Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1117: Earth

"But... it is precisely because we are weak that we need powerful weapons to protect ourselves. Look at other people on the earth, living in a state of dissatisfaction every day. They may not care whether future generations of human beings can live with dignity, but we care, because we are Scientists, our brains are filled with knowledge that can make us stand tall. We also know that if a big cow is kidnapped, it is likely that he will never come back. We don’t want to give up. Everyone has a heavy burden on their shoulders. We, the people, can’t do it. I'm so sorry to senior..."

The old scientist burst into tears. After speaking, everyone turned to look at a picture on the wall, which was a young girl who looked very gentle.

Rubik's Cube was stunned, and based on the analysis of the photo's appearance, it was confirmed that it was Xiaorou, a young technological elite from the Dragon Kingdom. She was studying technology hard in the machinery factory. Is she still alive? Until now, Rubik's Cube still clearly remembers the scene of Xiaorou digging through the garbage dump for the Dragon Kingdom, and walking around behind his huge mechanical feet with a notebook to ask questions. She is a patriot, and she deserves this honor. title.

"It has been many years since the chief engineer left. He originally said that he was going to find mechanical civilization to seek some answers. Decades later, there is still no news..." The base officer shook his head. Since the chief engineer who made great contributions to the country many years ago left, I never heard from her again after leaving the earth. Perhaps, she is no longer alive.

Rubik's Cube knew something from the sentence. Xiaorou left the earth. It was possible that she left on the spaceship of the human citizens of the Dragon Kingdom that came to the earth. It was also possible that she left with those familiar people who stayed on the earth. If possible, Rubik's Cube hopes She is still alive.

"Everyone, you are all the pillars of the country. It is you who allow our family to live a carefree life every day, shop and have fun every day. I really cannot afford to lose any of you. Do you still remember that there were engineers at the Space Launch Center a few days ago? and the news that several assistant technicians were killed. We just received intelligence that they were involved in one of the interstellar forces and were probably on the side of the robot enemy. Therefore, they were killed. Until now, the robot aircraft is still hanging in front of us. Overhead, those interstellar forces have brought the flames of war to our earth, and it is really dangerous now. "

The six old scientists looked at each other. They did not expect that the situation was so critical. The earth, which was originally peaceful, was inadvertently involved in an interstellar disaster.

"If we have to transfer...can we complete today's experiment? You know, scientific research is our life. We are old and don't have much time to do more before we are still alive." An old scientist sighed and said.

The base commander closed his eyes and took a breath.

"I'm trying to buy time. I'll leave tomorrow at noon. I'll negotiate with the superiors for an extension."

"Thank you, really thank you..."

Rubik's Cube, who listened to all the conversations in the office from a high place, thought about it and ordered the wheel to cancel the targeting lock on the six scientists and change it to supervision. Rubik's Cube really couldn't find any reason to kill these six scientists. If he really fired a missile to kill them They are no different from the Zerg in space. Instead, the wheel monitors the airspace of the Dragon Kingdom. At the same time, it contacts the moon spaceport to inform the Zerg of the threat to the earth. It is expected that after reporting the news, a mechanical army will arrive within a few hours. Lunar spaceport.

The mechanical mosquito carefully landed on the back collar of an old white-haired scientist and followed them out of the office to the work area.

After passing through five or six closed doors and entering the elevator, the elevator ran downward for three minutes before stopping. After leaving the elevator, what appeared in front of you was a huge underground space. There was a large equipment in the middle of the underground space, and dozens of people wearing Engineers in white coats were busy installing and debugging. What do you think about the Rubik's Cube? Why do you think this thing looks very much like a geothermal energy conversion machine?

Searching around, he locked on a large computer host, flapped his wings and left the collar. When leaving the collar, the old man patted his neck in confusion. He seemed to have heard the sound of mosquitoes just now...

The mechanical mosquito gently flew to the various data cable interfaces behind the host, got into the interface, and connected the thin mechanical legs to various metal pieces to invade the computer host...

It is small in size and slow in power. After searching for more than ten seconds, the Rubik's Cube finally understood what these people were building. Earth energy conversion weapons. Simply put, it means using the earth's energy as a weapon to attack. It extracts the earth's energy to attack the enemy. Rubik's Cube looks at it. Wan yelled and cursed, which startled Xiaoke.

"Are they crazy? My mechanical army has never thought of extracting the earth's energy from the living planet! It only occasionally uses geothermal energy to generate electricity! These people actually want to extract the earth's energy and launch it as a weapon!"

