Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1049: Celestial Disaster

The original site of the logistics center was a hospital in a small town. The logo of the hospital at the entrance was clearly visible and there was red cross paint on the wall. The so-called logistics was just transporting all kinds of rare materials from the desert, such as parts dropped from the battlefield of the mechanical army and various other The metal ore exposed during the destruction of the world, and most of the food transported from elsewhere was food, such as the kind of foaming white flour and slimy vacuum-packed gruel.

The creatures of various races on the chaotic planet sit together and wait for the next departure.

In order to figure out where the logistics should be sent, Rubik's Cube stopped an alien creature with big eyes that seemed to be very talkative.

"What are you doing! Do you want to have a taste of my fist... Well, I have something to say. How can we be so barbaric if we are all interstellar civilized races? We want civilization..." The big-eyed alien originally planned to curse, but when he saw the Rubik's Cube He pointed his pistol in his hand and immediately smiled.

Rubik's Cube curled his lips. He was really easy to talk to. It was only easy to communicate with the universal language.

"Where are you going to deliver the goods recently? Is it going to the city? I just want to hear the answer."

"Okay, okay... I said... the goods are going to be sent to Stormwind City... we will leave only the day after tomorrow..." The big-eyed alien trembled and said all the information.

"You are dismissed."

The aliens fled, and Rubik's Cube sighed helplessly. He could only wait here until the day after tomorrow before setting off. It seemed that he was looking for a place to stay or camp out. He walked around the town and couldn't find any suitable accommodation, so he had to go When I arrived outside the town, I found that there were many people setting up tents to spend the night outside. They all had indifferent expressions and did not communicate much. The Rubik's Cube did not need a tent, so I just found an open space and lay on a suspended motorcycle, staring at the night sky in a daze...

Under the cold moonlight, the surrounding tents fell into silence, and humans were wrapped in rag quilts and blankets and fell asleep...

At midnight.

Rubik's Cube suddenly woke up and stared at the sky with wide eyes. More and more severe electromagnetic fluctuations were coming from outside space. Rubik's Cube didn't know what the thing in the sky was, but he was sure that it was very big, otherwise it would not affect the surrounding environment. Making an impact, standing on the suspended motorcycle, Rubik's Cube saw an extra star in the sky!

"Many stars themselves do not emit light but reflect star light. That is a huge object..." Rubik's Cube said to himself as he looked at the brighter and brighter stars.

Just when Rubik's Cube was staring at the extraterrestrial object approaching rapidly, a frightening air-raid siren suddenly sounded in the town. The town was in chaos, and the tent area was also in chaos. Rubik's Cube felt that the air-raid siren was definitely related to the huge celestial object that was getting closer and closer. Maybe they have some equipment that can observe the appearance of unknown objects in the sky, etc.! Why are they so afraid?

People in the tent area outside the town walked out of their tents to look at the brighter and brighter star. Some knelt down to pray, while others had expressionless faces.

It didn't take long, when the star turned into a huge celestial body and began to burn with trailing flames. The Rubik's Cube finally used his mechanical eyes to see what it was, a piece of debris of a certain planet, with many standard defensive positions of the mechanical army on it...

"These crazy people..."

The Rubik's Cube was shocked that the civil war had reached the point where star fragments and debris were often dropped! Those were clearly the fragments of a certain planet with a position that was shattered by a super weapon. I don’t know how many years of wandering in space it was before flying here. Judging from the calm attitude of those people, it was definitely not just once or twice that planet fragments fell from the sky!

A quick calculation confirmed that the celestial body fragment would not fall on top of the Rubik's Cube or near the town, but the Rubik's Cube still felt bad. The huge celestial body hit the ground at a very fast speed, in addition to causing earthquakes, it would also stir up a lot of dust and block the sunlight. , entering a glacial period that lasted about 20,000 years and returning to the Ice Age! Or increase the temperature to tens of thousands of degrees and burn everything, or it may cause heavy rainfall and turn the entire world into an ocean. Of course, it will also restart the evolution of single-celled organisms into complex organisms...

In space, a huge celestial body almost passed by the planet where the Rubik's Cube is located at high speed. Fortunately, the celestial body did not hit the planet but flew close to it. The bad news is that the two sides had a collision due to gravity...

Sound cannot propagate in a vacuum environment. We can only see celestial bodies passing over the surface of the planet, colliding with each other, and then continuing to fly far away with fragments to hit a moon-like satellite. That satellite has risen and set in the eyes of planetary creatures for hundreds of millions of years, and is full of countless stories and legends. The satellite collapsed silently and spread into the universe. When the earthquake occurred, everyone wailed in pain at the original position of the moon. If the earth's moon was destroyed and turned into dust fragments, many people would also be unable to bear the sudden empty sky.

The violent shaking stopped, and Rubik's Cube looked at the sobbing humans around him silently...

The Rubik's Cube set off in the darkness and wailing. It was really hard to continue to look at the painful eyes of those people. It was true that the mechanical army destroyed an uninhabited planet, but no one would have thought that the fragments of debris floating far away would be destroyed many years later. Cause damage to other living planets.

Impacting the surface of the planet may cause disaster to many people, but destroying the sky and moon and destroying faith are even more despairing.

In the distance, a sandstorm caused by the impact of huge celestial debris was overwhelming. Rubik's Cube drove a suspended motorcycle to find a pre-apocalyptic warehouse, put the motorcycle in, then closed the door and sat on the motorcycle, listening to the sound of the iron door being hit by flying gravel. Dang sound...

The stones blown up by the strong wind outside and hitting the iron door were like hitting Rubik's Cube in the heart. Sometimes Rubik's Cube really hoped that he could regain his ability to calm down this civil war, but unfortunately he was unable to do anything. The main starship also remained silent for some reason. The cosmic civilization just established by the mechanical empire is crumbling.

The sandstorm lasted for three days, and it was dark for three whole days...

On the morning of the fourth day, Rubik's Cube opened the iron door, and more than one meter of yellow sand flowed into the warehouse. Rubik's Cube drove a suspended motorcycle straight into the distance. While investigating the truth of the civil war alone, he also had to find a way to restore his combat power.


Half a month later.

A dusty figure walked towards the door of a small town built among the desolate yellow mountains. After driving for half a month, the hover motorcycle finally reached the end of its life and could not be repaired. It was abandoned in the desert. Rubik's Cube put the light mecha back into the mechanical backpack on its back. Carrying a long gun and covered with yellow sand, he walked day and night. After passing several camps, he finally arrived at a mountain town.

The so-called mountainous areas are actually as dry as deserts. It is hot during the day and cold at night. The difference is that you will not accidentally fall into a quicksand pit.

There are a lot of metal ores piled outside the town. It is probably a town that relies on natural resources to exist. Like many areas on the earth that have developed based on coal deposits, they will face problems of life and death when mineral resources are exhausted.

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