronic interference to prevent the other party from discovering Nisha in the sky. After debugging the weapon system, he went straight to the two aircraft...

Two aircraft were patrolling near a valley. When electronic interference appeared, the pilots became more vigilant. Because there were no mineral veins and no interference occurred during regular patrols here. When interference suddenly appeared, even the Na'vi people did not believe it and said it was okay. The pilots searched everywhere for the target. They didn't notice an armed reconnaissance helicopter approaching quickly from the treetops in the distance...

The propeller passed over the treetops, and the landing gear scraped off a layer of leaves, causing several six-armed lemurs to squeak in fright. The ferocious black cannon under the nose of the aircraft kept locking the position of the two aircraft!

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