Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1096: Statue

"It's a woman, her name is Carly, an assistant-level scholar at the Dalxing Institute of Cosmological Biology. It seems that she fell on the road of scientific research. Maybe her institute will erect a monument for her or film a documentary about her bravery and fearless stories. I hope they We can find a qualified actor to play this sacrificial scientist."

He stuffed the helmet into a crack in the stone and took it with him when he came back.

They may have equipment to interfere with the little dinosaurs and keep them away, but things are unpredictable. Maybe the thing is out of power or malfunctions. Life is rich and colorful.

"Let's go, we have to find the other three people."

Continuing to follow the footprints, the light glances back and forth on both sides and above the head. The further inside it becomes, the darker it gets. The Rubik's Cube doesn't understand why such a temple is so dim and dark. It's so bright and shining, so magical. Otherwise, it would be like the House of Death and the Paradise of the Dead, wouldn't it be misleading others to do evil?

As they walked, the mechanical dog found dozens of shell casings on the ground. It was obvious that they were in danger here and they ran into the depths of the temple in a panic. It must be that the way back to the spacecraft was blocked by some kind of threat.

"Besides the messy small dinosaur footprints, there are also many strange creature footprints here, be careful." Rubik's Cube warned, and he put on a mecha and searched carefully. Xiaoke also put on a full mecha.

Suddenly, Rubik's Cube noticed a figure appearing behind the boulder in the distance!

"Attention, threatening creature found."

Xiaoke and the mechanical dog looked over. Under the strong light of the firearm, a man walked forward step by step with his head bowed and his body stiff. The skin on his exposed hands and neck was pale. The man was confirmed to be a missing mercenary. The suspicious person was He was not wearing a helmet, so he walked stiffly towards the Rubik's Cube three steps step by step, his arms unable to swing.

In the eyes of the Rubik's Cube and the mechanical dog, the person was marked in red and could be eliminated. Although he had body temperature and weak breathing, the computer still confirmed that he was a threat.

Xiaoke's mecha also marked the figure in red, but Xiaoke didn't know whether to fire.

"What should I do? He doesn't seem to be normal!" Xiaoke said to the Rubik's Cube.

"It's definitely not normal. The detector scan found that his body contains a lot of microorganisms. It's those microorganisms that drive the body to move. But why do I feel that these microorganisms are very similar to the parasites that infect robots?"

Rubik's Cube discovered that the two sides have many different characteristics. The characteristic is that they can occupy the bodies of other large organisms as nests and carriers to survive, and they can also control the carriers to perform a series of behaviors. What is the connection between parasites, microorganisms, and Zerg? Rubik's Cube feels that he is getting more and more confused. Being more and more confused also means that he is getting closer and closer to the truth.

"Help me...I need...treatment..."

The 'mercenary' said intermittently and vaguely. It seemed that he wanted to get help and return to Dar Star. Returning to Dar Star was definitely not to go to work, go shopping, buy groceries and cook. It was most likely to spread the virus.

"Really? Well, let me save your soul first. I hope you can still be saved."

After saying that, the Rubik's Cube aimed at one leg of the mercenary and pulled the trigger!

boom! The projectile flew out at high speed and instantly penetrated his knee joint, leaving a ball of blood and drilling into the floor tiles. The mercenary was caught off guard and his knee was broken by the bullet. He lost control of his balance and fell to the ground with a thud. This time he inadvertently raised his head and found three Rubik's cubes. I finally saw what he looked like, and it had nothing to do with being normal or good-looking anyway.

The blood vessels on his face were pale and blue, the pupils of his eyes were dilated and mixed with the whites of his eyes, and his teeth became sharp and dense. After falling, he did not stand up immediately but twitched and kicked around. Analysis confirmed that it was because of the inability to control the current in the brain's nervous system. Good things cause convulsions, and fake ones will always be fake.

"Oh~ I'm very sorry that you fell. If you want to maintain balance, your legs must be equally long. Let me help you correct the other leg."

boom! The second bullet broke the twitching leg at the knee.

While being shot, Rubik's Cube discovered that the microorganisms seemed to be trembling in fear, feeling the same pain as those injured parasite robots, but where was the soul body?

Xiaoke and the mechanical dog were on alert, Rubik's Cube walked up to the mercenary lying on the ground, bent down and looked at his face.

The eye shot out a fan-shaped scanning beam to scan it in detail. During the scan, the Rubik's Cube discovered a surprising scene. The microorganisms in the mercenary's body were undergoing transformation, and a very weak soul body was gradually appearing next to the heart. It was infected by the same infection as the parasite robot. Rubik's Cube found that microorganisms and parasites have many common characteristics. It is hard to believe that there is no relationship between them. If the same kind of bacteria mutates, then who is the mastermind behind it? Zerg?