Xiaoke, who was counting bees next to him, was stunned when he heard this.

"What's the difference between this and suicide? The planet's energy is indeed very powerful, but it's not boundless, right?"

The angry Rubik's Cube cursed all kinds of swear words in more than a dozen languages ​​​​on the earth, and the computer temperature was too high before he stopped. In the past, coal mining emitted pollution, factories produced pollution, the ozone layer was destroyed, and the environment was destroyed. The entire life has harmed the earth and Comparing each other to see who caused more serious harm, in the end, even the internal energy of the earth began to be taken into account...

The Rubik's Cube decided to destroy all the data and destroy the unfinished equipment at the same time. Before he could destroy the computer data, the scientists over there had already pressed the switch to conduct the earth energy extraction experiment!

The equipment was started, and the sound of mechanical operation echoed throughout the underground laboratory.

The Rubik's Cube linked to the host computer has observed that the operation of the equipment must be controlled by the system within the computer host computer. It is now increasing the power for extraction. There is energy gathering deep underground...

"Successful! We are about to succeed!" an old man shouted excitedly.

Suddenly, the Rubik's Cube seemed to feel a powerful force emerging, and its fluctuations were very similar to the chaotic fluctuations described by the computer core of the mechanical planet! In addition, it is very similar to the remaining fluctuations in the destroyed host of the Northern Scientific Research Center! Has the mysterious existence that created the chaotic code finally appeared?

Woo... The mechanical equipment stopped running, the lighting was powered off, and the entire underground space was completely dark except for the emergency lights.

Everyone thought that the power outage was caused by the excessive energy consumption of the mechanical equipment. Only the Rubik's Cube that controlled the mechanical mosquito knew that it was actually the appearance of a certain entity that caused serious interference...

In a blink of an eye, a humanoid object suspended in mid-air and emitting light fluorescence appeared in the middle of the hall. It was more than four meters tall. It seemed to have fluorescent flames all over its body. It vaguely looked like a woman. The Rubik's Cube was dumbfounded. From its characteristics and According to the energy intensity analysis, there is at least one God. Does God still exist on earth?

The vague humanoid object raised its arm, and energy fluctuations like flames covered the computer host. Then, the Rubik's Cube saw the same file fragments as those in the previously destroyed host. It had taken countless scientific researchers a lot of time to build various files. All systems and files were destroyed. It turned out that this is how the computer host of the scientific research center was cleaned up...

At the same time, the inner wheel of the low-Earth orbit fighter plane discovered that a certain point on the earth was emitting strong energy fluctuations!

The god discovered the existence of the Rubik's Cube when he was cleaning the computer host, and discovered the Rubik's Cube hiding on a distant hillside through a mechanical mosquito. The Rubik's Cube here was just a clone without much power. Through the clone, the god actually discovered countless objects far away. The Super Cube starship beyond a galaxy!

The strength of the Rubik's Cube starship has not weakened the super huge energy. After sensing the message from the distance, it instantly intercepted the god's wave. The Rubik's Cube itself has not shown up or done anything since the growth of mechanical civilization, as if transparency does not exist. In fact, only the high-ranking Transformers of the Mechanical Empire just knew how powerful the Rubik's Cube was. It can be said that it is the most powerful existence discovered in the universe so far.

After intercepting the wave, the main starship transferred the contact to Rubik's Cube himself who was bored and dozing in the starship. He was too lazy to deal with this kind of thing...

In the underground test hall, everyone felt as if a huge mountain was pressing on their backs. They kept kneeling down until they fell to the ground. The huge momentum made everyone feel scared from the bottom of their hearts. No one knew what happened.

With the assistance of the main starship, the Rubik's Cube projected the projection into the underground laboratory and quietly suspended it in mid-air to look at the god.

"Are you...the God of Machinery?"

The illusory being suddenly said something, the Rubik's Cube heard it, and everyone in the underground laboratory also heard it.

"That's right, who are you? I have never seen you before, and you are different from the God Emperors I destroyed. You feel... more natural and sacred."

"Me? I don't have a name, and I don't know how I got here. I'm here. You are very powerful, and I need your help."

The Rubik's Cube was stunned after hearing this. What she said was not an underground laboratory or a base, but more like saying that she was here on the earth. Based on the unique breath analysis, the Rubik's Cube felt a little familiar and a little strange. The familiarity was because it was in The aura of the Mother Goddess that Na'vi Star had felt before was unfamiliar to him because he had never seen it or detected it before. With a flash of inspiration, Rubik's Cube knew who she was...

