Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1134: Answer

The Rubik's Cube was not worried about the Zerg. What he was most worried about was the three large battleships that had been taken away. The super weapons on them could easily destroy the earth, so he had to order the fleet to assemble. To this end, a large number of space battleships were dispatched to the Milky Way. Each large battleship had a team of There are many medium-sized warships, frigates, and countless fighter jets. The purpose of mobilizing such a large army is to search for three large warships and destroy them as soon as possible.

"From now on, all military units will release all reconnaissance planes to search for traces of the Zerg. Once the three captured warships are discovered, they will be destroyed regardless of the consequences!"

When the order is given, the hatch of the battleship that jumps through space or crosses the space bridge to the Milky Way is opened. The reconnaissance planes fly continuously into the universe. There are constant ripples in the space. One warship after another jumps through space and comes to the Milky Way. The reason why the Zerg is in The universe relies on numbers and fearlessness. These two robots are better than them and have many advantages that insects do not have.

There are many planets in the galaxy where human citizens of the Mechanical Empire live. A large number of transport warships have landed and sent all the citizens of the Mechanical Empire to various mechanical planets. The first thing the Mechanical Empire has to do is to protect its own citizens and then protect other life.

The busy galaxy seems to be filled with the breath of war. The Rubik's Cube is not afraid of the Zerg attacking the mechanical planet. Attacking a military fortress is no different from seeking death. As the search deepens, reconnaissance planes begin to discover the Zerg small spacecraft, and the fighter jets have not arrived yet. , the reconnaissance plane discovered that the small Zerg spacecraft that discovered that they were being followed self-destructed. Only by smashing themselves to pieces would the other party not be able to obtain the information they wanted to know from their minds.

Just when the mechanical army was searching everywhere with a violent aura and planning to fight against the Zerg, Wang Ziyan, who was living a boring life inside the starship, suddenly discovered that Mo Yan'er had sneaked away...

Mo Yaner, the little witch with a super fire as her heart, is not stupid. Safety is the most important thing. When leaving, she specially found a medium-sized battleship as a means of transportation to escape. First she ran to Ningxing and looked at the Furious Three. The old man's face was red, Mo Yan'er meant no harm, she just wanted to see what the three guys who had defeated her father's army looked like.

After leaving Ningxing, Mo Yan'er quickly encountered the fleet that was ordered to protect them, two large battleships and a large number of subordinate frigates.

The commander of the fleet is Ziyi. She likes to protect this little witch princess. At least it is interesting, although sometimes she is frightened...

In the cockpit of the battleship, Mo Yan'er, who was still a little kid, was sitting on a raised seat eating snacks. Many robots were busy in the cabin. Suddenly, a projection screen popped up in front of her eyes, and the Rubik's Cube linked to the battleship and found Mo Yan'er.

"Yan'er, you ran away again. There's a war going on here. You'd better go to the Mechanical Planet and wait for news."

"Oh my god~ Dad, I really want to come out and play~ There is nothing fun in this universe anymore, so I can just play for a few days~"

Rubik's Cube looked at the cute little witch and felt happy and happy at the same time. With the character of the little witch, it was good to stay in one place for so many years without running away. After thinking about it, he decided to let her go crazy outside for a few days. Anyway, there was a fleet. There was nothing that could threaten her, and even if she encountered the Zerg and couldn't defeat it, she would still have no problem escaping.

"Okay, then you can play outside for a few days. When you've had enough, you have to go back!"

"Yeah~! Dad, you are the best! I will cook for you when you get home~"

Rubik's Cube smiled and closed the communication. He had no idea that the little witch rarely obeyed. Especially when he heard that there was going to be a war, he couldn't help but be curious. The first thing he did when he closed the communication was to order the fleet to keep the signal silent and go to the galaxy. , the computer core that controls the battleship is naturally not allowed to violate the Creator's orders.

"Your Highness, according to the order, we cannot go to the galaxy where a war is about to start. We... uh... don't modify my program... we... we should rush to the galaxy immediately." The human projection projected by the computer core struggled outside. After a while, in the end, with a happy expression, he led the fleet to start a space jump according to the little witch's order.

Ziyi rubbed his forehead and decided not to persuade the little witch. There was no harm done, but the feeling of being forced to change his mind was not very pleasant.

"Aunt Ziyi, do you think we can catch those Zerg and teach them a lesson?" Mo Yan'er's eyes were gleaming. It wasn't electronic equipment that was emitting light, it was natural light...

"We...it's better to coordinate our actions with the imperial army. Working alone is the most dangerous thing. Mechanical civilization is a model of unity and cooperation. I don't agree with private actions to destroy the imperial army's plans without notifying the imperial army." Ziyi tried his best to dissuade him. The little witch is having fun. There is already another galaxy outside, which has just made a space jump.