"Machine...machine...man..." The mercenary lying on the ground tried to raise his head to look at Rubik's Cube and mumbled a few words in his mouth. He saw fan-shaped beams coming from Rubik's Cube's eyes.

"Yes, your old acquaintance, and your so-called viruses and bacteria can no longer pose a threat to me. Who else is here? I want to know the news I like to know, otherwise I will give you a taste of disinfectant."

"Ho ho...can't stop...stop..."

The mercenary struggled to formulate a complete sentence but couldn't express it clearly.

"Yeah, you can't stop the mechanical army. I know you want to say this. I'm very sorry that I left in a hurry and didn't bring disinfectant. Don't be too happy too early. We have flames here. I think you must like the flame burning belt. The pain you feel, believe me, you won’t forget it even after you die.”

The Rubik's Cube stood up and waved his hands. The mechanical dog ran up to him and opened his mouth to the mercenary's corpse. Raging flames spit out from his mouth and covered the human mercenary covered in microorganisms. The face that was burnt and full of blisters stared at the Rubik's Cube. The huge pain caused the microorganism to interrupt the construction of the soul body and try hard to get rid of the burning, but unfortunately it soon turned into a pile of ashes under the flames.

With a clatter, the gun opened and fired continuously, and the Rubik's Cube walked toward the depths of the temple without looking back. The mechanical dog behind him stopped firing flames, closed its mouth, burped, and spurted out a ball of flames.

Xiaoke also realized that the situation was serious and followed the Rubik's Cube without saying a word.

"The other mercenary has also been found." A mercenary in front was lying face down on the ground and twitching. Microorganisms were multiplying and spreading in his body. After the video was finished, the mechanical dog opened its mouth and spouted flames and burned it without saying a word.

Four people came here, the female assistant was found with a beheaded head, and the two mercenaries responsible for security were all infected with the virus. So where is the old scientist professor at the end? Where is he at his weakest? Rubik's Cube feels that the scientific research operation is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and is more like a scam, including the fact that bounty hunters will come here later, which is also part of the scam, but the people who issued the bounty and formulated the scientific research flight plan did not know that they were also included in the scheme. …

Walking deep into the temple, you can see a huge and strange statue standing on the ground. The statue is well preserved. It is a standing human being. The strange thing is that there is a... bug on the head of that person. What does the sculpture of bugs on this statue mean?

"I've seen monks worshiping nature, worshiping morality, and many other religions. This is the first time I've seen someone worship the greedy Zerg and become a slave or an addict. Can't you straighten your knees?" Rubik's Cube stared at the statue and mocked, without even looking up. He raised his spear and aimed at several crazy little dinosaurs that were rushing over not far away and fired continuously. The powerful warhead penetrated the little dinosaur's body and blood splashed out. In the continuous fire mode, the dense bullets made it impossible for any of the little dinosaurs to get close.

Xiao Ke fired, and the two weapons on the upper part of the mechanical dog's hind legs opened fire. One by one, the crazy little dinosaurs were shot and killed. Those little dinosaurs were infected like the mercenaries. Perhaps the virus could not absolutely control the cells of the little dinosaurs and they did not have intelligence. .

The last shot killed the little dinosaur. There were corpses, blood, and viruses everywhere. Rubik's Cube glanced at Xiao Ke. Fortunately, the mecha was well sealed and would not leak. It seemed necessary to return to Dar Star to develop a vaccine for Xiao Ke. Ke injection.

He took out a few pieces of high-explosive plastic explosives and attached them to the feet of the statue, and the Rubik's Cube was ready to blow up this stupid idiot's faith.


An old man with white hair came out of the small hole behind the statue. After scanning the details of his face, he was confirmed to be the missing old scientist. He anxiously walked to the statue to prevent the Rubik's Cube from placing explosives, but he did not know how to remove the explosives. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pry it. The Rubik's Cube didn't look at him and he continued to place explosives. The old man was not infected by viruses and microorganisms. He was a human being. Although he looked human on the outside, it didn't necessarily mean he was human on the inside. Sometimes the inside was more dirty and evil.

"Stop it! You stupid fools!"

Bang! The mechanical dog suddenly jumped on the old man and opened its mouth full of sharp teeth and approached the old man's neck. The hot air with sparks sprayed out from its nostrils made the old man's skin ache. The mechanical dog was considering whether to turn the old man into ashes.

After Rubik's Cube installed the bomb, he turned and looked at the old man. Xiaoke beside him didn't know what happened, but Rubik's Cube was definitely right.

