Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1079: Safe arrival

"Robbers! If you hadn't robbed planes and wanted to bully women, why would I have killed those idiots of yours! Rubik's Cube! You two kill them!" I don't know which piece of rubble came from the scolding monk, and it was spread according to the sound. The Rubik's Cube quickly calculated the location of the three of them. Fortunately, it was considered hidden.

"Ha~ They said that as long as they hand you over, they can return the plane to us. What a deal!" Rubik's Cube deliberately joked.

"Rubik's Cube! You are not authentic!"

The Rubik's Cube has found out who the leader is, and is waiting for that leader to leave his position, otherwise, whether it is a laser gun, energy bomb or Gauss gun bullet, it will hit and penetrate his body and hit the plane behind him. There are only planes in the surrounding barren mountains. One cannot be consumed.

Those people's artillery fire was transferred to the second-rate monk. He did not dare to say anything anymore for fear of attracting artillery fire. Rubik's Cube pointed his gun at the leader...

The leader suddenly left the plane, raised his gun and fired at random in the direction of the second-rate monk. What a great opportunity! Pull the trigger and fire the bullet silently. After the bullet streaks across the sky, it appears in the temple of the bandit leader. Immediately afterwards, a young bandit standing next to the leader feels his face heat up. He turns around and sees that the boss's entire head is gone! The shoulders are bare!

"Today, I first killed a group of human enemies and then some criminals. All good things have been done."

Continuously pull the trigger to kill one robber after another. Anyone who dares to rush towards the plane will be killed first. Playing with the sniper Rubik's Cube, it is said that the second one is the first, and they kill each other. Gu Ling, who climbed up from behind, only saw the Rubik's Cube squatting. Shooting continued from behind the stone, and a man fell down next to the plane on the opposite hill.

It was easy to clear. After all, it was only theoretically possible to defeat a well-maintained standard firearm with a bunch of broken and scrapped guns at a long distance. The last shot shot through the robber's chest, and the Rubik's Cube stood up and walked to the plane.

"Get up, you idiot. You can no longer feel the love those robbers have for you."

The useless monk in the pile of rocks stood up and spread his hands, with an expression as if he had eaten a fly.

"I would rather fight a robot than feel any damn love. Also, your instructions are completely fake!" The young monk got angry when he heard this.

"Come on, you really think you can learn how to fly an aircraft by reading a book in a few minutes. Even children won't believe it if you tell me this. Get on the plane quickly. It won't be long before the sun sets. By then, those biochemical monsters will be very satisfied with us. Giving them so many corpses should be enough to feed the vultures.”

The group of people gathered together and walked to the plane. All the corpses on the ground had holes in their bodies or their heads were broken.

They threw a mess of debris into the cabin, including food bags, tattered clothes and bedding, and all the rags in the car. Rubik's cubes entered the cabin and began to be thrown out, and there were pots, pans, and pots.

While working, the monk told the story. The three of them were waiting there peacefully. Suddenly, a group of people appeared in the distance and shouted that they wanted to take back the plane. Naturally, the three of them disagreed. They tried to shoot each other with guns but failed to do so. They had no choice but to retreat. Those people went to the plane to check and then sent people to chase and kill three people, including the only pilot sniper. By some mistake, those people walked to the edge of the sinkhole on the top of the mountain and saw He cut the rope and thought the three of them had gone underground, so he cut the rope and tried to throw the three of them to death. Unexpectedly, a Rubik's Cube popped out from inside.

When asked what was underneath, Rubik's Cube thought for a moment...

"Well... there is sweet cheese and a jar of three hundred years old wine below."

The idiot monk curled his lips, only a ghost would believe nonsense.

After preparations were completed, she finally took off again. Looking at the huge black hole on the ground, Gu Ling felt frightened. It was the first time she felt that danger was so close to her...


Four days later.

After flying and stopping all the way, we finally arrived at the nearest city with this transport plane that was missing a landing gear. Unlike the finished city, there were no threats from biological monsters or savages due to the existence of various natural barriers. The streets were full of people on both sides. The green grass, green trees, and warmth are natural. Compared with the previous building full of steel armor, this place is like paradise.

At the airport, a group of ground and air crews stood in their respective positions holding various items and stared blankly at the landing of a four-rotor medium-sized transport aircraft that was missing a landing gear...

Bang! The aircraft once again broke off part of its landing gear and fell completely to the ground, with the engine shut down.

"I swear, if it were an aircraft manufactured by the Machinery Empire, it would never be so fragile, like a large model airplane." Rubik's Cube complained.

"What if they see that we don't have ID cards and kick us out of the city?" The second-rate monk was thinking about where to stay.

"It's easy to solve. I'll forge identity documents for you later, and I can also get you some real estate."

The Rubik's Cube linked the aircraft navigation system to download the data, copied all city locations and town camp location maps, and then linked the aircraft to the airport wireless network to invade the city's household registration and modify the bank and land systems, giving the four people a set of 'fact-based' I have my identity, money and house.

Put away your weapons and get off the plane with the necessary supplies. From here everyone will go their separate ways. Rubik's Cube will continue to find the spaceship to leave the planet, and the other people will continue to live.

Saying goodbye to the four of them, Rubik's Cube turned and walked toward the airport tower...

There was a knock on the door of an airport chief's office.

"Please come in."

The door opened from the outside, and a young man in military uniform came in. He took off his sunglasses, his mechanical eyes flashed at a special frequency, and the officer's pupils were confused.

"Make a flight plan. You need to send someone to pick up your mistress to go on honeymoon with you. The plane will take off soon. Also, you'd better not tell others about this kind of thing." The young officer hypnotized the senior official.

"That's right... I'm going to pick up my Lili and go out for our honeymoon. I can't let the tigress at home know... I can't tell anyone... approve the flight plan..." The senior official poured out a lot of information in a daze. , the young officer shrugged and looked at the signed documents. Senior officials were making calls to order the tower not to control where the plane went. Everything was done quickly.

"Trust me, you and Lili will have a great time. Oh, and you should dye your hair black to look younger."

"Okay, I'll dye my hair right after get off work..."

The young officer left the office and walked through the office area openly holding documents.

Half an hour later, a young man in military uniform appeared next to a brand-new four-rotor transport aircraft. He took out his ID and flight plan and boarded the aircraft. Under the command of the ground personnel, the aircraft slowly took off and adjusted its direction to fly to the north. The pilot In the cabin, the military uniform slowly faded into a mecha. Rubik's Cube picked up a bottle of engine oil, opened the cap and poured it into his mouth...

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