Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 150: Mecha Beauty Warrior

Speeding all the way, before Mo Fang and Zhang Xiaowen arrived at the Xin'an Town camp, they could see dense crows gathering over the camp far away. The black crows flying in the sky are constantly circling and swooping. You can see many places on fire in the camp. I am afraid that flames and thick smoke are the best way to deal with this virus crows. I have seen that kind of crow Rubik's Cube, and the eyes are blood red after being infected by the virus. , the huge sharp mouth can easily peck through the skull of a zombie.

Perhaps the warning broadcast issued by Zhang Xiaowen had an effect. Many people were driving out. Although there were still crows circling above their heads, the number was much smaller.

"Those bastards had better not use their vehicles to carry pianos or foreign wine, otherwise I will let them all stay." Rubik's Cube said while looking at the oncoming convoy of vehicles fleeing for their lives.

As they get closer and closer to the camp in Xin'an Town, more and more people are fleeing for their lives, but these are all survivors with cars. Although those survivors in the shanty towns have received Zhang Xiaowen's notice, they have to resist on the spot because they don't have cars. , otherwise you will be easily attacked by crows if you leave on foot and are exposed.

"Look, in front are the vehicles of managers and wealthy people, which means that the Xinan Town camp has really been abandoned!"

An SUV was coming towards us. Secretary Huang and the helicopter pilot were sitting in the car. Zhang Nan and three other soldiers were not seen in the car. As for not escaping in a helicopter, it was probably because flying a helicopter in such a situation full of crows was not the same as seeking death. Strangely, crows who are not afraid of death can easily cause huge damage to the engine.

Phew~! The racing motorcycle passed by the SUV. Secretary Huang looked back at the windshield motorcycle heading towards the camp. He seemed to have seen Zhang Xiaowen just now...

As we got closer to the Xinan Town camp, the speed of the Rubik's Cube became slower and slower. A lot of chaos blocked the traffic. Some people even tried to snatch the racing motorcycle from Zhang Xiaowen to escape easily, but they were knocked to the ground by Zhang Xiaowen's punches. As a last resort, the Rubik's Cube had to Raising the wheels to adapt to the off-road environment, they rushed towards the camp quickly from the wasteland. At this time, crows were already rushing towards them. Rubik's Cube and Zhang Xiaowen even watched a man being knocked down and buried by crows. After several screams, There was only the sound of flesh tearing. The danger here was more serious than expected!

"The camp wall ahead! Hurry up!"

The Rubik's Cube suddenly accelerated towards a bulge. Zhang Xiaowen tightly grasped the handle of the car and suddenly felt like she was jumping into the air. Her whole body was floating uncontrollably...

Bang! The Rubik's Cube flew away and landed on the ground, then turned around and rushed towards the center of the camp where supplies were stored.

All the rich and wealthy people in the villa area have long since fled, and those hiding inside are all survivors in tattered clothes who came from the shanty towns. They are trying to block the windows with some sofas or tables and mattresses. There are corpses everywhere on the ground that have been chewed to pieces. , there were many people in the shantytown who didn't have time to run over, screaming, crying, cursing, the camp was a miserable scene.

"What to do with the Rubik's Cube? There are too many crows!"

"Fire the tires with fuel! The black smoke from the tires will make these crows unbearable, and it can also be blown by the wind to smoke the zombies in the city. It can cover up the human smell here and spread towards the city!"

"But I can't guard against these crows! There are too many of them!" Zhang Xiaowen slapped two crows away and said to the Rubik's Cube. The combat uniform on Zhang Xiaowen was unable to protect herself in all directions, and was completely suppressed by the numbers and unable to exert her combat effectiveness.

"Okay, let's work together."

"Cooperation? How to cooperate?"

