Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 161: It’s outside the door

Everyone in the large room stayed quietly in their places. This was a former office building of a company. Office desks and chairs were pieced together into temporary beds. The atmosphere was quiet and tense.

"Sister Fei...it's coming towards us, almost to the door..." Xiaojing said fearfully.

Yuan Fei stood motionless and pointed the sniper rifle at the door, motionless like a sculpture.

"It...it's outside the door!"

In an instant, all eyes fell on the door. The bolder ones gritted their teeth with all kinds of weapons and were ready to rush forward for a fight. The timid ones just huddled under the bed and held their heads in prayer. The only one who could 'see' the situation outside was Xiao Jingduo. Shivering and staring at a certain position, this kind of situation where you can only feel the other person but cannot see clearly the other person's appearance is the most frightening.

Outside the door, the Rubik's Cube stretched out a finger and turned it into a bayonet to penetrate the door lock. The bayonet automatically deformed and adjusted into the shape of a key...

Inside the door, many people watched helplessly as the complex door lock, which was said to be relatively advanced, was... slowly twisting! It's like someone outside opens the door with a key! But it's the end of the world and where can I find the key? This situation is so abnormal and weird! Quite weird!

Squeak~ the door opens outward.

Yuan Fei saw a black figure in the darkness outside. After taking aim, she was about to pull the trigger when she found three thin red aiming lines aimed at her forehead! I'm locked in!

Rubik's Cube breathed a sigh of relief. This mutant was different and almost punched a hole in the starship. Fortunately, our aiming speed was not slow. Thinking of this, the magician realized that actually the correct way to contact him is to knock on the door and say hello first. After all, no one can regard a lock picker as a friendly person. Mistakes are habitual mistakes.

Snapped! The two car lights on Rubik's Cube's shoulders were turned on, and dazzling light shone into the room.

Bang~ Bang~ Bang~ There was a slight sound of mechanical heavy objects falling on the floor. Yuan Fei's palms were all sweaty and she watched nervously as the guy who emitted the dazzling light walked into the room. Who was this walking sound... In the white light, Yuan Fei could only see a little outline, which was about the height of a normal human being.

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm." Rubik's Cube said politely.

Yuan Fei curled her lips. It's strange that she didn't have any malice. If she pointed a gun at this girl when she opened the door, it's also said that she didn't have any malice? But the voice sounds strange...

Seeing that these people didn't believe it, Rubik's Cube walked to the middle of the room, turned off the car lights and put away the machine gun, silently hoping that these people would not get emotional and do anything crazy. After the lights disappeared, the Rubik's Cube could barely be seen clearly with the help of the light from the window. Everyone was stunned and quiet for two seconds.


Sure enough, the screams in the room could almost shatter the glass, and Rubik's Cube rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"If you keep shouting, you will attract zombies, maybe even evolved zombies, uh... they are already running here." In the stereoscopic scan image of the Rubik's Cube, a red dot marked as an evolved zombie is approaching quickly, and the Rubik's Cube is not Thinking that he is a crow's mouth, he should be a good fortune teller. At least he is qualified enough to set up a stall on the overpass.

Yuan Fei breathed heavily and backed away with the sniper rifle. She wanted to shoot, but a voice told her that once she fired, the consequences would be very serious. Moreover, the three red sight lines just now were very familiar, and they were the same as the sniper who had saved her. The aiming method used by both hands is the same. I am afraid that this is the only one in the world who uses three red rays to aim! Since it can save her, it will definitely not kill her for no reason. Yuan Fei decided to bet that this weird robot was not here to kill people.

"Sister Fei! There is a scary zombie running here!" Xiaojing, who was hiding behind the desk, shouted to Yuan Fei.

Scary zombies? Naturally, those who deserve this title are those mutated zombies. They move fast and attack with strange power. Yuan Fei's sniper rifle muzzle shook the Rubik's Cube twice and then aimed at the corridor in the darkness...

Huh~huh~huh~ Everyone in the quiet room can hear the breathing of the zombie running in the corridor, like a broken bellows wheezing and leaking air, one after another, and the weird robot in front of them has not yet calmed down. Find out what's going on, but a scary zombie shows up again. Why are all the bad things happening today?

Rubik's Cube shook his head. He was just an evolved zombie. Why should he be so nervous? It was just right. He took this opportunity to build a good relationship and wait for someone to be infected by the zombies. Thinking of this, Rubik's Cube was suddenly full of energy!

Fast, the zombies are getting closer...

The fingers of the right robotic hand spread apart, the robotic leg took a step forward, bent down, and waved violently!

Yuan Fei's eyes can speed up her reaction speed, which means she sees others in slow motion. Just when she was about to shoot, she suddenly found this weird robot moving. In slow motion, it first took a step forward and then bent down, and then... The pair of black complex manipulators suddenly swung out and pressed directly on the zombie's face. Under the inertia of running, the zombie's head was held down and its entire body was horizontal in the air! Finally, the mechanical palm and zombie head hit the ground hard!

Click! The head of the evolved zombie was pressed to the floor by the Rubik's Cube and crushed.

Bang~ The zombie's body suddenly fell to the ground, a beautiful instant kill, the most clean and violent instant kill. It conveyed two messages at the same time. One is that the zombies are in a hostile relationship, and the other is that if the force is strong enough to kill you, you will have already done it.


Everyone looked quietly at the zombie corpse with a broken head on the floor. Is this guy still a human... No! It is not human in the first place!

"Hello, my name is Rubik's Cube and I come from Longshan Camp. Which of you is the person in charge here?"

Uh-huh! All eyes fell on Yuan Fei. Yuan Fei twitched the corner of her mouth, put down her sniper rifle and slowly walked to the front step by step. She had no choice but to stand very close to the Rubik's Cube. She said she was lying if she said she was not afraid.

"Hello...my name is Yuan Fei, and I am the temporary person in charge here."

The Rubik's Cube stretched out its right robot hand according to the etiquette of the earth, completely copying the international diplomatic etiquette. No matter what, he represents the fleet and the aliens. Being polite is a very elegant and civilized thing, although these are not important...

"Uh..." Yuan Fei stretched out her right hand blankly, held it together with the lukewarm mechanical hands and shook them. Even now, she still feels confused.


Half an hour later.

Everyone was curiously staring at the Rubik's Cube with two wheels on its back. Rubik's Cube also learned some things from the conversation. For example, these people planned to take the opportunity to escape when the zombies attacked the Xinan Town camp, but ended up in Jiang. They were blocked by a mysterious man, and many survivors died. The mysterious man wore a hat, sunglasses, and a long-sleeved windbreaker. However, Xiao Jing, a psychic mutant, insisted that he was not a human, but a zombie!

Rubik's Cube agreed with Xiaojing's statement. He had seen a zombie who had preserved his intelligence in a suburban school before. This guy who wore sunglasses to pretend to be cool was definitely trying to cover up his red eyes as an evolved zombie. He didn't expect this guy to want to play a cat and mouse game. Really abominable.

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