Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1093: Dar Star

The large pit dug out by the spacecraft's thruster continued to collapse due to the high temperature in the depths. The spacecraft flew back and forth over the collapsed ice pit to scan. There were no traces of living parasites below. There must be traces of parasites in other places on such a large planet. Parasite robots, it doesn't matter. We will clean them up later. We have to leave those mechanical beings addicted to civil war with something to do.

After the supplies were completed and a mechanical dog was added, the spacecraft once again carefully flew through the ice clouds towards the infinite universe.


The irritable mechanical dog lay on the floor in standby and hibernated. It used to travel interstellar often and the last thing it disliked was the long journey. Hibernating and standby was obviously a good choice.

The Rubik's Cube was there to check the star map. Xiao Ke was busy watching the Rubik's Cube while eating nutritious bagged food. The star map was expressed in a form that could be understood by mechanical creatures. It was so complex that the human eye could not understand anything. It was densely packed with dotted coils and various complexities. Mechanical text mark, it is said that many people who study mechanical text not only fail to understand it, but also become more and more collapsed.

"Where will we go to the next planet? Will there be a more beautiful planet?" Xiaoke asked boredly.

"Based on the best route, we have to sail in space for a month to get to the star Dar. Maybe you are curious about the name. Yes, Dar means the center of the universe in the language of the planet. This is a common feature of cellular organisms. No matter who They all like to regard themselves as the center and will not let go of the planet.”

"A month...oh my God..." Xiaoke rubbed his forehead. He would go crazy just thinking about spending a month quietly in the cabin every day.

"Be content. You may have to fly continuously for three months, or more than a year. That's what space navigation is like. Not to mention that our spaceship is in a dilapidated state and it makes me sad to think about it. I suggest you go to the sleep cabin to spend the long journey. "

The Rubik's Cube has made a human sleeping cabin. It can sleep and wake up in cryo-sleep mode and slow down aging. It is truly an artifact of interstellar travel.

Xiaoke raised her head and was speechless. Lying inside that thing, she felt like an animal specimen soaked in disinfectant. She couldn't bear the long interstellar journey if she didn't go in. No wonder robots are best suited to dominate the universe and conquer all galaxies, because they don't have one. Worrying about boring, no robot can't stand long-distance travel. Standby, sleep, power on and restart, it's just a cheat. Besides, it doesn't matter if you sit there doing nothing for a hundred years, who let the robot be a machine.

"Then I will go to sleep. I hope the planet at the center of the universe can make me happy."

Waving his hands, Xiaoke walked to his room and put on his sleeping clothes. Then he came to a huge glass cylinder. It was full of water or not completely water. When he opened the glass door, the water-like liquid looked very pure. Slowly walking in and lying down, Xiaoke felt more and more sleepy and slowly closed her eyes...

Rubik's Cube sat in the cockpit seat and continued to set the route and alert procedures. It was a short trip for a month. After setting all the programs, Rubik's Cube sat on the seat and entered standby mode.

It was quiet inside the spacecraft, only the display and indicator lights were still flashing and changing...


One month later.

Xiaoke was awakened by the Rubik's Cube. He opened his eyes and sat up quickly. He felt okay after a month of sleep. He coughed twice and took the towel handed over by the Rubik's Cube to wipe the water stains on his face. He climbed out of the dormant cabin and took a transparent Rubik's Cube next to him. The tablet is recording something there.

"What are you doing with a computer?"

"I'm recording your reaction after thirty-two days and eight hours of sleep in order to further improve the hibernation cabin. It looks pretty good. At least your physical strength is normal and your thinking is normal. There is hot milk tea and food over there. We are expected to see the Dal star in two hours. The peripheral defense army is an army at the center of the universe, hahaha~"

Rubik's Cube walked back to the cockpit with a smile. There is an interesting story about the Dar Star. When they started exploring the universe near the planet, they thought they were the most powerful technological empire. When they saw the huge battleship of the mechanical army, they became overwhelmed and inexplicable. , the two sides fought, and the result was predictable. To be honest, the one-sided battle was so confusing that even the robots didn’t understand what was going on. Afterwards, it was spread that some people on Dar Star said that the robots came here to conquer and enslave. So, those The soldiers did not hesitate to attack the mechanical army.

Logically speaking, technological civilization should understand the gap between the two sides and strive for peace. Moreover, the mechanical army only came to announce that the order of space had not entered the Dar Star or enslaved those inefficient creatures, and started fighting inexplicably.

