Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 148: Crow

"Yes, and they are very powerful. They have even created disgusting things like human transformation. I will send you the video." Rubik's Cube sent the fight video and helicopter data to Zhang Xiaowen.

Zhang Xiaowen looked at the video recording with an annoyed expression.

"After the apocalypse, it's not just zombies who kill people, but also these crazy people seeking death. Experiments are of no use. What will they get when there are only a few people left in the world? Rights?" Zhang Xiaowen didn't quite understand.

"They regard themselves as gods, and their blind confidence is a mockery of themselves." Rubik's Cube curled his lips.

The high-tech Xin'an Town camp, as well as many surviving mutants with ulterior motives, and now an inexplicable mysterious and crazy organization have all put a lot of pressure on the Rubik's Cube. Today's Longshan Camp can easily deal with zombies and ordinary robbers. , but it is a bit weak to deal with these huge organizations. Except for those people outside the Xinan Town camp, they all belong to the kind of people who do not care about human survival or morality in order to achieve their goals. They do whatever it takes. The Xinan Town camp is relatively civilized. What can be said about the survivors? They only want high technology, but those mutant groups and mysterious organizations are perverted and cruel.

Come on, come on, the worst is to go to these bastard organizations to assassinate and set fire to, I don't believe that hiding in the ruins of the city can be found by these people.

Next, collecting long-range air defense weapons and land warfare weapons should be on the agenda. It's time to transport a few of the tanks and armored vehicles in the underground hangar of the airport, but before that, the necessary technological equipment must be sorted out.

"By the way, didn't you go to the power station to explore the situation? When are you going to connect the wires to the camp?"

"I will continue the transformation tomorrow. I will also make some equipment tonight. There are a lot of things waiting for me. I also have to build a simple granary to store food. It is not easy to feed a camp..."

After resting for a while, we continued to work on the farm.


At night, Jiajia occupied a large bed, and Zhang Xiaowen hugged Xiaojing and slept on the other bed. The curtains swayed slightly, and there was a bright moonlit night outside the window.

In the living room on the first floor, Rubik's Cube is assembling several pieces of equipment. All transmission lines of the hydropower station have been identified. All that is needed is to cut off the unused transmission lines and leave the ones leading to Longshan Camp. However, it is better not to damage the power grid as much as possible. The destruction was good, and the equipment was made to transform some important substation locations and retain most of the power grid to transmit power.

"It looks like it's necessary to make a few automatic mining vehicles."

Looking at the fewer and fewer electrical appliances and the Rubik's Cube, he said speechlessly, every time a small amount of materials is collected, it will be used up quickly. Every time a material is collected, a lot of manpower and material resources are wasted and the efficiency is low. Mining vehicles were originally a standard equipment equipped on space mining spaceships. They have the ability to automatically search and collect ores and materials. Those damaged vehicles jammed in urban areas are materials. If there are mining vehicles, they will use them. All untouched things are broken down into metal and transported back, which not only cleans up the garbage but also ensures the operation of the factory. This is a cost-effective deal.

"But... it's more important to make two engineering robots before that. You can't just stay in the camp and build them every day. You still need to go out and fight."

Late at night, the Rubik's Cube, which does not need sleep, is still working hard...

Early the next morning, Rubik's Cube touched Xiao Jing's head and prepared to connect the power facility. Unexpectedly, he accidentally woke up Zhang Xiaowen.

"Where are you going so early in the morning..." Zhang Xiaowen said in a daze.

"Of course you're going to work. Your pajamas are a little too loose and you're missing a button."


Zhang Xiaowen turned over and continued to sleep with Xiaojing in her arms. Suddenly, she realized that she seemed to have disappeared! I quickly opened my eyes and saw the back of the Rubik's Cube coming downstairs. After thinking about it, I felt that I was not being watched less anyway, so I just lay down and continued to sleep indifferently.

Dahei, who was sleeping at the door of the big house, heard the sound and raised his head to look at the Rubik's Cube. He called out softly as a greeting. The Rubik's Cube turned into a racing motorcycle and drove out of the camp quickly. A large box full of precision equipment was fixed on the seat. Pocket, started to be the main manager and worker of a power grid transformation project...

Xin'an Town Campground.

Several mutants who organized an attack on the Longshan Camp last time appeared in the shack area, and this gathering was also to seize the camp, but it was not the Longshan Camp but the Xin'an Town Camp. After all, the abnormal firepower configuration and weird robots of the Longshan Camp were simply too... Just like the Eagle Empire military base, instead of risking your life and being unable to succeed, it is better to capture the weak camp, the Xin'an Town Camp.

Since Secretary Huang came here last time, he has never seen any other people from the country, and there is not even a decent army. Therefore, several mutants believe that the country has long been unable to manage and has lost the ability to control. It would be great to take the camp for yourself. If you want girls, girls, food and food, you might as well become an emperor.

This time the mutants want to overthrow the management of Secretary Huang and others, and many people in the shantytowns strongly support it. Everyone in the shantytowns has no food, sleep, or hunger here every day, but the wealthy people are living and drinking there, who doesn't feel depressed? I was so angry that someone who took the lead was naturally warmly welcomed. Within a few days, a large number of subordinates gathered.

Just when the Xin'an Town camp was confused in the cool autumn, the zombies from the city direction began to roar and move slowly, and the direction of movement was obviously the Xin'an Town camp...


Amidst the roar, the zombies, whether it was a fence or a deep ditch, all crowded in one direction. When they encountered a wall, they piled up one after another like Arhats. Then the zombies behind stepped on the zombies in front and walked across the wall, especially the deep ditch. After filling it up, walk over. Occasionally, evolved zombies and lickers will nimbly jump over ordinary zombies and take the lead.


In the sky, dark mutant crows flew out of the dark windows of the building and headed straight for the Xinan Town camp. The high-rise building that was originally full of white-collar workers and gold-collar workers has now become a nest of mutated crows infected with the virus. It must be said that it is an irony.

A group of mutated crows surpassed the slow zombies, flew over two low mountains, and soon saw the Xin'an Town camp.

"Look! There are so many crows in the sky!" someone shouted in the camp in Xin'an Town.

The mutants who heard the sound walked out of the dilapidated shacks and stared at the rapidly approaching black crows in the distance without knowing why. Not only did the shantytowns discover the crows in the sky, but the people living in the villas in the wealthy district also discovered the abnormality. They had never encountered this kind of situation before, so Secretary Huang and others didn't know what to do. Fortunately, the villa was still relatively strong, so they simply got into the villa and closed the doors and windows to watch the crows through the windows.

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