Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1028: Great Knight

In order to preserve her strength, Nisha stayed at the top of the cliff to rest and communicated through the communicator.

"Have you found Turuk? Now I'm very nervous."

"No, maybe it is resting or eating somewhere. In addition to the Ikaran Winged Beast, there are various small flying creatures on the radar. Unless that guy is hiding behind the house wearing an invisibility cloak, there is no need to be nervous if he will be stabbed sooner or later. You'd better It’s better to communicate with your Ikaran and let it know your determination to fight to the death to protect your homeland. It may not be long before it can be used as a backup tire.”

Nisha curled her lips when she heard what Rubik's Cube said, gently touched the big mouth of the Ikaran Winged Beast next to her and patted her cheek.

"My Ikaran partner can communicate, but your Ikaran is motionless, doesn't speak, and can't express emotions. Are you envious of me and my partner?"

"Well, I'm quite envious. I envy you that you don't have radar."

Ikaran's winged beast heard what the Rubik's Cube was saying in Nissa's earphones, and howled to express its dissatisfaction.

The Rubik's Cube is still flying in the sky searching for traces of Turuk. It feels weird now to tell my truth. In the past, I had to try every means to avoid Turuk to avoid appearing on the dining table it chose. But now I have to search everywhere for Turuk for fear that he will fly away. I don’t know, I thought I couldn’t get over it and wanted to return to the embrace of the Mother Goddess.

After circling for a long time, Rubik's Cube felt that continuing like this was not the answer. After thinking about it, he turned on the helicopter's electronic jamming equipment to interfere with the surrounding electromagnetic signals in real time. It was indeed effective...


The sound collection equipment was cleaned and captured a very threatening roar, and then the radar captured a large biological signal in the distance!

"Quick! Your future partner has appeared! But before becoming partners, you'd better try to be enemies first!"

"The first thing I will do after I succeed is to tear your Ikaran into pieces!" Nissa yelled, turned over and climbed onto the back of the Ikaran Winged Beast, and the Ikaran Winged Beast screamed and flapped its wings as it jumped off the cliff. Heading straight into the sky, Nisha needed to make a covert dive from high altitude. The task of low-altitude cover operation was handed over to Rubik's Cube. Rubik's Cube was a little worried that the helicopter's maneuverability would not allow him to evade Turuk's pursuit.

"Oh~ That guy flies so fast."

Rubik's Cube looked at the radar display and muttered. It was still far away just now but it was coming soon. In order to create an opportunity for Nisha to airborne, Rubik's Cube had to find a way to make Turuk fly less violently. He flew a helicopter to escape shamefully. Yes, Rubik's Cube controlled the helicopter to drill into the forest and land concealed, which Nisha despised.

If Rubik's Cube and Turuk are maneuvering in the sky, Nissa has no chance of falling behind them. The best way is for Rubik's Cube to get into the forest before Turuk comes and let Turuk search in the sky. During the search, Rubik's Cube will still be there. Draw its attention away from the sky above.

Stop the helicopter, run away with the Rubik's Cube with the flare gun in your hand, find an open space, raise the gun to the sky and fire a flare...

The dazzling bright flare took off. Turuk clearly saw a light point suddenly flying out of the forest. He flapped his huge wings and flew straight towards the falling flare. The Rubik's Cube ran to the next location and continued to fire the flare.

While running, Rubik's Cube quickly opened the flare gun and ejected the cartridge case to reload. He jumped over a fallen tree to find a gap in the sky and fired again. The flashing flare rushed out of the gap in the forest and flew into the sky. The roar was approaching. Rubik's Cube was planning to fire again. Just shoot one and forget about it. Then go back to the armed reconnaissance helicopter and prepare the missiles. Once Nissa fails, you must quickly launch the missiles to give Nissa a chance to escape.

Phew~! The last flare took off, and Rubik's Cube turned around and ran towards the helicopter.

While running in the forest, a black shadow passed over his head. Rubik's Cube felt that this thing was comparable to a small spaceship. It had red tattoos on its body and huge wings. There seemed to be a small horizontal tail wing at the tail to assist flight. It had thick and powerful claws that looked like a giant dragon. Yes. After summarizing Turuk's vitality and various data, Rubik's Cube believes that if this guy goes to the swamp, all the ferocious winged beasts will run away for their lives. The swamp winged beasts are too small to be of the same level.

"Be careful not to let Turuk see your shadow when descending!"

"I know!"

In the high-altitude clouds, Nissa bared her fangs and let out a strange scream. She controlled Ikaran to turn around and dive straight down to Turuk...

When she was very close to Turuk's back, Nisha broke away from Ikaran, spread her limbs and rushed towards Turuk...


Rubik's Cube, who was running towards the helicopter, heard a loud roar from the sky, and quickly accelerated towards the helicopter. Nisha took action from the sky. Rubik's Cube had to return to the helicopter as soon as possible to make a backup plan. Rubik's Cube had no habit of risking his life, and he would not let his relatives and friends risk their lives!

The engine of the remote-controlled helicopter started. When the Rubik's Cube ran up to it, the helicopter already had enough power. He opened the cockpit and got in, closed the door, pulled the joystick and flew towards the gap in the big tree above his head. He rolled up the leaves and rushed out of the forest with the Rubik's Cube roaring. , from a distance, she could see Turuk rolling violently, flying and roaring, Nisha had successfully linked her nervous tissue with Turuk's nervous tissue!

Turn on the missile switch with two clicks, turn on the red button locking device on the handle, and quickly lock the Turuk-winged beast with two small red boxes...

The Rubik's Cube knew that Nisha was in a difficult situation. Turuk was not Ikaran but the carnivorous overlord of the sky. He would take Nisha through the giant tree, dive into the waterfall and come out from the other end, and even fly to the cold high altitude with Nisha. , one can imagine how cold Nisha was, who was dressed simply Premonition, premonition that Nisha would become a Turuk knight and lead the Na'vi people to defend their homeland.

On Turuk's back, Nisha, who was covered in frost, bared her fangs and roared, grabbing Turuk's back tightly. She had just returned from high altitude and plunged into the waterfall again. The violent impact almost made Nisha faint, even though she was conscious. Fuzzy still grasped the two nerve tissue long whiskers on the back of Turuk's head with both hands and refused to let go. He passed the big trees and rock walls in front of his eyes. No matter how Turuk tormented Nisha, he would not let go!

Buzz buzz——

Rubik's Cube followed Turuk closely in a helicopter, keeping the missile locked.

"It's been twenty minutes, why are you still fussing?"

Finally, when Turuk flew into the sky again, he suddenly changed his crazy flight and returned to level flight and flew smoothly. The Rubik's Cube only knew one thing, Nisha succeeded!

On Turuk's back, Nisha, wearing a helmet and special clothing, slowly sat up holding her long beard and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. Through neural communication, Nisha could feel the power of Turuk. Her huge wings were flapping, and she was strong. Powerful claws, full of strength...


Nisha sat on Turuk's back, bared her fangs and yelled to vent. Rubik's Cube smiled and closed the button locking device to turn off the missile switch.

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