Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1024: Gene Warrior

Flames, black smoke, the mines seemed to have turned into craters of hell. Giant vehicles that were set on fire emitted dull explosions. Many aliens and humans ran to avoid them. Some people were covered in fire and howling and rolling. Hatred, killing, and the Rubik's Cube looked at the scene in front of them and they didn't know. What should I say? Seeing that the vehicles were almost destroyed, quickly let the red-eyed Na'vi warriors retreat.

"Everyone retreat! Retreat immediately!"

After receiving the news, the Na'vi soldiers immediately went into the forest to join together. Rubik's Cube killed several alien soldiers who wanted to pursue them and followed them into the forest.

"The Rubik's Cube... a soldier who blew up cars on the road was injured and caught!" Nisha shouted from the communicator.

Rubik's Cube secretly cursed. In military operations, he is not afraid of being shot but also of being captured. Once captured, all the initiative will be in the hands of others. Anyway, the problem must be solved today. The longer it is delayed, the more troublesome it will be. Thinking of this, Rubik's Cube turned around and ran away. Head toward the dirt road to find the captured Na'vi warrior.

"If possible, I will kill that soldier. I hope you don't mind. At least this way he will suffer less." The dull mechanical voice of the Rubik's Cube reached the ears of many Na'vi warriors through the communicator.

The communicator goes silent for a few seconds.

"I am his brother. Please help me kill my brother. You must... kill him..."

You could hear the Na'vi warrior on the other side of the communicator choked up. After Rubik's Cube sighed, it would be the best ending if he was killed by him soon. Otherwise, those alien humans would have the ability to torture him and not die. , it is better to be shot to death quickly than to die in pain.

He ran quickly to the hill near the dirt road, took out his firearm and switched to the anti-material sniper rifle mode. The laser might be more accurate, but the laser could not completely shatter the brain. To be on the safe side, the Rubik's Cube decided to smash the Na'vi warrior's head!

Opening the bracket and opening the sight, the Rubik's Cube lay on the hill and aimed at the opponent's soldiers down the hill.

The cross sight swayed around, and finally I found a blue-skinned Na'vi warrior next to an off-road vehicle. To prevent his escape, his arms and legs were broken by firearms. A wire penetrated his shoulders and was tied to the car door. Among those In the eyes of aliens, the Na'vi are just a kind of blue-skinned monkeys, just a group of animals. There is no psychological burden at all on hunting and so on, and it is normal to torture them at will.

Wow! The manipulator pulled the bolt to push the anti-material sniper bullet into the gun chamber, and locked the Na'vi warrior in the center of the cross...

Just when his finger was about to pull the trigger, suddenly a figure appeared in the sight. It was a fat middle-aged man. He seemed to be questioning the Na'vi warrior. The Rubik's Cube calculated the position of the Na'vi warrior's head and found that it was exactly the same as the middle-aged man. The man's abdomen overlaps. If this is the case... then let's take away one more enemy along the way.


The grass blades in front of the muzzle and on both sides shook violently, and the sniper bullets spun out of the barrel and flew into the distance...

The middle-aged man was smiling and asking questions, as if he didn't care that the mine was destroyed. Suddenly! The whole person flew upside down in the air and flew to one side. The middle-aged man saw the other side of his legs appearing and the Na'vi head exploded. His long blue-skinned arms fell to the ground helplessly...

In the forest in the distance, a Na'vi warrior gritted his teeth and looked in the direction of the Na'vi warrior whose head was shot...

The armed men on the dirt road shouted and aimed at the hills and opened fire. The Rubik's Cube retracted its holder and turned around with the gun on its back and walked into the forest. The dust behind them was flying from the bullets.

"Success, he is dead and will not be tortured."


The brief conversation in the communicator made many Na'vi warriors quiet. There will definitely be casualties in the war. What the Na'vi warriors care more about is fighting to death for their homeland and the forest. That way they will have dignity!

Gather all the teams and run deep into the forest. Ikaran is waiting in front. Rubik's Cube and Nissa ran together. As they ran, Rubik's Cube suddenly discovered that the detection device detected something approaching from behind, and it was a cell creature. The strange thing was that the cell creature was not a Na'vi or an animal, but some kind of strange creature. Rubik's Cube felt that there must be something wrong with it.

"Everyone, keep running! Go all the way back to the temporary camp!"

After saying that, Rubik's Cube turned around and stopped and took out his firearm to be careful. Nissa saw Rubik's Cube stop and stopped too.

"What happened?"

"I don't know. It might be some weird biological weapon. You'd better not stay."

"I want to see what that is, tell me what do I need to do?"

"Well, you climb up the tree and be careful. The opponent's cells have enough energy and may be good at close combat, so you should use bows and arrows or firearms instead of close combat. Go up."

Nisha nimbly climbed up the big tree and hid among the leaves. Rubik's Cube continued to point the gun behind her without moving. When she switched the view screen, she could see that four humanoid creatures in the forest were approaching at a speed faster than animals. What was surprising was that the four people The creature actually ran on all fours! Aiming at one of them...

Tu tu tu tu…! The bullet passed through the grass and hit the humanoid creature. As a result, the humanoid creature was knocked upside down but its vitality was not reduced. The strange thing was that Rubik's Cube saw that all the bullet warheads were stuck in the muscles of the humanoid creature.

Switch the energy bomb form and fire again!

The faster and unavoidable energy bomb hit the humanoid creature and caused serious damage to it. At least a piece of flesh was missing. Unfortunately, the distance between the two parties was very close and the gun may not be able to function. I had to withdraw the gun and draw the Tang knife...

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, a hundred meters...

Fifty meters...

Ten meters...

The Rubik's Cube moved. Holding the Tang Dao in his right hand, he rotated his body to hide to one side and slashed with the knife at the same time! A figure passed by the Rubik's Cube next to me. I felt the blade of the blade was blocked, and it split with one touch! The Rubik's Cube appears on the other side and where the Rubik's Cube originally stood stood four... humans? Werewolf? Gene warrior? Rubik's Cube didn't know what those four guys were. Their upper body muscles were about to explode, and their nails were as long and sharp as razor blades.

One of the four genetic warriors was missing a chunk of flesh on his shoulder, and another was missing a section of his forearm. The fingers of his stump on the ground were still shaking.


Compared with the surprise of the Rubik's Cube, the four genetic warriors were even more surprised. They thought that their opponent was a Na'vi or a genetically modified human, but they never expected that it would be a robot...

The memory of robots left in the minds of the four genetic warriors is not good. It is said that there was a computer rebellion a long time ago and a large number of robots were created that almost stopped civilization. Then recently, a group of more powerful and advanced robots appeared out of nowhere to invade. In the galaxy, the genetic warriors are as vulnerable as human beings in front of those robots. The small ones are smaller than bacteria, and the large ones are bigger than spaceships. If you kill one, a group will come, and if you kill a group, a legion will form. Our own side will retreat after defeat. It didn't slow down the opponent's attack speed at all!

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