"Are you the earth? Or the Mother Goddess of the Earth?"

"Earth? Many people call me that, but they always destroy everything I have spent many years raising. Species are extinct every day. Thanks to the virus crisis, I finally see life flourishing again."

The people who were still awake in the underground laboratory were shocked. Is the Earth God in front of them? It is not what this sect promotes nor what that sect promotes, it is just a god that has never been seen before!

Rubik's Cube heard that the Mother Goddess of the Earth seemed to be very happy about the prosperity of life brought about by the virus crisis. In her eyes, there is no difference between humans, insects and plants, they are all her creatures. After the end of the world, the number of humans, the most serious scourge on the earth, has dropped sharply, and animals and plants have dropped rapidly. Prosperity, in her opinion, nothing makes her happier than the prosperity of life.

As for why destroying hosts and files is more obvious, those things can kill the planet fast!

"You said you needed my help, how can I help you."

"I know the essence of your mechanical life. There are many things that I can't do but you can do. I have a premonition that I will face huge threats in the future. Only you can resolve the crisis. I gave you a gift before. Give the gift first and then help. In this way, you I'd be happy to help."

"A gift? What gift? Why didn't I know?" Rubik's Cube said blankly.

"I have witnessed the birth of your mechanical civilization with my own eyes, but there are still shortcomings. I will send you a modified program based on the characteristics of life. That should be called a program, right?" Fuzzy Shadow tilted his head as if thinking.

puff……! Rubik's Cube almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"What! You said you made those chaotic codes! Now our mechanical civilization is fighting in the universe because of this chaotic code, causing the destruction of many worlds! This is not called a gift, this is called sending a bomb in the snow, okay! Why? As a result, we lost a lot of troops and killed countless lives!" Rubik's Cube would have wanted to curse if he hadn't seen that the other party was the Mother Goddess of the Earth.

"No, your mechanical life is not perfect yet. Although it is almost the same as ordinary life, it is still a little bit behind. Only after repair can it become a real life. The planet you and I once saw knows what real life is. Sometimes the angle is not the same. The quality of an item is different, so you might as well think in another direction.”

The Rubik's Cube was stunned. Change the angle? There is no need for the Mother Goddess of Earth to lie to mechanical civilization...

According to the Mother Goddess of the Earth’s prompts, the Rubik’s Cube uses its body to help observe mechanical life from a different angle. The ones developed in various parts of the universe, those collecting minerals, those currently fighting, as well as the earth’s low-Earth orbit wheels and violent ones, their fire seems to have become more similar to life forms. Closely, they used to be like an irregular rough stone, but now they are slowly becoming regular and their personalities are more obvious. This is also the reason why they ignore the procedures and start a civil war.

For no reason, Rubik's Cube discovered that after understanding the transformation that was taking place in mechanical civilization, his long-lost energy began to recover...

Earth, mechanical civilization was born here, and chaos was also born here. The Rubik's Cube found that it has inextricably linked with the earth. Perhaps the Mother Goddess of the Earth has never appeared in front of anyone. Now she appears, and at the same time she also It shows that she does face a huge threat. If nothing else, the three large battleships taken away by the parasite robot killing computer can destroy the earth several times.

"It's a good gift. Make sure you explain it clearly before giving it next time. Those bugs will take this opportunity to spread in the universe. I don't know how to thank you." He spread his hands and the Rubik's Cube was speechless.

"I know you will definitely help me. In fact, there is not much I can do. There are bugs in many cities. The position is given to you. Goodbye." After saying that, the blurry and luminous figure disappeared. The Rubik's Cube was stunned. There are still many things to do. I said I didn’t ask! Just leave!

In the hall, all the scientific researchers were completely in disbelief. They felt that they must have had a hallucination just now. From a certain perspective, collective hallucination made sense, but why was there a figure in front of them that did not disappear?

Rubik's Cube looked at the scientific researchers in the laboratory.

"I'll give you twenty minutes to leave. A missile will hit here in twenty minutes. Let's see what we can do." After saying that, the projection disappeared.

In low-Earth orbit, the runner immediately prepared the launch procedure after receiving the order from the Rubik's Cube. A ground-penetrating missile was specially prepared. After analyzing the soil defense of the base, the program was set. The hatch was opened, and the missile locked on the target area...

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