The small and backward space equipment that Dal Star was proud of was beaten to pieces by robots, and it also killed a large number of factories and technological institutions on the ground. The thinking of the robot program is not complicated. For example, when it comes to enemies, the enemy means to destroy the opponent or eliminate them with physics and energy. Use all the potential of the opponent to control the enemy.

Maybe some people on Dar Star want to take the opportunity to launch a rebellion to gain power and wealth. They overestimate themselves and underestimate the mechanical army. The people who launch the rebellion will never think about the losses they will cause. Anyway, no matter how good the world is, they are just as good as themselves. He is a waste and has nothing. If the rebellion fails and the whole world is finished, he will still be a waste and has nothing. No matter how he trades, it will be cost-effective once he wins.

Two hours later.

Xiaoke, who was sitting in the co-pilot position, could see some simple space early warning devices on the Dar Star from a distance, such as cylindrical satellites and small spacecrafts. Ancient, primitive, and Rubik's Cube, the three shabby spaceships had their global technology on top.

While drinking milk tea, Xiaoke looked towards a green, blue, red, white and yellow planet in the distance, which was the Dar Star.

"Are there many alien races here?" Xiaoke asked.

"Not many, because no one wants to chat with people who are the center of the universe all the time. Like many human beings, they feel that they are the center of the universe and the protagonist of the world. The atmosphere is not formed in a day or two, but takes hundreds of thousands of years. The wisdom of Dal Star There are many species, such as green-skinned or red-skinned humans, weird-shaped creatures, and creatures that are no different from humans, etc. The system records that there are very few aliens coming, and even the monks can't stand their self-centeredness. "

Rubik's Cube clicked on the computer to view the labels on Dar Star. The labels were all made by mechanical soldiers. He was full of dissatisfaction and disgust with Dar Star, and he didn't even bother to send troops to garrison them.

The spacecraft slowed down and slowly approached the early warning device. When entering the Dar Star range, you need to show that you are not hostile. There is no need to show anything on the planet where Xiao Ke is because the entire planet is full of chaos.

Similarly, the mechanical army here was forced to use the universal language of the universe, the language of the Earth Dragon Kingdom.

"This is the Dar Star Defense Patrol. Please identify yourself. There is no record in the database that a passenger spacecraft will arrive at Dar Star."

The communication shared channel was full of Darxing-like language.

"We are space explorers. We have no nationality and no power. Please allow us to go to Dar Star for supplies."

Most of the space explorers are stateless and unorganized wandering organizations, and they are also synonymous with criminals and scientific research. Some people like to be pirates and commit crimes around the universe, while others like to use this identity to wander around and explore the mysteries of the universe. In short, there is a mix of good and bad, everyone is there. , due to the small number of people and small spaceships, they dare not attack planets with modern technological armies, and they dare not commit any serious crimes. After all, they are afraid of being hunted down by the mechanical army that strictly abides by order.

The communicator goes silent for about a minute.

"Explorers, we allow you to land on the great Dar Star in the center of the universe, but if you dare to violate the law, we will pursue you and allow you to carry weapons. The rules are the same as on other planets."

"Thank you so much Darians, I love the Center of the Universe."

Rubik's Cube curled his lips and steered the spacecraft towards the direction of Dar Star at a constant speed. The mechanical dog's violent big red one eye looked at Dar Star and shook his head disdainfully.

After the spacecraft approached the planet, two aircraft appeared to accompany it and conduct close inspections. The landing position coordinates were sent through the public platform. The Rubik's Cube flew to the location indicated by the coordinates as required. It was a civilian aircraft airport next to a large city. After entering the atmosphere, the two aircraft The aircraft flew back to the large space station floating in orbit, and two aircraft took off from the ground to continue flying with it.

After half an hour of tossing, the spacecraft finally landed slowly on the airport apron with a strange building shape.

The architecture of Dal Star is very unique, a bit like the abstract buildings in science fiction movies. Maybe it has something to do with local building materials and customs. Anyway, Rubik's Cube does not intend to build such abstract buildings, which are circles, arcs and some kind of sail shape... …

Putting on a pair of rough wanderer clothes, Rubik's Cube and Xiaoke opened the hatch, and the mechanical dog stayed to guard the spacecraft. The more noble a person is, the easier it is for him to do evil things behind his back. The experience of the earth shows everything.

