Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1047: Overnight

The Rubik's Cube had been walking in the dark sandstorm for an unknown period of time. When the wind subsided and the dust began to fall, the Rubik's Cube realized that it had turned into a sand figure and resembled a sand sculpture. The yellow sand slid down with a flick of its thumb, but the two motorcycles behind it actually didn't get separated. Everyone is counting themselves lucky among misfortunes.

In the dusky sky, the sand and dust that had been swept high into the clouds after the sandstorm began to fall slowly, as if it was the end of the world.

When he stopped to rest, the boy stretched out his hand to catch the dust slowly falling from the sky, staring at his palm behind his goggles filled with yellow sand...

"It was after this dust that the whole world changed. I remember a giant Transformer walking past me, and I saw its red eyes..." The boy remembered some bad memory.

"The violent explosions and nuclear bombs created deserts and mutant creatures. Many people will never forget that day." Another woman said.

The Rubik's Cube sighed. The fire at the city gate affected the fish in the pond. The dim scene filled with yellow sand was really similar to the Huangquan Road. If he hadn't lived in a chaotic environment for many years and his nerves were hard enough, he would really think that he was walking on the Huangquan Road. His nostrils, mouth, and ears , there is yellow sand everywhere, I really don’t know how they are struggling to survive.

"There is a wreckage of a small spaceship ahead. Let's go over and take a rest."

After saying that, the Rubik's Cube led the way to the wreckage of the spaceship. The sandstorm blew away the yellow sand and exposed the objects buried under the sand. The wreckage of the spaceship was one of them. From the outside, it seemed that it was well preserved and you could go in and rest.

The sun is about to set, and the sky is getting darker and darker. It is estimated that it will take a night for the dust to settle, and we will spend the night in the wreckage tonight.

When I came to the wreckage, I found the hatch with the Rubik's Cube, dusted it off, found the hatch switch, and pulled it hard. The hatch opened. Fortunately, it was very clean inside, with no yellow sand or rotten things. The air was also good. I stayed there on a cold night. The cabin is a very good choice, at least you won't freeze to death.

"There won't be any robots alive here, right?" A woman was scared.

"No, they're all dead, right on the seat over there."

The woman looked at the finger of the Rubik's Cube and was so startled that she almost ran out. A robot was sitting on a seat with its head tilted to the side. Various circuits and parts were exposed in the damaged part of the neck. It was estimated that the spacecraft was injured when it hit the ground violently and died. Another A robot was lying on the ground, still holding maintenance tools in its hand. It was supposed to be repairing the spacecraft at the time, but it failed and the spacecraft crashed to the ground.

"The power facilities of the spacecraft have been destroyed and cannot provide air-conditioning. You have to think of ways to keep warm. In addition, there is no food and water here. There is no way that robots can be idle and prepare water and food. There may be engine oil."

Rubik's Cube opened the spare items box and rummaged through it, and found a lighting lamp. He hung it on the top of the cabin and lit it up. The light filled the entire cabin...

Just when he was about to close the hatch, a figure suddenly ran over from a distance.

"Wait...wait for me...don't shoot...I'm a good person~"

The Rubik's Cube is full of black lines. You are a good guy running here in the dark and shouting not to shoot. Who knows what you do? If the detection equipment hadn't detected that he was the only one with a Rubik's Cube nearby, he would have opened it immediately. Kill him with a gun, he has energy, he is a monk, a low-level ordinary monk.

Seeing the monk covered in yellow sand panting, he ran to the cabin door, showed his white teeth and smiled at the Rubik's Cube before squeezing in.

"Young man, I think you should clean up the sand outside. After all, you have to stay inside for one night." Rubik's Cube reminded.

"Ha! Yes! Look at my memory."

The young monk patted his clothes outside to shake off the dust. Finally, he luxuriously condensed a ball of water to wash himself. He looked at the Rubik's Cube and was speechless. The monk is good. When others are dying of thirst, he can condense a ball of water to wash his face, hair and mouth. Rolling his eyes, he grabbed the monk and pulled him into the cabin, then closed the cabin door with a bang and turned off the light that emerged from the cabin door...

After the modernization, the monks also began to keep pace with the times. For example, this guy wore a combat uniform, carried a sword on his back, and had a pistol at his waist. He also had a solar-charged mobile phone.

In the cabin in the evening, the young monk warmly greeted the four people and the Rubik's Cube, and very generously brought out a basin of water for everyone to drink. According to him, this guy was on an interstellar journey, but he didn't expect to catch up with them on this planet. The war broke out and he couldn't continue walking. Rubik's Cube, who was lying on the side and taking a nap, secretly sighed that these days, even monks like to go on a spontaneous trip.

According to him, there is a small town nearby a day's walk away. The town is much larger than the tent camp. It at least has fixed buildings, streets, and some kind of nightclub. The Rubik's Cube continues to be speechless...

The addition of a chatty monk finally changed the lifeless four people. They would occasionally laugh and discuss. Chatty monks who don't like to meditate and like interstellar travel are really rare. Even those monks who sell water in the camp are not so chatty. .

It was pitch dark outside, and the four people in the cabin had fallen asleep. The young low-level monk named Dongsheng was still looking around energetically.

Suddenly, the monk named Dongsheng suddenly covered his temples and looked unhappy.

"What's wrong? What's the matter?" Rubik's Cube asked.

"It seems like something evil is approaching. It feels very bad. The technique I practice is very sensitive to evil things..."

After listening to Dongsheng's words, Rubik's Cube did not dare to be careless, and immediately turned on the detection system and began to check the surrounding conditions. Sure enough, a large number of electromagnetic fluctuations were found outside the cabin, which were soul fluctuations to be precise! To put it bluntly, there are ghosts outside, and there are not just one or two but groups of ghosts wandering around. He cursed secretly and quickly took out a flash bomb.

"Don't... I think we'd better not act rashly. Well... should we wake up the four of them?"

Rubik's Cube thought about it for a while, maybe those ghosts really didn't mean any harm, and they hadn't made any attacks so far.

"Forget it, it's better for the four of them to continue sleeping, otherwise they will go crazy."

Carefully opening the hatch, Rubik's Cube and Dongsheng walked out. Then, the two guys leaned directly against the armor of the hatch and remained motionless. It wasn't that there were many ghosts outside, but there were just so many ghosts outside! There are so many that it’s like the city’s evening rush hour!

"Hundreds...hundreds of ghosts walking at night..." Young monk Dongsheng said tremblingly.

"Don't make trouble...this is more than just hundreds of ghosts walking at night..."

Rubik's Cube quickly took out a small bottle of motor oil from his pocket and drank it to calm down his shock. In the middle of the night, he watched a group of whitish illusory figures floating around in front of him. Thousands of them were scattered everywhere within sight. The faces that were close up were clearly visible. There were adults, old people and children, with different expressions, some happy and jumping, some depressed and sad, a bit like shopping in a commercial center.

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