Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 176: Making a Snow Sledge


"It's me, Rubik's Cube."

The Rubik's Cube came out of the darkness, took off his backpack and handed it to Gao Xuemei and the other three. Suddenly, the three people's eyes lit up at the various medicines in the backpack. They were immediately impressed by the Rubik's Cube. They were able to take out so many from a drugstore surrounded by so many zombies. Medicine is impossible without some special abilities. The medicine in this backpack can save the lives of many people. Unexpectedly, a dangerous and complicated thing could be completed by just one person.

"Great! With so many medicines, we no longer have to worry about dying from minor illnesses. Thank you Rubik's Cube."

"You're welcome, come with me, there's more over there, I can't move it all at once."


The three of them were stunned. This backpack of medicine is already priceless. Is there more? Then why don't you bring it? Seeing the Rubik's Cube turning around and walking away, the three of them glanced at each other and quickly grabbed their backpacks and followed them. Regardless of whether it was true or not, just go and take a look.

There was no Rubik's Cube accident. The three of them almost got drunk in the dark sewer after seeing three large boxes of commonly used medicines. With their eyes, they almost mistook these three boxes of medicines for three boxes of gold bars and gold bricks. Strictly speaking, gold bars and gold bars. The value is not as good as these medicines. Although gold is hidden in troubled times, even if the world is gone, who will want gold? Those things cannot be eaten, cannot be drunk, and cannot be used as tools. Medicines are things that can cure diseases and save lives, and their value is not at all what gold can. Comparable.

After getting enough medicine, the three finally decided to return to the camp immediately. Rubik's Cube was very relieved to finally see the Shancheng County camp after such a long delay.

The group of people walked slowly along the sewers toward the outside of the county. The closer they got to the outskirts, the more footprints there were in the sewers. It seemed that the survivors in Shancheng County fully realized the greatest role of the sewers. The ground was the least safe, and the underground was slightly better. For some, although the air is the safest, it cannot stay in the air for a long time. One accidentally returns to the era of tunnel warfare, and the enemy changes from devils to zombies.

They walked along the sewer to the outfall in the suburbs. After walking for a long time, they finally emerged from the dark sewer and suddenly stepped into the white and bright world of ice and snow outside. It took a long time for the three of them to adjust their eyes to the brightness.

Phew~! A piercing cold wind blew by, and the snow in the depression was blown away into a white layer. The dry reeds and other grass exposed on the snow swayed in the wind. Rubik's Cube looked at the three people who were shivering from the cold. The individual shook his head. It was too warm in the sewer, and the three people who just came out obviously couldn't adapt. I hope they don't get cold from the cold.

"Our car is in front, let's go, it will be warm when we get in the car." Gao Xuemei greeted, picked up the box and walked away, with Rubik's Cube following easily behind with his backpack on his back.

Creak... creak... creak...!

There was a crunching sound in the snow, and it was very difficult to walk in the snow that was almost knee-deep.

Walking to the edge of the mountain and turning a corner along the road, the Rubik's Cube felt inexplicable. Where is the car? Looking along the valley, there were no cars except for the heavy snow and big trees. I looked at Gao Xuemei, who was walking at the front wearing gloves and a cotton hat. I thought about asking where the car was, but before I could ask, I kept huffing and puffing from exhaustion. Gao Xuemei's expression changed as she breathed out hot air.

"Where's the car?"

"Huh? We obviously parked the car behind that rock, why is it gone?"

The Rubik's Cube Mechanical Eyes rolled, yes, the car was stolen. I never expected that there would be car thieves in this apocalyptic world. Isn't this just a pain in the knee of leisure, and I can't change money to buy things. Looking at the scan and analysis of the prints, it was at least done yesterday evening. It was very professional and didn't even require a key. The average car thief doesn't have this level of expertise.

Walking in the snow was already very hard, but now that the car was gone, the three of them would be exhausted if they had to carry the big box all the way back to the camp. Rubik's Cube looked around and found a good way.

He walked up to a car imported from Marukuni, opened the hood and pulled it off with a sudden tug.


The three of them looked at the Rubik's Cube inexplicably. What was the use of destroying an abandoned car? It couldn't start without oil.

Rubik's Cube threw the cover to the ground, stepped on it with one foot, and then used his hands to break off one side into an arc. He turned it over and rubbed it on the snow. It felt very slippery. He then dug out a piece of paper from the trunk of an abandoned car. Tie the rope and fix both ends on both sides of the machine cover to make a simple sledge. Instead of carrying a heavy box back, it is easier to drag it back on the snow.

Gao Xuemei and the others' eyes lit up. They stepped forward to help quickly fix the medicine box on the hood and tied it with a rope. They pulled the two ropes in front and the sledge on the hood was towed away very easily.

"Rubik's Cube, you have a great idea." Gao Xuemei smiled at the Rubik's Cube.

"Nothing, just a gadget." Rubik's Cube shrugged indifferently. There were many such things in the Northeast before, but no one pays attention to them now. Although it is ancient, it is very practical.

Rubik's Cube and Gao Xuemei took turns pulling a simple sledge and walked along the road towards the northern part of the county in the wind and snow. When the strong wind blew, no one could be seen at all and everything was completely white. The advantage was that they could hide their bodies from being caught. The disadvantage of finding and smelling zombies is that they cannot find zombies that are very close. Fortunately, there are often search teams walking along this road and the zombies have been basically cleared away.


Two hours later.

Through the whistling cold wind, the Cube finally saw the Shancheng County survivor camp from afar. The camp was built in a large factory building under a hillside, and the surrounding area was expanded far away. It used to be a large board house factory, but after the end of the world, it was used as a survivor camp. It was densely packed with various temporary brick and tile houses. A stream flowed down the hillside and passed through the camp. There were farmlands on three sides. The survivors of Shancheng County, who mainly developed agriculture, forest products and mining, obviously lived much better than the Xin'an Town camp at the beginning. At least they didn't have to worry about houses and food for the time being.

From a distance, the chimneys in the simple houses on both sides of the camp entrance were smoking. Chopping wood and lighting stoves were simple things for the people of Shancheng County. Many people had chopped wood and lit stoves in the mountains before, so at least they wouldn't be frozen.

Seeing that the camp was right in front of them and they could soon enter the warm room to bake the stove, the three people walked faster.

The magic cube walking behind silently calculated the distance between Longshan Camp and Shancheng County Camp, and sighed secretly. The distance seemed not far, but due to the obstruction of heavy snow and the influence of road conditions, it was obviously impossible to unite with Shancheng County Camp. It was impossible for them to agree to the alliance just by a few words. Without some benefits and hope, who would care about a group of people more than 100 kilometers away.

Let's take it one step at a time. It's more important to see the situation of Shancheng County Camp first.

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