Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 174: In the Sewer

There is an open sewer well in the corner of the suit store warehouse. After looking at the layout, Rubik's Cube thought that this must have been a gourmet store before, and was later changed into a clothing store.

Gao Xuemei was the first to jump into the sewer, checked with a small flashlight, said hello to the people above, and moved out of the way. The Rubik's Cube went down with her hands on the ground, feet first, and stepped on the footholds on both sides of the shaft to get into the sewer little by little. Entering the sewer, the sewer system here is very good. The Rubik's Cube, which is 1.8 meters tall, only needs to be bent slightly to avoid touching the head. The temperature is relatively warm compared to the howling north wind outside, and the only bad smell is not bad. It’s not a good idea to live in a Rubik’s Cube that doesn’t require breathing, but there are some puddles.

Gao Xuelong followed the Rubik's Cube down, and Liu Yan, who didn't talk much, was the last one. Before going down the well, Liu Yan frowned. Maybe it was a woman's sixth sense, but she always felt that something was wrong with this new man...

In the sewer, Gao Xuemei walked at the front with a small flashlight. From time to time, she stepped on puddles of puddles, and occasionally there were water droplets dripping onto her head. There were four people with two small flashlights in total. The Rubik's Cube, which has a strong observation ability, found three people. Their hearts beat faster and their muscles tighten to varying degrees. This depressing dark environment can still bring a great sense of oppression to humans.

"Let's go to the drugstore first to get some medicines to treat flu and high fever. You must listen to my instructions for Rubik's Cube in a while. The peripheral pharmacies have been moved completely. Only these pharmacies surrounded by zombies still have stocks. We slowly Move near the pharmacy, the smell of sewers will cover up our whereabouts, so don't make any noise," Gao Xuemei said as she walked.


In the dim light of the small flashlight, Rubik's Cube's eyes emitted a slight red glow and blinked away, quickly scanning the surrounding area in a very short time.

"Huh?" Liu Yan, who was walking behind the Rubik's Cube, suddenly raised her head and looked at the Rubik's Cube. Just now, there seemed to be some inexplicable energy passing through her body. What kind of energy was this? Who is this Rubik's Cube?

The Rubik's Cube noticed Liu Yan's anomaly, and never expected that he would meet a mutant here. However, the superpower seemed very weak. It would be better to avoid detecting it when encountering people with sensitive mental abilities in the future.

As we walked, suddenly, the Rubik's Cube's mechanical eyes with night vision discovered a few more red dots in front of it...

"Be careful! There are three big rats ahead!"

Hearing the warning from the Rubik's Cube, Gao Xuemei quickly stopped and looked forward carefully. Sure enough, under the weak flashlight light, six reflective red dots quickly approached in the darkness. There were three mutant giant rats in total, almost as big as a dog! Although walking in the sewers can avoid zombies, the biggest fear is indeed these giant rats that are not afraid of death. Once, two groups of people in the camp were bitten to death by such things and all they had to eat was a pile of rags. Unexpectedly, today You will be unlucky enough to meet these devils...

"Get ready to fight! Kill them if you want to live!" Throwing away their backpacks, Gao Xuemei and three others took out knives and pointed them at the three mice.


The big rats are getting closer and closer. In the dim light, the appearance of the three big rats can be seen clearly. Their long beards and big fangs are very obvious. Their eyes are glowing red and their muscles are bulging. They look like a group of prey. beast.

Wow~! The Rubik's Cube took a step forward and stepped into the stagnant water. He held the steel bar with his right hand and stared at the three giant rats with his mechanical eyes. He couldn't use electric shock now, otherwise the three leading party would be convulsed by the electric shock. God knows if it would happen. Because the high-voltage electricity is too strong, brain cells are damaged and the ability to think is lost.


The big mouse running at the front suddenly waded with its front paws in the stagnant water, making a trail and stopped desperately. It screamed as pitifully as if it was caught by a cat. The two big mice behind it also stopped when they heard the sound. Not only that, they also retreated slowly and carefully step by step. Three pairs of small red eyes stared closely at the Rubik's Cube standing in front. The three giant rats instinctively felt a huge threat from the Rubik's Cube. That threat was like a face. Same for super beasts.


The three people who originally planned to fight desperately suddenly found that three giant rats were retreating. What was going on? Could it be...are you afraid of this Rubik's Cube? Thinking of this, the three of them turned to look at the back of the Rubik's Cube.

Rubik's Cube had to lament that these animals' already strong sense of danger has been improved again after mutation. Humans can't tell whether they are real or fake. Presumably these mice know in their hearts that they are not human. This ability is very useful, at least it can make these mice Three giant rats survived.


The Rubik's Cube walked towards the three giant rats that were retreating step by step. Every time they took a step, the giant rats took several steps back. Only the three giant rats knew that they had been firmly locked by unknown energy. It felt like it could happen at any time. It's like being violently attacked...

"Squeak..." The three giant rats screamed and turned and ran away, wading through the water and quickly disappearing at the end of the dark sewer.


Watching the three giant rats retreat, Gao Xuemei and the others breathed a sigh of relief. Only then did they realize that the hand holding the handle of the knife was soaked. They looked at the Rubik's Cube with great luck. In this dim environment, they suddenly realized that this Rubik's Cube with an inexplicable origin was very unusual. , at least the camp has not heard of anyone who can scare away the giant rats without taking action, not even those powerful mutants.

"Cube, are you a mutant?"

"Hmm... I guess so. The perception is stronger and the strength is pretty good." Rubik's Cube said modestly.

"Great. When we get to the camp, I wonder if I can join our Hope Community. I hope everyone in the community, old and young, can live together. Although we are not as good as those mutant groups, we are very united and affectionate." Gao Xuemei planned to take the opportunity to win over the Rubik's Cube.

"Community of Hope? Team of Mutants?"

"Yes, our Shancheng County camp is mainly divided into two parts. One part is a team organized by some mutants with special powers, but they don't care about the life and death of the old, weak, women and children, they only care about beautiful women and their own enjoyment. Divided into many teams, the other side is the community we hope to live together. Everyone is poor, but we strive to keep everyone alive and retain the good nature of human beings. Which one do you think is better? "

Gao Xuemei stared closely into Rubik's Cube's eyes, trying to see clearly Rubik's Cube's answer.

"I hope the community is good and at least makes you remember that you are still a human being."

The three of them smiled upon hearing this and did not notice the flaws in Rubik's cube's words.

"Let's go, don't we still need to collect medicines? The smell in the sewer is really not good." Rubik's Cube pretended to have a bad smell and frowned, reminding the three of them that they should act quickly. If they wait here longer, who knows what will happen. You will meet a giant rat.

"Yes, we have to get the medicine quickly." Gao Xuemei took out a simple drawing, looked at it, and continued walking forward.


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