Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 185: Mountain Ambush

The metal and mechanical parts covered by the manipulator began to fold and shrink and were absorbed by the Rubik's Cube. As time went on, more and more of the helicopter body was absorbed...

The pilot who woke up watched inexplicably as the helicopter made a weird steel twisting sound and gradually sank. The instrument panel in front of him was quickly disappearing, and the seat under him was lowering little by little. He looked around and finally looked outside the cabin. Who is that robot? What on earth is it doing...

"Oh~ I like the feeling of absorbing metal~"

Absorbing a large amount of metal makes the Rubik's Cube feel very comfortable. It is like taking a nutritional supplement and never getting tired of it. A large amount of metal is decomposed and quickly absorbed into the energy core. Even if it absorbs two helicopters, the Rubik's Cube will not look any different. Big, this is the unique super ability of mechanical life forms. The entire helicopter began to disappear from small parts, then metals such as the aircraft skin, and finally the aircraft frame was absorbed.

The pilot who was originally lying on the seat was now lying on the snow, surrounded by some plastic and other things that the Rubik's Cube could not use and had not absorbed. He stared blankly at the empty space in front of him, wondering why a plane disappeared like that. Lose……

An hour later.

The original place where the plane crashed was only a pile of sponges and plastic rags and two pilots. One of them was unconscious all the time, and the conscious one was shivering from the cold wind and wanted to escape, but his two legs were injured during the crash. Unable to stand up, the pilot knew that if he didn't hide in the barracks as soon as possible, he would freeze to death!

The Rubik's Cube absorbed all the metal. He raised his hand and held it a few times to test the strength of the metal. He nodded and was satisfied. Although his body shape has not changed, his metal reserves are sufficient, and he is one step closer to the next advancement.

Click...the machine gun of the left mechanical arm was loaded, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed condescendingly at the pale pilot.

The pilot lying on the ground watched helplessly as a light appeared in the muzzle of the gun and then fell into darkness...

After shooting this pilot, he shot another pilot who was in a deep coma. Rubik's Cube looked at the traces around him and confirmed that there were no obvious flaws. After that, the two wheels on his back turned into flight propellers, one on the left and one on the right. It rotated on its shoulders, the snow under its feet was blown away, and the propeller thrust became stronger and stronger.

At this time, a strong white wind was blowing on the top of the mountain, and the sun was completely invisible. The white flying snow whined loudly in the strong wind. The flying snow covered the body and traces, as if nothing had happened just now.


The thrust of the propeller increased, and the Rubik's Cube's feet gradually left the ground. The computer quickly drew a flight path, flying down the hillside at a height of more than three meters above the ground and disappearing into the wind and snow.


The flight direction continued north.

This organization regards the nearby survivor camp as a target and a test subject. The next thing Rubik's Cube has to do is to interrupt their deployment and plan to prevent the survivor camp from being destroyed.

The Rubik's Cube obtained a lot of information from the computer, including the flight routes of helicopters. To interrupt their deployment, you must kill several aircraft to prevent or delay their actions. All you need to do is stay on the routes that helicopters often pass by. When they saw the helicopter approaching, they were rewarded with a missile. I didn't believe that they could still have enough manpower and aircraft to harm the survivors after shooting down five, six, or seventy-eight helicopters.

In order to prevent them from finding traces, Rubik's Cube chose to ambush at the top of some remote mountains. Flying close to the ground meant that they would not leave any traces for a sneak attack. It would be most satisfying not only to kill the enemy, but also to make the enemy die in confusion.

The first ambush site was a mountain over 800 meters high.

After more than three hours of flight, the Rubik's Cube finally arrived at the planned ambush site. Looking up from the bottom of the mountain, the leaves on the mountains had already fallen. In the valley next to it, there was thick fog rising against the mountains, making it seem like a fairyland on earth. Occasionally, you can still see it. Some mutated animals were chasing each other on the mountain, and from time to time the calls of some mutated migratory birds that had not gone to the south to spend the winter were heard.

"It's a beautiful mountain, it looks like Dragon Mountain."

The Rubik's Cube stood on top of a big rock and babbled a few words. The mechanical legs bent and jumped up suddenly. The propeller suddenly increased the thrust and flew straight to the top of the mountain. The Rubik's Cube would need to ambush here for several days.

Choose the hillside near the top of the mountain on the side of the route. The Rubik's Cube falls on the rock under a pine tree. Retract the propellers, bend down with your arms on the ground, and start to combine and fold to perform complex deformations. One part after another is formed and folded. Twisting and extending, the metal mechanical parts all over the body are being rapidly assembled. As time goes by, a sci-fi long single-barreled cannon gradually takes shape...

The four mechanical supports seemed to have four legs standing firmly on the boulder, and there were two missiles on both sides of the fuselage. It was science fiction, cool, and domineering. The black muzzle pointed directly at the side of the aircraft route. In a short time, it became An air defense platform, although the caliber is not large, only more than 20 millimeters, it is more than enough to deal with helicopters.

Click! A machine gun shell is loaded!

Buzz... The sound of the electric motor came from the cool cannon. The barrel shook up and down and left and right towards the valley to try the control. The three red ray auxiliary aiming devices were turned on for debugging. Everything was ready.

Speaking of which, this transformation is mainly inspired by the previous transformation of the sniper gun. The missile consumes too much and the gain outweighs the gain. Why use missiles when things can obviously be solved with artillery shells? After thinking about the Rubik's Cube, he finally decided to transform into a sniper-type cannon to deal with those helicopters. The caliber of more than 20 millimeters was enough to penetrate the helicopter body and shoot it down.

After the preparation and debugging were completed, the Rubik's Cube entered standby mode without moving...

Whoosh~ The cold wind whistled, and the strong wind on the top of the mountain blew the snow. The Rubik's Cube, which was originally inconspicuous, was slowly covered with a layer of white snow, and gradually merged with the mountain.

There was no movement in the afternoon and evening of the first day, and no helicopters of unknown organizations were found flying over here.

The second day...

The third day...

Finally, in the evening of the third day, the Rubik's Cube detected a helicopter flying along the valley, and quickly woke up and entered combat mode. The barrel of the machine gun covered with snow quickly rotated and aimed at the direction where the helicopter flew. Various auxiliary aiming equipment started working, firmly locking the helicopter that had just flown from the other side of the valley.

Since the Rubik's Cube was near the top of the mountain, it could aim by laying the barrel flat, and simply lowered the center of gravity almost above the boulder.

Buzz buzz buzz... The huge roar of the propeller was getting closer and closer. In the enlarged picture, the Rubik's Cube could even see the appearance of the two pilots sitting in the cockpit. According to the detection, there were five people on the plane besides the pilots, two men in their fifties, who did not look like soldiers or politicians or businessmen, but like two scientists.

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