Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1071: Rear-end

The train was getting faster and faster and even started to scratch sparks on the rails. A bright light appeared in front of it. It was a certain subway platform. Some of the densely packed biochemical monsters on the platform rushed into the rails and faced the train!

"Scream! You monsters will be my best memories!"

Snapped! It's like a beetle flying on the highway and being hit by a speeding vehicle, leaving only a disgusting mark on the glass. The glass in front of the train is still very strong. The successive collisions smashed several biochemical monsters into pieces and covered the glass. The air flow brought by the high speed blew to the side, and every impact would cause several people to shrink back and scream in surprise.

"I'm very sorry, this train will not stop at the platform."

Whoosh! The train passed by the platform quickly. Several biochemical monsters that stretched their heads too far forward had their skulls smashed in an instant. The rest of the biochemical monsters threw themselves at the speeding carriage and were carried away. Those who were lucky enough to land were fine, but those who were not lucky enough were carried away directly. He hit the pillar and died. Only now did a few people understand what the bloody crazy bus was, no, it was the crazy subway!

"How far are we from the airport?" Rubik's Cube asked the two policewomen.

"Six more stops! Hopefully there won't be any trains blocking the way ahead!"

"Pray, no matter what god you wish to pray to, the braking system of the damn train seems to be a bit awkward..."

Rubik's Cube found that the braking system was really malfunctioning. No matter how hard he controlled it, he could not slow down. If he kept running, he would really be rear-ended because of the speed. The mechanical eye began to scan the car body below. Soon, there was a car not far behind the cab. The fault point was found below, and after computer inspection and calculation, it was confirmed that there was something wrong there.

"Brother, you drive and I will repair the train, unless you want to hit an object in front of you at the fastest speed." Rubik's Cube said to the monk.

"Then hurry up..."

"I'll try my best." After Rubik's Cube said, he violently opened the floor and got into the car body. Not far below was a line of railway tracks. If he fell, his bones would probably be crushed by the subway train. He grabbed various mechanical parts and bit by bit. Close to the point of failure.

There are a lot of minced meat and bone residues in the fault area. It is most likely that some unlucky biochemical monster got caught under the car and was crushed. It also damaged the equipment. The circuits and mechanical parts were broken. It is easier said than done to repair it, but it is also difficult to repair it. Normally everything is slow. It's a simple problem that needs to be repaired quickly, but now that the train is speeding and it may hit the train in front at any time, it would be a lie to say it's not stressful.

The train passed one platform after another, but fortunately it did not collide with the car in front. The young monk was still screaming with excitement.

Connect the lines first. You can’t weld the cables directly and force them together. Anyway, it only needs to be used once or twice, not for a lifetime. After sorting the cables, start sorting out the brake mechanical equipment. Just like the cables, keep it simple...

"How's it going? Is it repaired?" The short-haired policewoman stood at the entrance of the floor and shouted to the people below.

"Come on! Give me one more minute!"

He pushed the metal hard with his palms to restore it to its original shape. If it couldn't be broken, he kicked it with his feet. The Rubik's Cube he was working on was almost lying on his side and he tried various methods. The lights flashed five times just now. There was probably a subway train at the last station. If it was a If the Rubik's Cube cannot be repaired within minutes, you will have to consider abandoning the car and running for your life...

The young monk who was controlling the train suddenly saw a red light flashing on the operating panel.

"Huh? Look at why this red light is flashing. I don't know much about technology."

The long-haired policewoman heard this and looked forward, her face suddenly turned pale...

"There's a subway train ahead! Stop quickly!"

The male cultivator was almost frightened to death. It was useless even if he used the Vajra Talisman to hit him so quickly. He hurriedly followed the prompts to find the brake and pulled it hard, but there was no response...

"No response at all..."

The young friar was almost crying, what nonsense, crazy bus, crazy train, it's just killing people!

"Brother... you should fix this damn broken car..."

"Shut up! I'm working hard! Otherwise, come down and try to fix it!"

He kicked the machine back to its reset position with both feet. Seeing a bright light appearing in front of him, the anxious Rubik's Cube kicked the equipment again and repaired it. After fiddling with it for a long time, he finally basically restored the braking ability!

"Hurry up and brake! Hurry!"

Hearing this, the young monk quickly pulled the brakes. Although the magnetic levitation did not touch the rails, the train still made noises. That was because the speed was too fast and the sudden deceleration caused the metal of the car body to squish and groan. The sudden braking almost did not throw the Rubik's Cube off. Fortunately With a firm grip, he hurriedly raised his head from the floor, and two policewomen stepped forward to help pull it up...

Through the blood-stained windshield, you can even see the lights of the train car ahead. The young friar prayed while pulling the brakes.

"Master Patriarch... bless my disciples to continue to live for eternity..."

"Stop asking for death! Hurry up and prepare for collision! Let's go crazy for the last time!" Rubik's Cube said and quickly grabbed hold of the facilities in the carriage. The other people secretly cursed when they were still going crazy. No one dared to stand and do everything. Defensive preparation, the brakes are activated, but the speed is too fast and the buffer distance is not enough!

The computer starts counting down.




boom! At least the impact was not serious when the speed slowed down. The solid front of the car smashed into the rear of the car. The rear of the front car was bent, deformed and shattered. The originally strong windshield at the front of the car was full of cracks and there was a hole. The Rubik's Cube estimate was correct, but the impact was not strong enough. to destroy the front part of the car.

Buzz... All human ears are buzzing and they can't hear anything. The Rubik's Cube is in good condition, at least there is no tinnitus or concussion. The two policewomen all fell into the arms of the Rubik's Cube. Fortunately, they were blocked, otherwise they would have hit the equipment. The young male cultivator still Well, he could still stand up after shaking his head, so it didn't matter if the old man was protected by him.

The short-haired policewoman felt that the world was so quiet. Gradually, a hollow voice came. The sound became louder and clearer. It was the sound of a Rubik's Cube.

"How are you? Are you okay? You didn't suffer any serious injuries all over your body, so you should be fine!"

After hearing the sound and regaining consciousness, the two policewomen quickly helped each other stand up. There was smoke everywhere in the carriage and the alarm bell kept ringing. After the car in front was hit, it drove forward again for a distance and there was a platform in the middle. Fortunately, there was no biochemical monster here.

"Huh? Where's that stupid rookie?"

The young monk looked around and did not see the man who joined him later. The Rubik's Cube played back the video record and found the guy. It turned out that when everyone was preparing for collision, this guy was too nervous and afraid to react in time, and the result was a collision. At that moment, his entire body flew out of the hole in the windshield and got into the back of the car in front. His life signal disappeared, and he was dead.

"He's at the back of the car in front. He's arrived at his stop."

When I got off the bus with a gun, the platform was empty except for some electronic products or newspapers. The newspaper screen could be played on a loop and it was also playing content about the young mayor saying that the city was safe and secure. It was ironic, a great irony.

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