Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1123: Gate of Time

The Zerg are different from ordinary civilizations. They are crazy. They do not need to enjoy the things that other creatures pursue. It is simple and straightforward. In order to survive, to expand, to reproduce, and to destroy, they have recently exchanged fire with the mechanical army in advance, resulting in many mother worms. A large number of Zerg died and were wiped out. They also had advanced existences. In order to save the defeat, they exerted their own special abilities...

The supreme ruler of the Zerg Swarm knew that it was impossible for the Zerg to defeat the huge and vast mechanical fleet, but it could defeat the mechanical civilization that had just been born or even not yet had time to be born. The problem was that the mechanical civilization was an emerging civilization that was born not long ago.

Crazy creatures will do crazy things, and the only thing standing in front of the Zerg is time...

In a certain star field, a large number of high-end Zerg gathered among several desolate planets. They used their special energy to create an ancient mysterious technology, the Gate of Time. One after another, the high-end Zerg burned themselves into fly ash and injected energy into the Gate of Time. Constantly basic parasite robots and ordinary bugs quickly get into the gate of time. The gate of time leads to the past. It consumes a huge amount of energy and can only transport ordinary bugs with low combat power. The characteristic of this selected group of bugs is that they have high IQs.

Finally, after teleporting a batch of bugs, they could no longer maintain the operation of the Gate of Time. The Gate of Time closed, and a large number of high-end Zerg species collapsed. No bug knew whether it was right or wrong to spend a lot of high-end combat power to teleport...

The moment the gate of time opened, the Rubik's Cube starship clearly captured the fluctuations. In addition to sending a fleet to space jump in that direction to attack the Zerg nest, it quickly made an action plan. This Zerg action even threatened the existence of the starship itself. , if those bugs that go back in time prevent the birth of mechanical civilization or destroy it in its early stages, then all current mechanical civilization will cease to exist, and the history of the universe will also be modified!

Earth, a train station in a deserted city.

Sunlight shines through the holes in the facilities on top of the train station, and vines turn the tall train station into a sky garden. After the rain, small waterfalls appear in many places of the train station, which is beautiful.

The Rubik's Cube, who was preparing ammunition, suddenly stood up and looked at the sky...

Suddenly, the mechanical eyes turned red and the energy began to increase. The main starship used super technology to transmit mechanical energy over long distances. After calculation, the main starship decided to send combat forces back to the past to deal with the Zerg. Only this technology was created not long ago. The lower-level clones are suitable for time teleportation. After calculation, the maximum teleportation energy is calculated, and then the enhancement is implemented without saying a word.

"Rubik's Cube! What's wrong with you?" Xiaoke looked at the Rubik's Cube curiously.

"Time travel... The Zerg sent bugs back in time! They are indeed staring at the earth. I always thought they were staring at the current earth. In fact, they are going back to the past when I first came to the earth to attack me! If that time Kill me, and the entire mechanical civilization will cease to exist and the Zerg will destroy all worlds..."

"It's amazing. I can actually go back in time. Well, compared to those damn bugs, I still hope you damn robots exist. At least you won't eat us."

"Can't you say something nice before we say goodbye..."

"Okay, okay, leave early and come back early. By the way, what will I do if you run away? You abducted me from my hometown!"

"I have informed the Guardians of the Galaxy to return to Earth to assist Mother Earth in protecting their homeland. You can join them. Trust me, you will definitely like them. Goodbye..."


Before Xiao Ke finished speaking, the Rubik's Cube disappeared in front of him. Xiao Ke looked at the stunned mechanical soldiers, Wheelwheel and Grumpy. Well, it seems that he has really gone back to the past. Then the Guardians of the Galaxy that the Rubik's Cube mentioned what is it then? Xiaoke has heard this name several times. Many people in the mechanical planet know it. Old people on Earth know it but young people don't.

Just when Xiaoke was in a daze, huge ripples suddenly appeared in the sky above his head, and then, a frigate appeared over the ruined city through a space jump!

"Oh... such a familiar smell, my long-lost hometown always makes me feel intoxicated."

In the cockpit of the battleship, a little raccoon wearing a simple military uniform was sighing...


Time: 20**, spring.

There is a family in the suburbs of Shancheng County, L Province. The newly built large house is very beautiful. The solar water heater on the roof and the garage in the yard make it look like a well-to-do family. There are clean pear and apple trees planted in front and back of the house. There is a road across the creek at the door. The male owner of the house was shirtless and sweating profusely while digging a hole in front of his house. He had a cigarette in his mouth and was humming popular songs from decades ago.

suddenly! A burst of intense bright light made the big man unable to open his eyes!