"You are always timid. Don't worry, I'm here. I will protect you when the time comes."

Mo Yan'er stood up from the chair and patted Zi Yi's shoulder, trying her best to pretend that she was mature. Zi Yi felt dizzy at the sight. If the Creator hands over the mechanical empire to the little princess in the future, the universe will definitely usher in an era of chaos again...

Rubik's Cube is deploying defenses in the Milky Way and sending a large number of fleets to search everywhere. Little does he know that his precious daughter secretly blocks the signal and runs to the Milky Way. Once Mo Yan'er is careful, it will be difficult for Rubik's Cube to find out if Rubik's Cube doesn't pay close attention. Who knows that she is her biological daughter? Later, the addition of Mo Yan'er brought a little change to the galaxy.

During the search, the reconnaissance aircraft discovered a Zerg fleet.

The Zerg spacecraft full of biological atmosphere is floating in space, followed by a group of small spaceships. The outside of the spacecraft is full of dark holes, and some holes reveal a bug face with a green light flashing in the mouth of the bug. Those are Zerg that can launch long-range attack energy bombs. It was fixed outside the spacecraft and used as a weapon.

A gray-black reconnaissance plane approached silently, took pictures, calculated, and transmitted the information back to the fleet.

A few seconds later, the alert bug discovered turbulent ripples in the nearby space...

The mechanical army is coming! When he saw the ripples, he knew it was the shock caused by the space jump. Before he could fire or escape, a frigate appeared near the battleship. A large number of fighter jets flew out of the hatch continuously. At the same time, the battleship's weapon system opened fire on the nearby Zerg spacecraft. The surface of the Zerg spacecraft continued to explode. After being attacked, the bugs also began to fire back at the warship. They started fighting to the death as soon as they made contact. There was no testing, no tactics, just madness.

Battleships can release combat units such as fighter jets, but Zerg spacecraft cannot release any bugs in space. Zerg wings cannot fly in a vacuum environment, and escaping from the spacecraft is no different than seeking death.

This Zerg spacecraft did not self-destruct but chose to rush towards the frigate. Only the combat bugs on the Zerg spacecraft that were close to the frigate could enter the frigate for close combat. As the Zerg spacecraft approached, the frigate quickly reversed and circled, using its own flexibility to deal with the Zerg spacecraft.

I saw two huge spaceships and warships entangled with each other in space. The surface of the Zerg spacecraft, which was hit by fighter units constantly outputting firepower from the periphery, collapsed. The Zerg spacecraft was very distinctive. It was similar to a circular hornet's nest. It was extremely complex inside and it was difficult to destroy it except for large weapons. Destroyed, the Zerg ship approached the frigate while trying to avoid the ion cannon bombardment.

During a certain evasion, the Zerg spacecraft was very close to the frigate...

Suddenly, a large number of insect bullets shot out of those black holes and shot towards the frigate. By pushing hard in the vacuum environment of space, you can get enough power to jump very far. The robot in the cockpit saw small red dots appearing continuously on the side of the frigate. Suddenly there were hundreds! The robot operating equipment in charge notifies the mechanical soldiers on board to join the battle!

This is probably the first time in history that bugs have boarded a battleship. The eyes of a large number of mechanical soldiers sleeping in the battleship cabin turned red and they woke up...

Groups of mechanical soldiers opened the hatches and used the auxiliary propulsion system to fly out and pounce on the bugs on the surface of the battleship. They fired at will. The bullets would not cause any damage to the hull of the battleship. They fired dense bullet energy bombs with lasers, and the bugs were also adsorbed on the surface of the battleship. It began to spit out energy bombs to fight back, and the battle on the frigate's shell became fierce for a while.

Finally, the Zerg spacecraft was crippled after two minutes of continuous fire from the frigate. Then the heavy artillery fired and the spacecraft was broken into pieces. Fighters began to search for surviving bugs to eliminate, and the bugs on the frigate's shell were infiltrating into the battleship... …

The mechanical dogs were dispatched. Each one roared and searched for bugs that had entered the cabin. The monitoring system pointed out the location of the mechanical dogs. Bugs that were lucky enough to get into the cabin were torn into pieces by the mechanical dogs and thrown into the incinerator for burning.

"When did the bugs start playing offensive and desperate?"

A robot working in the cockpit command center muttered, and the robot next to him nodded and expressed confusion.

The bugs that boarded the ship were eliminated one by one. The remaining bugs did something crazy. They hid in the recesses on the surface of the frigate and spit out corrosive energy bombs to corrode the armored soldiers and destroy the heavy artillery weapon systems on the surface of each frigate. Mechanical soldiers and mechanical dogs stepped up their attacks. It took time to finally kill all the bugs that boarded the ship.

