Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1056: Abnormality

"Excuse me...can you tell us about the outside world? We don't know why the world suddenly became like this." The old man said, staring at the Rubik's Cube.

"Well...it's actually very bad. Other areas are either Gobi or desert. Once the sea disappeared and the forest disappeared, leaving only yellow sand and various monsters. It was very dry outside, so dry that the skin was about to crack. There were cities and small towns where you could drive. You can interact with each other or shoot each other, and the reason... is because there is a civil war in the mechanical empire, and the war between robots is very serious. This world is not a battlefield but the edge of the battlefield. Even if you see the edge consequences, it will be the end of the world. "

The Rubik's Cube spread out with helpless hands.


The old man was silent, as if he was recalling the past and thinking about why it would affect the human world. The adults watching nearby did not expect such an unexpected reason.

"Robots are very powerful, so powerful that they are about to fill the entire space. Giant ships, Transformers, fighter jets, and mechanical insects are everywhere and omnipotent and can even defeat gods and establish a new era. They cannot be measured by wars between humans. Those in space The planetary fragments are proof," Cube added.

"I didn't expect that humans invented machinery and in the end the machinery surpassed humans. Maybe humans really have to face elimination through natural selection. What's ridiculous is that humans once used natural selection to flaunt their superiority. Now, haha, it's a great irony." The old man Laughing at himself, Rubik's Cube shrugged.

"By the way, who are you? Why did you go into this damn swamp?" The old man remembered why the Rubik's Cube came here.

"I was just passing by. According to the previous map, when passing here, you will find the largest city before the doomsday in the distance. With a large population base, more people will survive. I want to go to the city to find an aircraft to leave here."

"Yes...we are willing to leave if possible, please...do you have any way to leave the swamp safely? We have tried many times, but poisonous snakes, poisonous insects, silt and those damn corpses have blocked us from getting out. Besides, Even if we get out, who will we find to rescue us? "

Rubik's Cube agrees with this. In the apocalypse, everyone lives for themselves. No one wants to come to the swamp to save a group of people who have nothing to do with them.

"It's very difficult. I can only ensure that I walk safely. It's not that I'm unwilling but that I'm powerless. I think you understand."

The scene fell into silence, and the surrounding crowd remained silent. Only the naked children were still laughing and having fun on their own. Most of the people were ordinary people. The swamp was not a thing before the apocalypse, but now it is the apocalypse. I don’t know how far the journey is. , how to survive after going out, everything is extremely difficult.

After a moment of silence, the old man thought of something.

"By the way, you said that the apocalypse was caused by robots. Mechanical insects are also robots. We captured a mechanical spider. I wonder if you recognize that kind of scary creature." The old man suddenly said something that surprised Rubik's Cube.

You must know that mechanical creatures have high-tech characteristics and are difficult to capture. Even if the capture is successful, they will choose to self-destruct. Even if they do not self-destruct, they will send out electronic messages to seek reinforcements. The low-Earth orbit above is filled with mechanical armies that can kill them in less than a minute after receiving the signal. Even though everyone here rescued the mechanical unit, the mechanical spider neither exploded nor sent out a signal, which made Rubik's Cube feel strange. Could it be that the messy signal received before was from the mechanical spider?

"I wonder if you can let me take a look. I know a lot about mechanical creatures. Maybe I can find something useful."

"Okay, but that thing is very vicious, so it's best not to get hurt."

The old man got up, and the Rubik's Cube followed a group of people to the only stone house within the city wall. The detection system scanned the stone house in advance and found that there was indeed a mechanical spider inside. Five of the eight mechanical legs were broken, and the body was covered with bullet marks. It was woven from a special plant linen. It was tied with a rope, and the gun in the man's hand was removed from it. He frowned as he looked at the Spider Rubik's Cube, feeling that something was wrong...

When he came to the stone house and opened the broken door, Rubik's Cube saw that guy. Unlike other mechanical beings who were respectful and obedient when they saw him, this mechanical spider showed a fierce expression and made an attack when he saw his clone as the creator.

"A few years ago, there was a war not far from here. We picked this thing up from the battlefield afterwards. To be honest, I don't think it was a robot at all."

Rubik's Cube agreed with the old man's statement that the robot was a symbol of reason and wisdom, and the mechanical spider in front of him was more like some kind of savage beast.

It seemed that something was wrong. The detector showed that the mechanical spider was a creature like a human or animal, not a mechanical creature! You must know that the biggest difference between mechanical organisms and cellular organisms is that the whole body is made of metal machinery and has fire. Although the fire is present in this thing in front of you, its whole body is composed of cells! Faintly, the Rubik's Cube seems to have found the cause of the civil war in the mechanical army...

"It's not a robot."

"What? If it's not a robot, what is it? Look, it has mechanical legs, mechanical eyes, and a metal shell. What is it if it's not a robot?"

The man with the gun felt that the Rubik's Cube was talking nonsense, and the old man stopped the man from shouting. In his opinion, there was something wrong with this mechanical spider.

"The components that make up the metal machinery on it are not metal but cells. It is a cellular organism that can change its shape to simulate machinery. Believe me, I know a lot about robots. If you don't believe it, let's do an experiment to find out. First, we have to break off a piece of it. Fragments, it’s highly contagious, I’d better not get infected…”

The Rubik's Cube did not start immediately. Instead, it first scanned the characteristics of the strange creature's cells, and then modified its own metal machinery according to its characteristics. It was a bit like modifying DNA. This thing seemed to be only contagious to mechanical organisms and not harmful to cellular organisms. First of all, it had to Prevent yourself from getting infected.

After the modification is completed, take out two pieces of metal and place them on the mechanical spider. According to its characteristics, it should swallow it immediately. One piece of metal has not been modified before and the other piece is modified metal.

Within a second of being placed on the mechanical spider, the unmodified piece of metal began to melt and merge into the mechanical spider's body like water, while the modified piece remained motionless and unresponsive. Under detailed scanning, you can see the process of swallowing the metal. , cells invade and fuse and are finally digested, a bit like a virus specifically targeting robots.

The Rubik's Cube reached out and broke off a piece of the mechanical spider. The mechanical spider squeaked in pain. Normally, a robot would not feel any pain if it dropped one or two pieces of metal. This further confirmed the test results.

Maybe the metal fragments began to die slowly because they left the brain. I took a piece of rusty iron and put it together, and the two pieces of metal slowly merged...

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