"Oh, let me go! Who is shining the high beam on me! See if I don't cut you!" The big man shouted loudly.

When the light disappeared and the big man could clearly see what was happening on the road ahead, he was so stunned that he didn't even notice that the cigarette in his mouth fell to the ground. He let go of his hand and the pickaxe in his hand fell to the ground. There were no vehicles on the street in front of him but standing people. A tall gray and black robot!

Rubik's Cube twisted his neck, and then he saw himself looking like this. The huge mechanical energy promoted him to automatically upgrade into a Transformer. However, his combat power should be the worst among the Transformers, right?

"Honey, run away...! Martians have invaded the earth..."

Turning his head, Rubik's Cube saw a shirtless human man running home regardless of his slippers flying away. He shook his head. He must have been frightened and bent down out of shape...


After a dazzling transformation, the door that opened upwards fell down and closed, and the car turned over mechanically to show the lights. The car logo was a starship logo, and it quickly transformed into a gray-black super sports car. The low body and the roar of the powerful engine showed that the sports car had high-speed performance. The tires emitted green smoke and quickly jumped out and headed straight for Shancheng County. Now the Rubik's Cube needs to know where and when it has been sent to. Judging from the plants and architectural features, it should be Shancheng County before the end of the world. The specific year needs to be carefully checked.

Invading the mobile Internet, the Rubik's Cube found that it was only one year away from the outbreak of the apocalyptic disaster. Maybe he was still in Longxing or had just escaped.

Entering Shancheng County, vehicles are coming and going, and pedestrians are busy. They go shopping, date, and hang out in bars, each living their own little life. They are wearing fashionable clothes and holding popular mobile phones, unaware that a disaster is about to come...

The black supercar, with a cool and stylish design, and even the same model is not available on the market, attracts many people's attention. They want to see the cool car and who is driving the car. Unfortunately, the dark glass can't see what's inside, and the Cube is completely confused. In the future, he has a fleet and various monitoring units to know what happened in the universe. Now, he is the only one, and it is impossible for mechanical life to receive a signal.

Following many vehicles to a pedestrian street slowly, the Cube intends to find a place to see if there is any news recently. It is impossible that there is no news about the arrival of the Zerg.

"I hate random parking, crossing randomly, not using the sidewalk, running red lights, and throwing things out of the car window!"

Mofang complained. The damn traffic conditions made Mofang, who was used to traveling at the speed of light, feel physically and mentally exhausted. The lady in the car in front of him was driving with one hand while talking on the phone. It would be fine if she had good skills, but she made the car sway left and right, which made Mofang dare not overtake. God knows if she would collide.

After squeezing through the long and heart-wrenching road conditions, the black supercar drove into a parking lot.

After searching the Internet for a while, Mofang found that the amount of information was so huge. Everyone has a mobile phone and can send messages online anytime and anywhere. The result is that all kinds of messy, true or false, rumors or hype are flying all over the sky. There is not much real information. Many people who have seen aliens have seen Mofang's computer fever in almost every country.

Because the parking spot is close to the pedestrian street, many people saw the Rubik's Cube. Not long after, five young and fashionable men and women came to the Rubik's Cube to take pictures. They started standing and squatting, and finally sat on the hood or leaned on the car to take pictures...

The computer showed that the five young men and women were not threatening, had no weapons, and were very ordinary. Just take pictures.

People live in their own world, some are busy and some are leisurely. No one knows that there is a Transformer from the future lurking around them, and even a terrible Zerg from the future. Under the surface of the peaceful world is a war powder keg hidden in the dark, which may be ignited by a little spark at any time.

After staying in Shancheng County for more than two hours without any results, the Rubik's Cube was not sure whether the Zerg would come before or after. There was no news in a short time, so he had to start the engine and leave the downtown area. Since he had nothing to do, he went to see Zhang Xiaowen who was still riding her bike to work hard, and see the girl who used to live a carefree life.

Driving all the way to the highway, seeing no one around, he quickly transformed...


With the sound of footsteps, the Rubik's Cube turned into a Transformer and ran, then jumped onto the slope and flipped into the highway, then quickly transformed, sparking all over the ground and turning back into a cool super sports car, the engine roared and headed straight for Jiangcheng!

