Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1087: Death Prison

Xiaoke, who was following the Rubik's Cube, suddenly heard strange shouts and random gunfire from behind.

"What happened to those people in the back?"

"They are crazy, open the shield and put it on your back to fight back carefully! Use your enhanced combat power to strengthen the mecha! The smart program of the pistol on the leg of the mecha will help you fight!" The Rubik's Cube shot everywhere in the cave while running forward, every time It can accurately kill criminals with abnormal brains with every shot. Infrared scanning is really a good thing.

Xiaoke still didn't understand what the intelligent program assistance meant. Just when he thought of the intelligent program, the picture in front of him suddenly changed. Various objects were marked with information. The lock box scanned back and forth to mark various objects. The weapon assistance system helped the pistol aim, and various data And various light scans are constantly switched to search for enemies.

When looking at the Rubik's Cube in front, it shows an advanced mechanical life form, an advanced mechanical life form? What's the meaning?

When the program prompts that there is a threat behind you, turn around and follow the auxiliary system to aim and fire one shot to kill a mentally ill prisoner who is following you.

"Magic Cube, why does the mecha display describe you as an advanced mechanical life form? What is that? A robot?"

Rubik's Cube slapped his forehead and forgot about this, that's fine, now that girl can't help but promise her her body for nothing, so her ears can be clean.

"Yes, I am an advanced mechanical life form. To put it simply, I am a robot. How about it? Do you think it's amazing? There are very few robots that are as busy as me these days. You shouldn't want it like others. Kill me for revenge? Believe in yourself, you can’t do it.”

"I can't imagine that I'm actually sacrificing myself to a robot..." Xiaoke muttered and continued to fire according to the prompts.

Now everything is explained, why it is possible to hack into prisons and city defense systems, why its marksmanship is so good, why it can fly a spaceship, why it is not afraid of low temperatures and vacuum, what other living things can do this besides robots, by the way... mecha intelligence The program is simply awesome for combat assistance!

"How much longer do we have to run?"

"Run until I stop!"

Xiaoke rolled his eyes. God knows how long it will take him to run to the end. Then he thought about his frail father working hard in such an environment. A feeling of sadness came to his heart. He wished he could run to the bottom immediately to find his father...

While running, the Rubik's Cube takes out a smoke bomb, turns on the safety, and throws it out. The air in the claustrophobic cave environment dissipates slowly. The smoke bomb can last for a long time. I believe prisoners without air filtration equipment will like it very much. Don't underestimate the use of smoke bombs or flash bombs. It was much easier to use than explosive grenades. As expected, the cave behind echoed with the yelling abuses in several languages ​​from prisoners of various races.

Continuing to run without any hindrance, the detection system finds the best route and the Rubik's Cube running is more familiar than those who have lived in prison all year round.

It's been a long time.

As I ran deeper and deeper, I could occasionally see half-dead prisoners working as coolies. Most of them were digging for some kind of ore or looking for aquatic organisms and algae in the hot environment. That was food for everyone in the prison, and the geothermal environment deep underground It's so humid that many prisoners work naked to prevent skin ulcers. Female prisoners don't have to work. The sparse number of them can get a good living environment by staying with the prison bullies. The underground prison is like a small ecological society.

While walking back and forth among the coolies, I scanned the bones and facial appearance. The computer quickly compared them. There was no way. Without scanning, I couldn't identify who was who.

The prisoners and coolies watched expressionlessly as an armed man and a man in a mecha walked back and forth...

"I hate humid environments. I always feel like the machinery is about to rust. Huh? What is this?"

The Rubik's Cube stood in front of a metal rock. The four scratches on the rock seemed to be caused by some kind of sharp claws. Comparing the size of the scratches, the Rubik's Cube calculated that the unknown creature should be about the same size as a wild wolf. Is there such a creature in the Death Prison? It seems that the planet is not completely dead and abandoned, at least there are still large creatures.

"That's a nightmare for all of us..." a frustrated prisoner next to him muttered.

"Thank you, your explanation is very vivid."

"The Rubik's Cube...where is my father..."

"Don't worry, I'm looking for it. So far, no human being has appeared that matches your father's characteristics. I just checked a person's brain memory. He once saw your father working here, and then he didn't know. After all, the water vapor is permeable and... It’s hot and humid and no one cares what happens to anyone else.”

Xiao Ke continued to identify each person, and waited until Xiao Ke was far away from the Rubik's Cube before looking at the talking prisoner.

"If someone dies here, what will happen to the body?"

After waiting for a long time, the prisoner who was fishing for algae calmly raised his head and opened his mouth, revealing teeth covered in black dirt. He looked mentally disturbed.

"There is no meat here, and we need meat to supplement nutrition. Where do you think the meat will go? Hehehe..."

Rubik's Cube really didn't expect the prison to be so crazy. If there was a chance, it would be better to blow up the entire prison province with bombs. Tragedies will continue to happen in the future. There is no need to build this kind of prison. If the crime is really heinous, you can shoot, hang or even burn. There is no need to shout. The slogan of freedom is to respect the rights of others and then send them here. It looks like freedom and peace, but in fact it is better to shoot them directly.

"What about the bones? You wouldn't grind the bones into powder and make coffee, would you?"

"We don't eat the bones. We throw them into the pool over there." The prisoner pointed at a steaming pool in the distance with his pale, long-nailed finger.

Arriving in front of the pond, the white steam filled the pond and bubbling. Scanning the pond, there was indeed a thick layer of bones at the bottom of the water, some new and some old. Well, we have to analyze the bones. Mofang is more willing to believe that Xiaoke's father came here and died, and then was eaten and thrown into the pond. Anyway, none of the living people met the physical characteristics.

Just as he was about to jump in, Xiaoke next to him saw Mofang's actions.

"Cube, what are you going to do? The pool is very hot. Oh, right, you are not afraid of high temperatures."

"Uh... I'm going to go down and see if there are any gems or something. Maybe I can make a fortune."

"Come on, you just want to go down and see the dead bones. Where are the gems? What's the use of gems?" The prisoner who was fishing for algae kept muttering, and Xiao Ke's face turned pale...

She cursed the prisoner for not dying and being eaten. He was so talkative. Without saying a word, she jumped into the pool and fell straight to the bottom of the water. Fortunately, the water was relatively clear, but it felt really weird to swim in a pot of bone soup. I always felt that I had become a seasoning for the soup...

There was a sound of entering the water above her head, and Xiao Ke also jumped into the pool in her mecha.

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