"Biologist, I think you are studying cellular organisms not for medical treatment or exploring the universe. You are studying how to improve viruses and release them into cellular organisms. The Zerg plan has been going on for a long time, right? Ten years? A hundred years? You What kind of character is he? He worships the Zerg, hehe, he is a stupid and ignorant creature." Rubik's Cube shook his head in disdain.

The old man, suppressed by the mechanical dog, looked at the Rubik's Cube.

"How did you find out I was working for the Zerg?"

"Don't you know that there are creatures called mechanical life in the universe? They have super computers that can calculate everything based on details. That's right. You think that robots are just like this and can be parasitized and disrupted by you at will, but you have ignored one point. The evolution speed of mechanical life is far faster than that of cellular organisms, including Zerg. Now look at the grumpy mechanical dog in front of you. Its metal sequence has been modified, and the parasites have nothing to do with it. "

"So what? The great Zerg will definitely destroy you idiots!!" The old man yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Maybe." Rubik's Cube shrugged, not caring about the threat.

Xiaoke, who was standing aside, finally understood what was going on. It was difficult to understand a human being working for a creature that was a huge threat to mankind.

"I think there must be a bug behind that small door. You think it is a god. I think it is a bug, and it is a fragile bug. Now I want to kill your omnipotent god in front of you and let you go. I feel depressed. By the way, gods don’t have to be very powerful. As long as they are kind, just, and brave, everyone is a god.”

After saying something obscure and difficult to understand, Rubik's Cube fired more than a dozen bullets into the dark space behind the small door. The flames jumping from the muzzle illuminated Rubik's Cube's ruthless face, and also illuminated the old man's pale face...


A strange hoarse cry came from behind the door, and Rubik's Cube smiled. The cry was exactly the same as the Zerg that the Dragon Stars attacked back then.

The door shattered with a clang, and a two-meter-tall insect with eight sharp limbs and legs with patterns rushed out! Unlike spiders, bugs have big legs and small bodies, and are covered in hard shells. After coming out, they immediately waved their jointed legs and rushed towards the Rubik's Cube. Xiaoke was dumbfounded. This was the first time she saw such a weird creature in the universe...

Aim and shoot!

Tu tu tu tu…! !

More than a dozen bullets were fired continuously, without exception, the Gauss gun bullets easily penetrated the insect shell, and many holes were punched out in the flying light green liquid. Due to inertia, the insect that had lost the ability to move continued to pounce forward and fell to the ground. Sliding forward in the stagnant water, the Rubik's Cube remained motionless. The insect stopped sliding, with one leg just in front of the toe of the Rubik's Cube.

Before the insect was completely dead, Rubik's Cube aimed the bayonet at the insect's vital point, stabbed hard, and the bayonet sank into the vital point. He pulled the trigger and fired continuously, beating the vital point to pieces.


The old man looked at the motionless corpse of the bug and cried loudly. This made Rubik's Cube admire him very much. He was just like the idiots on the earth who are close to the enemies who once enslaved themselves and alienated their compatriots. It was both ridiculous and sad. They became addicted to being slaves and suddenly became normal people. Instead, I couldn't straighten my knees that were still stiff after being bent for a long time.

Breaking off the blade-like tips of the insect's two long legs, he lifted the old man up and pierced his shoulders with force, nailing him to the statue without even looking at the screaming and struggling old man.

"Uh... By the way, we don't need to record this part. Just leave the previous part to those Dar Star people."

Xiaoke nodded and followed Rubik's Cube's instructions to delete the video.

After fixing the old man, Rubik's Cube patted the dust and blood on his hands and stood in the distance to look at his masterpiece, nodding with satisfaction.

"Old monster, you should feel honored to be able to live and die with your god. Smile, you will return to the arms of your father God soon. You should be grateful for my help in your pursuit of faith. I know that There are other bugs behind the door, don’t worry, I will let you meet and reunite with them in the world of death, you’re welcome.”

The three guys got into the back door and disappeared. Gunshots and the roar of the mechanical dog kept coming from behind the door. The old man who was nailed to the statue almost collapsed looking at the insect corpse in front of him.

The red light of the high explosive flashed. Suddenly, the old man saw the red light of the high explosive beside him turn solid...

Boom boom boom...! !

The violent explosion completely shattered the legs of the statue, and the tall statue began to topple and crash to the ground. The Zerg statue on top of the statue also fell to pieces, causing a lot of dust to fall from the temple.

In another space behind, the three muzzles of the Rubik's Cube flickered with fire. Several twitching bugs on the ground were continuously shot by bullets, breaking their hard shells and shattering their vitals...

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