What the Rubik's Cube didn't notice was that a car happened to pass by in the opposite direction of the highway when it was transformed. The driver didn't notice what happened on the other side. A little boy in the car who was licking a lollipop saw the Rubik's Cube breaking the law and evading tolls and flipping into the highway. The lollipop fell, and the little boy with his mouth wide open stared at the sports car and disappeared.

"Mom! Cool!"

"What's so cool about that? You threw away a good lollipop! I won't buy you one next time!"

On the highway, the Cube didn't have the habit of speed limits. Without a license plate or a driver's license, he drove as fast as he wanted. The engine roared and the speedometer value soared to 160. It wasn't that he didn't want to go faster, but other vehicles on the road prevented the Cube from speeding up. At the highway monitoring center, many people were trying to find out the license plate of the sports car that was about to fly. There was no record of entering the highway, and there was no license plate. Many people were confused. It was reasonable to say that other vehicles entered the highway from some places, but how could a sports car with such a low chassis pass through obstacles and drive onto the highway?

Driving on the familiar highway, passing through the familiar mountain tunnels and high bridges, with spring flowers blooming on both sides of the mountains, Rubik's Cube sighed inwardly, what a beautiful world, what a pity...

Highways, while facilitating people's travel, also bring safety hazards, such as fatigue driving and driver factors, which can easily cause car accidents. Unlike scratches in the city, once an accident occurs on the highway, it will be a catastrophic accident. Car accidents happen all the time on highways all over the world, and this place is no exception.

There is a sightseeing bus in front of Rubik's Cube. The bus is specially made with large windows for convenient viewing. The quality of the vehicle is fine, and the driver is also fine, but sometimes you are fine does not mean that others' problems will not affect you.

Not far in front of the bus, a private car was driving unsteadily. Maybe it was because he was too late last night and had to rush to work today. The driver in the car was drowsy. If he was sleepy and tired, he should find a rest area to rest, but the driver wanted to Rushing to Jiangcheng as soon as possible, the inner luck is even more terrifying. It is inevitable that many people will always feel that they are the protagonists in the world and nothing will happen to them if others are in trouble.

The driver became more and more sleepy, his eyelids kept lowering and raising, and finally he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The highway was very straight, and the sleeping driver stepped on the accelerator and kept driving on the road until there was a curve ahead...

From behind, Rubik's Cube watched helplessly as a white private car scraped against the median, then rolled and jumped high over the middle median of the highway and fell into the opposite lane on the other side! As luck would have it, a large tractor-trailer full of cars was coming from the opposite lane. All the tractor-trailer could do was see a white car fly up and hit it. In an instant, the car hit the cab and was rolled into the wheels. The tractor-trailer also rolled due to hitting the isolation belt. After passing through the isolation belt, it almost rolled sideways and hit the oncoming bus!

The trailer is rolling! The wheel parts and the cars carried on the bus were scattered and rolled around. The bus could not brake in time. The driver could only slam on the brakes and watch the tractor-trailer getting bigger and bigger like the driver of the tractor-trailer...

Just as the bus was about to crash, two tourists nearby saw an incredible scene. A giant gray-black robot ran past the bus window!

In the end, Rubik's Cube decided to save people. Maybe they will die in the apocalypse soon, but the apocalypse has not yet come. Rubik's Cube feels it is necessary to do something he can do. Speed ​​is very important. Rubik's Cube's huge mechanical feet are running Instead of retracting the wheels, it stepped on the wheels like a roller skate and rushed all the way. At the same time, the right robotic arm popped out a huge orange-red high-temperature mechanical knife!

Everyone in the car saw a giant robot rushing in front of the bus and ramming into the tractor-trailer. Rubik's Cube waved the mechanical knife while bending down and ramming into the tractor-trailer with its shoulder armor.

The high-temperature mechanical knife instantly cut off the weak trailer and cut the trailer into two pieces at the waist. The shoulder slammed hard, causing large sparks to break and the trailer to break. It continued to roll forward. Finally, the left robot hand pressed the ground and wiped the trailer on the highway. A series of sparks finally stopped. Just as it stopped, the braking bus also stopped in front of the Rubik's Cube, almost hitting the Rubik's Cube's face. The tourists and the driver in front of the bus and the young tour guide sitting at the door had their mouths wide open and stared blankly. The huge mechanical face with red eyes outside the windshield in front of the car.

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