At this time, the seven small weapon systems on the outside of the frigate were damaged and malfunctioned. The main gun was fine. After all, the metal was large and thick and corroded slowly and could not be damaged.

The robot was very vigilant. After discovering this crazy attack, it believed that when encountering the Zerg in the future, the large battleship must retreat to prevent the Zerg from destroying it wildly. A thousand bugs are not a threat, but if ten thousand bugs go crazy, they may cause damage to the battleship's weapon system and affect the battle.

Rubik's Cube also watched the battle video. As a last resort, the multi-tube close-in defense system that had disappeared from the battleship was once again installed on the outside of the battleship for short-range defense. Its flexible performance and fierce firepower were enough to kill any bugs that came close to the battleship, and it would not attack other battleships. Due to the impact, the engineering robot almost immediately found the multi-barreled close-in defense weapon drawings from the database that had been dusted for many years, and modified it slightly, turning it into an eleven-barreled cannon close-in defense system.

Rapidly manufactured, installed in large quantities on each warship, and tested using small meteorites, the effect is amazing.

Half a month passed before I knew it.

The situation is getting worse. Reconnaissance planes have discovered Zerg spacecraft more and more recently. Of course, the suicide attack tactic of sending bugs after getting close has lost its effect. The bugs were shattered by dense bullets before they could get close. The bugs decided to fight with the machine. The army fought guerrillas and began to sneak attack on the reconnaissance planes or several spaceships to attack the lone warship together. More than a dozen Zerg spacecraft were destroyed, and the mechanical army also paid a frigate.

One day, Rubik's Cube received a message from a fleet stationed in a distant galaxy.

Related to the monks and the former immortals, the Rubik's Cube did not eliminate the cultivation civilization but gave them a place to practice on their own. Many immortals in the immortal world once fled everywhere after the immortal world was exploded, and many stayed on those planets. There were some stationed outside. A large number of mechanical armies prevent monks from going to other planets to plunder resources. It has been decided that the monks living in areas controlled by the mechanical empire will not cause trouble if they are accustomed to a comfortable and colorful life. The trouble is caused by those monks who still maintain the habit of competing for resources with the weak and the strong. They are not satisfied with how many planet resources.

What should I do if there are not enough resources? The law of the jungle is of course robbery. Under the instigation of some monks, a large number of monks began to attack the mechanical army stationed there. What's more, they had received news that the mechanical army was undergoing a civil war. How long would they take this opportunity to not rise up?

They didn't know that the civil war had already subsided. The attacking mechanical army was caught off guard at first and gained some victory. Then, the mechanical army began to launch a counterattack. The senior monks ran away and a lot of low-level monks who were encouraged died. Several planets have sufficient resources, which at least reduces the number of contenders.

The reason for the report was that the garrison found that the energy of those cultivation planets was rapidly decreasing, which meant that the spiritual power of so many monks was not enough to absorb and consume. The uncoordinated ratio of production capacity to absorption would naturally cause panic.

The Rubik's Cube feels like one head and two big ones. There is a limit to everything, and once it is exceeded, it's no longer good.

After thinking about it, Rubik's Cube issued an order, asking the army responsible for guarding several cultivating planets to monitor the changes in the planet's environment. Once the ecological stability is threatened, a large number of monks must be eliminated to maintain the normal spiritual power of the planet. It is a bit like cutting wheat. There is no way, so we must be ruthless. You must be ruthless.

When considering the cultivation planet, Rubik's Cube is also considering the earth. Why are those Zergs preparing to go crazy on the earth?

If there is any difference between the earth and other planets, there is really no difference. If we insist on saying that there is... Mother Goddess of the Earth?

Rubik's Cube suddenly thought of the reason why the Zerg were interested in the earth. The Mother Goddess of the Earth. Currently, there are only two planets in the discovered universe that have self-born gods. One is the huge mind hidden around ecological animals and plants on Na'vi, commonly known as the Mother Goddess. The other is the Mother Goddess. One is the consciousness of the earth's self-birth, the Mother Goddess of the Earth. In terms of nature, the Mother Goddess of the Earth is more advanced than the Mother Goddess of Namei.

The Zerg like to plunder and devour. Based on the current data analysis, Rubik's Cube believes that it is the gods of the Zerg who want to devour the Mother Goddess of the Earth!

The puzzle that has been confusing for a long time is finally found. The Rubik's Cube is full of murderous intent. The gods of the planet know how to protect the ecological environment better than those monks who rely on cultivation. The Zerg actually want to devour it. Even if devourment can increase their abilities, so what? Wouldn't it be possible to achieve the goal by spending more time practicing? The Rubik's Cube will not devour the Earth Mother Goddess. On the contrary, the Rubik's Cube is willing to use the full force of the Machinery Empire to protect her.

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