Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1043: Car Repair

I don't know what the woman said to the scrap collector. After a while, she waved her hand to signal Rubik's Cube to go over and push the car away. In any case, it was considered a successful acquisition of the hover motorcycle. The woman helped a lot, saving Rubik's Cube from violent robbery. He went into the scrap pile to dig out the damaged hover motorcycle, and lifted the motorcycle with the help of the mecha. "Handsome guy, if you want to fix it, why don't you fix me first? Look, since you are here, don't you plan to come in and play? Meeting in the vast desert is fate. You should enjoy life, right?" The woman continued to seduce Rubik's Cube. Rubik's Cube looked at the woman, then walked straight over and slowly stretched out his hand... The woman looked at Rubik's Cube with a charming look. The big men in the desert camp immediately obeyed as long as she looked at them. Did you see that this foreign boy was no exception? Just as his fingers were about to touch the woman's neck and face, while the woman closed her eyes and waited, the Rubik's Cube's palm passed by the woman's ear and grabbed a certain mechanical part behind her that was used as a pendant. The hover motorcycle just needed this part to be repaired. The Rubik's Cube really had no interest in this desert woman. She was not as beautiful as Wang Ziyan, and she was not as energetic as Zhang Xiaowen.

The woman stared at him hatefully.


The Rubik's Cube smiled awkwardly, took the pendant part back to the hover motorcycle, took out the spare tools of the mecha, and disassembled the faulty parts of the hover motorcycle and began to repair and weld them one by one. The idle people around couldn't understand it at all. It was no problem for them to hold a gun and shoot and kill people, but they didn't even think about repairing complex and high-tech mechanical equipment. The parts knew them, but they didn't know the parts.

Quickly adjust the line, install the parts, fix and debug, and in just a few minutes, the Rubik's Cube repaired all the damages, found the external armor and stuck it on it and punched it hard.

Grab the handle and press the button...

Buzz--the machine starts, and the suspended motorcycle that originally landed on the ground floats in the air 20 centimeters above the ground. The headlights flash twice and return to a silent state, as if the motorcycle suddenly floated up, which made many people around stunned and drool at the suspended motorcycle. Everyone knows that the suspended vehicle has very low resistance and is very fast.

Just as the magic cube was about to get on the car and leave the camp, a woman screamed suddenly from the tent room behind the women, and then a bearded man grabbed a girl's hair and walked out of the tent. The girl was covered in scars and crying and was beaten up.

"Is Sanniang here? Your girl didn't serve me well! I spend money for fun! I can play however I want! If you make me uncomfortable today, how much mechanical coins will you pay, Sanniang?" The bearded man opened his mouth and was looking for trouble to blackmail. He came here to play with girls, beat them up, and even paid money. His rude behavior immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Mofang looked at the woman named Sanniang, and then at the girl who was beaten and covered in scars and had a dirty face. He lowered his hand to the position closest to the gun.

"Ma Dapao! I didn't raise a girl for you to beat! You dare to ask me for money! Do you believe I will kill you?"

The bearded Ma Dapao and Sanniang quarreled loudly. In the end, Sanniang, a woman who ran a brothel, was at a disadvantage. After all, people who worked in this industry were more or less regarded as playthings and looked down upon. It was basically impossible to win the argument with Ma Dapao, not to mention that he came here to find trouble today. No matter how the girls served him, he would inevitably be beaten in the end.

While quarreling, Ma Dapao's eyes suddenly fixed on the hover motorcycle, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Little Egg! Have you fixed the bike? Come on, give it to me to ride." Ma Dapao forgot about the beating and extortion and turned to walk towards the hover motorcycle. At this time, the guy who sold the bike felt that he had lost a lot and wanted to find a way to get the bike back. Seeing Ma Dapao coming, he immediately sat there without saying anything.

The careless Ma Dapao walked to the motorcycle and found that there was a mecha man in front of him. He looked at the motorcycle and then at the mecha. Mofang thought that this guy must be thinking about whether to take the mecha away as well.

"Ma Dapao! You'd better pay me money and apologize!"

"Don't talk, woman. I have something to do now. I'll come to play again tomorrow and you'll have to accompany me. Don't think I don't know that you've been selling in the city for several years." Ma Dapao's words made Sanniang breathless.

"Boy, the hover motorcycle is mine. Your mecha is nice. Take it off and show it to me."

Bang! The mecha punched Ma Dapao on the cheek, causing his head to turn to one side, his lips trembling wildly and spilling out a string of red blood and three teeth. It was true that he was a human being, but no matter how much he strengthened his face, he could not strengthen it into steel. In addition, the Rubik's Cube did not care whether there were any helpers around him and just went straight to the fight. The punch not only stunned Ma Dapao but also stunned everyone...

"You...you are hitting me?" Ma Dapao shouted indistinctly with blood in his mouth.

Bang! Another punch hit the other side of his mouth, and two more teeth flew out. The people around him continued to be stunned.

"Yes, I am hitting you. Can you see clearly this time?"

Ma Dapao covered his mouth and looked at the Rubik's Cube in disbelief. Then, the pain went straight to his brain through his nerves. The severe pain almost drove Ma Dapao crazy. He reacted and stared at the Rubik's Cube fiercely and waved his hand. Others around him also reacted and came forward with various weapons. They were afraid that the hover motorcycle would be damaged by shooting and wanted to deal with the Rubik's Cube with more people.

"Cut! Kill him for me! Brothers, come on!"

It was a bit like a street fight between hooligans. With a shout, a group of people rushed forward. Sanniang and the other girls only saw the yellow sand in the center of the crowd churning and screaming. From time to time, Ma Dapao's men were kicked away or hit in the vitals and had to struggle to escape from the battle. Mofang punched the hooligans with his fists and relied on the defense of the light mecha to protect him. He only focused on attacking and beat the hooligans to death. Not all of them were enhanced people, and ordinary people still accounted for the majority.

Seeing that the situation was going to be bad, Ma Dapao did not hesitate to pull out his pistol and shoot at Mofang in the middle of the crowd. Mofang found out immediately and quickly pulled one of Ma Dapao's men to block him...

Bang! The gunshot hit the back of Ma Dapao's own men. Using the hooligans as a shield, Mofang pulled out his pistol and shot back!

Gunshots rang out, bullets pierced flesh, and Ma Dapao fell backwards...

"Shoot! Go!"

Another group of people appeared nearby, holding guns and cannons and firing at the crowd without a care in the world. Mofang felt that it was a bit like another gangster trying to rob the gangsters. In order to prevent the hoverbike from being damaged, he quickly pushed it forward into the Fengyue tent, then put away his pistol, opened the mecha arm shield and retreated. He only felt the shield vibrating continuously, and Mofang took out a gun from his back with one hand...

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