Walking out of the hatch, a normal-looking human man wearing a tight-fitting uniform walked towards him.

"Welcome to Dar Star. I'm a clerk in the external liaison department. How about it? My Dragon Country language is pretty good, right? Yes, you can't imagine how difficult it is to learn this damn complicated language. Nowadays, many children on our planet have to learn it every day. You are all suffering from this complicated and difficult language. Well... to get down to business, this is the Dar Star Travel Manual. You can find everything you need in it. I am here to give you this. I wish you a happy trip. "

The man in uniform turned around and left after talking to himself, and left...


Rubik's Cube and Xiaoke were stunned and looked at the booklet, which was a "Dal Star Travel Guide".

"This is the most irresponsible diplomat I have ever seen." Rubik's Cube complained deeply, and Xiaoke nodded in agreement. He just piled up nonsense and threw a booklet and left. The booklet was thin and did not have as many words as a shopping mall activity leaflet.

After looking at the brochure, Rubik's Cube decided to go to the business district in the city first, thinking it was a tourist trip.

We found a bus stop for the hovercar near the airport, and then Mo Fang and Xiao Ke got on the bus. Mo Fang thought that Xiao Ke, with her fair skin, slender figure and silver hair and pointed ears, would attract voyeurs, tram addicts and the like, but she was very frustrated. Here The intelligent race thinks Xiao Ke is ugly, and even expresses sympathy. Maybe in their opinion, a girl who looks like this is a waste in her life...

The hover car was driving along, with all kinds of passengers going up and down. Like the rest of the universe, Darxing used mechanical coins, some swiping cards and others inserting coins.

After driving for about half an hour, the suspended bus arrived at the city center area. Rubik's Cube and Xiaoke got off the bus. The building architecture was very distinctive. Some of the buildings had sail shapes full of large circular holes, and some were curved. In short, the abstraction was carried out to the end. Pedestrians on the street are all dressed in their own unique ways. A certain race with skin like a giant lizard is actually wearing revealing clothing...

The two guys started wandering around curiously.


In the evening, Rubik's Cube and Xiaoke were satisfied with their shopping and came to the door of a shop.

"Trading agency? The straightforward name reveals the coquettish heart of the store owner. Come on, go in and take a look. I found something interesting inside." Rubik's Cube took the lead towards the store.

The automatic door opened. When you walked into the store, you could tell that it was very small. There were some strange things in various high-strength glass cabinets in the white room, including minerals, plants, and some kinds of insects. In short, the store owner should put these The stuff is treasured as a treasure. It can be seen that this thing is very rich.

Rubik's Cube walked to a display cabinet, and there was something floating quietly inside. If Rubik's Cube's computer data remembered correctly, this thing should be one of those Zerg items defeated by the Dragon Stars, a high-level Zerg eyeball!

"What is that?" Xiaoke looked at the Rubik's Cube and stared at the black ball, confused.

"That's evil."

Rubik's Cube said inscrutably that it is definitely not a good thing for high-level Zerg eyes to appear here. Many people escaped when the Dragon Stars killed the Zerg. Maybe they have grown again after so many years.

"Welcome to the trading club. I am the owner and the only staff member. Are you here to accept the reward?"

A man in leather armor walked in from the back door. His skin was like a monitor lizard with bulges everywhere. His short, sparse hair didn't even have a single lice on his head.

A large amount of information flashed through the Rubik's Cube computer. This is a bounty release point on Dar Star. There are such organizations in many places in the universe. There is no back-end spontaneous organization. Others can use mechanical coins to issue bounties or use certain materials. Most of the bounties are Some are about catching people stealing and collecting items, which is a bit like giving rewards through tasks in a game, with varying degrees of difficulty.

"That's right, we are the interstellar wanderers who like to do the most tasks. Also, your hairstyle is really the most handsome on Dar." Rubik's Cube spread his hands and said happily.

"Really? I think so too. Many girls want to have a drink with me recently. Oh, the one next to you is really ugly."

Xiao Ke wanted to step forward and beat him up, but was stopped by the Rubik's Cube. The scarred man was right. His hairstyle was indeed very popular in Dar Star. It was no problem to participate in the beauty pageant. There was no law stipulating that everyone in the universe All races must have long and flowing hair as the most beautiful, and each race has the right to decide their preferences.

"I would like to ask if you can sell this little black ball, or if there is anything we can do."

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