Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1060: Weird Night

Those farmers even pulled the big yellow guard dog into the house. The dog didn't bark a word, and seemed to be full of fear of the coming darkness. Only the Rubik's Cube was left standing on the empty dirt road. The atmosphere looked more like In Silent Hill, Rubik's Cube, who felt unsafe, simply took out his spear and mounted a bayonet on alert.

"Come here~!"

Someone shouted in a thatched house not far away. There was no harm in it. Rubik's Cube thought for a moment and ran over with a spear in hand.

It was a man with a big beard. After the apocalypse, many people have big beards. It’s not that they don’t want to cut it but they don’t have time to get a razor. Only occasionally they will shave with a big blade. The man looked outside nervously and waited for the Rubik’s Cube to enter the house. Immediately close the door and scatter a handful of smelly weeds, then turn around and lift up the wooden planks on the ground to expose the hole.

"Go in quickly, those devils are coming!"

Rubik's Cube had no choice but to go down the ladder with his gun in hand. The man behind him came in and closed the board. He also used weeds to block the gaps in the board. It was not until he entered the cellar that the man breathed a sigh of relief.

There were four people in the cellar, including the bearded man. The bearded wife was sitting in the corner holding her two sons. The cellar not only had beds but also a toilet with a lid. No wonder the room where I was treated before had nothing but wooden boards and there was also a cellar. It turned out that this place This is the bedroom. From the looks of it, they don't plan to spend the night.

Rubik's Cube sat next to the wall holding a long gun, with the muzzle and bayonet pointed at the cellar door.

"Why? What terrible creature appears at night?"

"Are you from out of town? You don't look like a bad person. Yes, it is very scary at night. If you don't hide and cover up the smell with those weeds, everyone will die. They are devils! Don't sleep too deeply at night." The man After saying that, she picked up a shotgun and sat next to her without talking. The woman hugged the two boys and lay on the quilt, with a small charging lamp emitting a faint light.

No need to ask anymore, it didn’t take long for the detection system to discover many red abnormal creatures appearing nearby...

When I first scanned and saw those things clearly, Rubik's Cube thought I was seeing a zombie. I couldn't see many humanoid shapes. He was on all fours and had a slender body with a small brain and a big mouth. His skin was smooth and covered with mucus. He had no eyes. His hands and feet were similar to those of a frog. In short, there are not many normal things after the apocalypse.

"What are those toad-like things?" Rubik's Cube asked in a low voice.

"You can call them zombies or devils or some big geckos. In short, they are very dangerous. They are fast and powerful. Once discovered, they will definitely die."

The computer quickly labeled those creatures with characteristics, such as speed. Being covered in mucus, they probably didn’t like the sun. They probably hid in dark places during the day, slept and hunted at night. They were really fast. The Rubik’s Cube detected a monster running on all fours and caught it. A mutant mouse put it into its mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it, and the computer once again labeled it with super digestive ability.

According to the overall information, it should be some kind of out-of-control biochemical weapon, referred to as a biochemical monster.

The living environment of human beings is very miserable. There is no such thing in the desert, but there is a lack of water and exposure to the sun, and there is not enough food. There is no such thing in the swamp, but there are silt everywhere, corpses, monsters, poisonous insects, poisonous snakes, poisonous gas, etc. It is not bad here and can barely be cultivated. There is no good place to face ferocious biological monsters at night.

Not long after, a biochemical monster walked slowly by the thatched house. It breathed quickly through its nostrils to identify smells and probably had infrared heat sensing organs. When it was a human, it had no abilities at all. Now that it has become a monster, all its specialties have been developed. Life is indeed rough.

Click... click...

Footsteps sounded not far above his head, and he shouted nervously and aimed his shotgun at the cellar door, but the sound gradually faded away.

"Huh..." The man let out a sigh of relief and put down the gun. Before Rubik's Cube could stop him, the shotgun butt knocked off an aluminum basin...

Bang~! The sound was very noticeable in the silent night.

The man's face instantly turned pale, and his wife and child also looked frightened and trembled. Rubik's Cube had no time to say anything and pointed his gun at the cellar entrance. However, the sound came out and the specific location was not locked. It seemed that they could still be saved. In less than two seconds, four nearby The biochemical monster heard the sound and came, smashing the thatched hut and getting into the house, its nostrils trembling and pattering as it walked around!

The four of them tried to calm down their breathing and try not to make violent breathing sounds. The Rubik's Cube secretly cooled down the body temperature and aimed at the top of the head with expressionless expressions. The weak moonlight shone into the thatched house, and every time the biochemical monster walked across the wooden board, it would make a creaking sound. In the moonlight, mucus dripped from the big mouth. The mucus fell on the wooden board and then slid in along the cracks and fell on the man's arm. The thick fishy smell made people feel dizzy and nauseated.

Slowly, a biochemical monster stepped on the cellar board and approached its nostrils. The strong smell in the cellar must have leaked out...


Faint moonlight shone through the gaps between the wooden boards, and streams of hot air blew in from the moonlight. The four people were already sweating profusely, and the smell was even stronger. The Rubik's Cube felt it was time to fire, and adjusted the silencer to aim at the biochemical monster's fingers on the board, ready to snap. Pull the trigger!

Bang! A loud noise suddenly came from another farmhouse not far outside.

"Ah...!" The girl screamed.

Uh-huh! Several biochemical monsters raised their heads and looked at the thatched house, turned around, broke through the doors and windows, and rushed over!

The Rubik's Cube didn't know what happened over there, but someone must have accidentally made a sound that attracted the attention of the biochemical monster. Anyway, there was nothing to do at night, so kill one and do research. When I thought of this, I stood up and crawled outside, opening the cellar board. The action frightened the man and his family. According to experience, going out at night is definitely not a good choice.

"Stay here, don't go out. I'll go save people." After saying that, the Rubik's Cube went out, covered himself with wooden boards and rushed to the thatched house next to him...

Something happened over there that exposed him. Shotgun shots cut through the night sky and attracted more biochemical monsters. There was a man in the room who kept shooting at the biochemical monsters in the cellar. The narrow cave entrance prevented the biochemical monsters from getting in to kill people. The biochemical monsters that were hit would bleed, and the blood was hot.

Raise the gun, fire, and bullets penetrated the heads of the biochemical monsters from the back, killing them with one shot.


A biochemical monster with a shotgun wound on his body roared and turned back to rush towards the Rubik's Cube, but he hit the bayonet on the muzzle and was pierced through the heart. The bayonet hit the heart and blood sprayed out along the blood trough like money. He shook off the biochemical monster and stabbed another monster with the bayonet again.

Bang! A ball of gun sand brushed past the Rubik's Cube and almost hit the Rubik's Cube.

"Don't shoot! I saved you!"

The cellar became quiet, but then the sound of a woman and a man fighting came out again. Mofang was speechless. What could have happened that made the two people make such a big noise on a night when they were facing the threat of death?

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