Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 140: Overhead Line Collapse

"Although this method of obtaining energy is relatively backward and primitive, we can only make do with it for a while now. I hope those devices can be used for a few more years." The Rubik's Cube said to himself while standing under the dam, carefully scanning and recording all the data before going there Dam Control Office.

The right manipulator transformed into a bayonet and stabbed a zombie wearing light blue overalls blocking the road!

Just when the bayonet was only a few centimeters away from the ordinary zombie, the Rubik's Cube suddenly stopped, retracted the bayonet with a snap, and patted the zombie's shoulder with a friendly hand. Rubik's Cube, who had originally planned to kill all the zombies, changed his mind and decided to keep these free ones. Guard, what if someone else comes and takes away control of the dam? In the end of the world, nothing likes the humans who come to rob it more than zombies.

Although this dam is said to be shared by both countries, most of the electricity is sent to the other side of the river. Perhaps because of ostentation or because they feel that a big country should behave like a big country, a large amount of power resources are sent to the other side.

When I arrived at the dam control area, I pushed aside a zombie Rubik's Cube blocking the door and walked into the control center. A dozen zombies in the room tilted their heads and stared at the Rubik's Cube with their mouths wide open. They looked around and stopped paying attention.

The computer quickly searched for the dam information. After finding various data about the dam, the Rubik's Cube began to simulate the current condition of the dam in the computer. At the same time, it began to dismantle many useless things and reconnect the various data cables. Yes, the Rubik's Cube is being transformed. The dam control system was redesigned. Two manipulators flexibly welded together various complex equipment. It was so fast that only the residual images of the hands were visible. The Rubik's Cube that took humans several days to complete was integrated in just a few seconds. The circuit The board was modified and the computer was rewritten into a mechanical writing system. Without the Rubik's Cube, I am afraid that the people on earth would not be able to regain the right to use this control system. Of course, they can throw away all the equipment and install a new one. The problem is that now that there is money and Gold cannot buy these devices.

A dozen zombies stared blankly at the Rubik's Cube with black grins, and were very interested in the moving and inedible thing in front of them.

Most of the electricity generated here is sent to the other side, but almost 100% of the equipment is completely manufactured by Longguo. There is no way, the other side can't manufacture it at all.

After reintegrating all the equipment, the Rubik's Cube came to a large server. Although I don't know why there is such a computer server produced by Longguo here, it can still be used now. The manipulator is attached to the server interface. Countless blue translucent hair-like filaments spread from the joints of the manipulator to cover the interface and penetrate the internal circuit board through the shell. The transformation work begins again.

A few minutes later.

The Rubik's Cube retracted its manipulator, and the other hand clicked on the keyboard at a dizzying speed. The screen was not a computer system on earth. It was filled with special mysterious symbols flashing all over the screen. It was mechanical text...

"The control system has been transformed, and now it's time to transform the external facilities."

After walking out of the room, it transformed into a racing motorcycle. The engine roared and drove towards the main building of the dam. Many facilities transported electricity to the countries on the other side of the river. The Rubik's Cube felt that this was unnecessary and needed to be destroyed.

Driving up to the dam, the Rubik's Cube transforms into a robot. The robot arm plunges into the cement with a click, and its limbs violently and brutally climb up the highest dam facility along the cement wall, leaving a series of holes in the wall. Climbing to a high place, the power facilities of the dam were classified and marked with functions and many key connection points on the screen in the mechanical eyes. It only took a few seconds to find the facilities supplying power to the other side of the river. He raised his left robotic arm and clicked. With a few clicks, it deforms and folds into a machine gun, and the cross frame is locked at the weak point of the facility.


Three bullets were fired back and forth at the weak point in a vertical pattern.

Ding ding ding! The bullet penetrated the thin steel plate, and... the device exploded with a series of sparks and completely burned the device.

These are not enough. It takes some time to repair these equipments. What the Rubik's Cube needs is someone who can't repair it in years. He turned his head and looked at the other side. In his eyes, the steel frames of the elevated wires were marked in red. From the big The dam extends all the way to the end of the mountain. After calculation, a steel frame was finally selected to stand on the top of the mountain. As long as this elevated structure is destroyed, the elevated structures on both sides of the mountain without the role of transmission lines will be pulled down by huge forces and fall down the mountain on both sides. Go and be able to cause maximum damage with minimum force.

He bent down and quickly extended a missile from his back.

Teng! After the missile was ejected, it ignited in the air, dragging its tail flames straight to the elevated mountain top...

At this time, there were several engineering personnel from the other country under the elevated road on the top of the mountain, pointing at various parts of the dam. Suddenly, someone noticed a smoking thing that seemed to be spinning and flying over the dam.

Afterwards, several people chattered something in the language of the other side. After talking for a while, they suddenly screamed in fear and turned around and ran away...

The missile in flight quickly discovered a few humans under the elevated structure and marked them with white boxes. After being confirmed to be irrelevant personnel, it continued to rush towards the weak point of the elevated structure!

boom! ! !

A violent explosion occurred somewhere elevated! The huge force even blew away several pieces of steel.

Woo~woo~woo~ The steel whirled straight towards a few national engineering personnel from the other side not far away. One end of the steel smashed a ball of soil among several people and then continued to roll and fly down the mountain, making several people scream in fright.


Several engineers screamed and cursed in the language of the country on the other side of the strait. When they found that there was no movement, they turned to look at the extremely critical viaduct on the top of the mountain and saw that a large piece of steel frame structure had disappeared in a certain place. The huge damage was enough to make the viaduct lose balance.

After a few seconds of silence.

Bang! Bang! Bang...!

Suddenly, many large screws at the connection points on the viaduct could not withstand the huge force and broke and fell one after another, and the viaduct also made a terrifying sound of steel twisting, and the entire viaduct was groaning...

Several engineers screamed again and turned around and ran.



Behind, many steel structures of the viaduct broke and twisted one after another, and the transmission lines swayed and tangled with each other, making clanging sounds, and fell towards several engineers slowly and then quickly.

Boom! The entire elevated structure crashed into the mountain, sending up a lot of dust. Following closely, the transmission lines broke one by one. The broken transmission lines almost bounced back to both sides at a very fast speed. An engineer was not paying attention and was cut in half by the bounced transmission line in the blink of an eye.

After all the transmission lines on the collapsed elevated structure broke, the elevated structures on both sides of the mountain began to collapse to both sides without being able to withstand the pulling force of the transmission lines. The huge sound of steel breaking and twisting echoed over the reservoir area between the mountains, and could be heard clearly several kilometers away!

After several elevated structures fell, the continued destruction stopped, while the elevated structure on the top of the mountain was still sliding down the mountainside with dust. There was no way. The country on the other side was frantically logging to create income, which made the mountain bare. When it slid down, it also destroyed the foundation of another elevated structure halfway up the mountain. Now it was even more impossible to repair it in a short time.

"The effect is good. If there is a shortage of steel in the future, you can come and move it away."

The magic cube was very satisfied with his masterpiece and did not see the unlucky guy on the top of the mountain who was pulled in half by the wire.

The top of the mountain was covered in dust. In the dust, several engineers were crying loudly. It was unclear whether they were in pain because of the tragic death of their companions or because the power transmission line was completely destroyed...

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