Squeak - the Rubik's Cube braked suddenly, and then quickly transformed before Zhang Xiaowen was surrounded by crows. However, this time he did not transform himself but hugged Zhang Xiaowen tightly. The extended machine quickly wrapped around Zhang Xiaowen's sexy figure, first from behind. The back began to be covered, then the head and limbs, and the face was covered with a transparent super glass screen. Groups of data kept flashing in front of Zhang Xiaowen's eyes. Blue and red spray paint and black machinery made Zhang Xiaowen look domineering and sci-fi. In just a few seconds, Zhang Xiaowen She turned into a... beautiful girl mechanical warrior!

"This..." Zhang Xiaowen felt that her whole body was wrapped in comfortable metal, and her hands turned into mechanical hands. The screen in front of her showed the mechanical condition of the whole body and various data. It seemed that her whole body was full of power, as if she was wearing a suit of Dragon Stars. Mecha made!

"The body shape is good. I specially designed it according to your body shape. It's very difficult to look like this."

"Hmph~" Zhang Xiaowen felt quite weird. It was enough to wear a mecha, but Rubik's Cube was still a guy with a unique soul...

"Go ahead and light the tires, not just one or two piles."

"Okay! Haha! I'm a superhero! Look at me!" Zhang Xiaowen shouted excitedly, turned around and ran towards the gasoline barrel marked by the detector. The clanking mechanical footsteps made Zhang Xiaowen extremely excited. Her own enhanced physical strength was also With the assistance of the Rubik's Cube transforming mecha, his strength was greatly improved, and he knocked away one crow after another and ran towards the gasoline barrel without hesitation.

"Mecha... mecha warrior? Isn't that something only in movies?"

In the villa, Zhang Nan and three other soldiers watched blankly as a mecha man with a metallic luster and blue and red spray paint ran past the door, carrying a straight machete behind his back. What was going on? A superhero in a science fiction movie?

Zhang Xiaowen ran to the gasoline barrels, grabbed two oil barrels and rushed towards the shantytown. She ran to the outside of the crowd where many people were resisting and threw the gasoline barrels down. She easily tore the barrels into pieces with her hands. She was surrounded by a group of stunned survivors. He stretched out his left arm in front of him and turned it into a machine gun and fired at the gasoline. In an instant, the gasoline was ignited. The hot temperature drove away the crows above his head. Then he ran to get the tires and threw them on the gasoline. The other survivors saw this and ignored their curiosity. Quickly throw debris and tent boards on the fire.

After running several times and lighting more than a dozen fires, the billowing smoke from burning tires floated into the sky, creating a dark protective layer over the camp.

Before the end of the world, we talked about environmental protection every day, but we didn’t expect that today we have to rely on burning tires to pollute the environment to save our lives. Fortunately, this particularly irritating smoke is very effective on crows, and the crows have to fly high into the sky to avoid it. Black smoke billows.

Bang! Zhang Xiaowen grabbed a crow, looked at it, threw it to the ground and stepped on it.

The billowing smoke drifted away in the camp, and the coughs of survivors were everywhere. Although they may have inhaled a lot of toxic substances, they survived and were not eaten alive by crows. Rubik's Cube scanned the casualties in the camp and found that there were more than 300 corpses on the ground, all of which were eaten to a disgraceful appearance. Rubik's Cube suspected that the crazy attack of the virus crows on the human camp was related to the large-scale movement of zombies, as if they were two different species. But they all help each other when hunting. Although they usually attack each other's enemies, it is obvious that the taste of humans makes them cooperate.

The shanty town camp temporarily withstood the crow attack.

"Cube, let everyone leave the camp now or when?"

"Not now. The crows are still circling in the air and have not dispersed. The zombies are coming soon. Instead of facing the crows and zombies at the same time, it is better to use the black smoke as a cover to only deal with the zombies. When the crows feel that they are no longer interesting, they will naturally fly away. Next , prepare to face the fastest lickers and evolved zombies."

Zhang Xiaowen nodded helplessly, pulled out the machete from behind and walked towards the city.

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