Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 191: The Rubik’s Cube is back

"The children are all at home." Zhang Xiaowen rejected Jiajia's request, walked to Xiao Jing, knelt down, kissed Xiao Jing's face that was red from the cold, and put the hood down.

"Xiao Jing, be good, wait for me when I come back at home. When Xiao Jing grows up, I will go wherever you go. Be a good boy~"

"Well~Xiao Jing is the best~"

Zhang Xiaowen patted Xiaojing's head and turned around to get in the car. Suddenly she stopped and raised her head to look in the direction of the camp gate...

Buzz... The sound of the engine got louder and louder. A snowmobile appeared and rushed towards the anti-riot vehicle at a very fast speed. It also brought a lot of flying snow behind. The black machine with blue spray paint and flame pattern was very cool. , when approaching the crowd, the snowmobile suddenly jumped up!


A series of dazzling deformation and folding combinations. Amid the sound of mechanical collision, it quickly transformed into a robot form, half-kneeling on the ground and then standing up. It was the Rubik's Cube.


"Xiao Jing~ Come on, let me take a look at your weight, eh? You've gained eighty-six grams, not bad. Eat more and grow up quickly." Rubik's Cube picked up Xiao Jing with his robot hand and weighed him. He was suddenly picked up. When Xiaojing got up, she giggled and didn't forget to play with the armor of the Rubik's Cube with her little hands. It is estimated that in the whole camp, apart from Zhang Xiaowen, only Xiaojing and Jiajia dared to do such a thing.


Zhang Xiaowen was ashamed. How could someone so close to her weigh so accurately? Couldn't he say something else? Not only Zhang Xiaowen was happy to see the Rubik's Cube back, but the other team members were even more happy to see the Rubik's Cube. What is this? This is the guarantee of survival. Those zombies are nothing if there is a Rubik's Cube! How can rotten meat be as solid as mechanical metal?

After hugging Xiaojing and touching Jiajia's head, she had time to talk to Zhang Xiaowen.

"Wenzi, what are you doing? You have to go out on a snowy day. The road conditions outside are not suitable for wheeled vehicles."

"There is no way. The living environment in the city is getting worse and worse. Many people are forced to go out in search of food. However, they are caught and eaten because their human characteristics are particularly obvious in the cold environment of winter. Those scenes are staged almost every day. It is really unbelievable. Knowing why those people relied on the city to live in the first place, don’t they know that there are more zombies in the city and the chance of high-level zombies being born is higher?”

"Maybe it's because I'm lazy, I just wanted to get supplies, but I didn't expect that I ended up in a cage."

"In the past two days, I have occasionally received national broadcasts. Except for the south, all parts of the country are working hard to rescue those survivors trapped in the city. Although our Longshan camp does not directly obey the orders of the country, we are all Longguo people. After After research and voting, everyone decided to lend a helping hand, after all, we are normal humans." Zhang Xiaowen sighed.

"That's all we can do, let's go together." Rubik's Cube nodded to Zhang Xiaowen, saying nothing.

Rubik's cube returned to the camp at the critical moment and joined the search and rescue team, which made everyone feel good. Wang Nan and others, who were originally very worried about the safety of Zhang Xiaowen and the team, finally breathed a sigh of relief. With peace of mind, they began to work on logistics and prepare to accept survivors. Feng Zhiwen The heating and power supply facilities of several other houses have already been prepared so that people can move in as soon as they come.

Before setting off, a tractor drove up the snowy road in the distance. From a distance, he saw Zhang Nan standing outside the tractor waving his arms.

"Zhang Nan is going too?" Rubik's Cube asked curiously.

"Well, after I contacted him, he decided to leave one soldier to maintain order in the camp and take two soldiers to join us. He said that he is a soldier and cannot abandon the people who are in danger."

Rubik's Cube nodded.

"You are good at being able to remember that you are a soldier even when the order of the apocalypse has collapsed. Give them three sets of light mechas and don't let the three of them die."

Zhang Xiaowen rolled her eyes and arranged for a team member to go to the warehouse to get the light mecha.

The vehicle Zhang Nan prepared is very good. The tractor runs very smoothly in the snow. The biggest drawback is that the sound is so loud that it is almost unbearable for the Rubik's Cube. Driving this thing into the city is definitely the best magic weapon to attract monsters. It is guaranteed to be able to activate frozen zombies, that is, in mountainous areas where there are few zombies. In the ears of zombies with keen hearing, this thing is like constantly exploding detonators in their ears.

"Hi~ Hello Xiaowen Rubik's Cube~ Haha~" Zhang Nan laughed from a distance, probably remembering the last incident.

Rubik's Cube rolled his eyes and secretly sighed that this kid was in a much better mood since he chose to leave Secretary Huang and fight the zombies. In the past, he always looked sad, but now he has a cheerful face. I don't know, I thought he had a harem in the valley camp. Humans are very Strange, once you choose the path you want to take, you will feel particularly happy, even if you are almost torn to pieces by zombies.

She grabbed the machete and put it on her back, and stashed the dagger and pistol on both sides of her thighs. Zhang Xiaowen really admired Zhang Nan's cheerfulness. It was almost the same as Feng Zhiwen and Feng Xiaoer. Even though he was in charge at the beginning The person in charge was dejected. Ever since he found out that he could be a shopkeeper and let others worry about him, he immediately became more energetic. In the communication a few days ago, he even suggested finding a tank zombie to practice his skills. He also coveted his machete and light mecha for a long time. The machete It's impossible. This time I came here mainly for the light mecha.

The tractor stopped next to the anti-riot vehicle, and the three people got out of the car, staring closely at the mechas of the team members. Zhang Nan, in particular, had a particularly cheerful face, as if this time he was not going to fight zombies but to go to a blind date conference.

"You don't look like a leader at all. Instead of thinking about how to improve your life every day, you spend all your time thinking about where to go to fight." Rubik's Cube gave him a disguised compliment without hesitation.

"Hehe~ I'm just a rough guy, that... Rubik's Cube boss, please give us some security or something. Once we act together, you won't be able to show it on your face, right? Even though we all have antidote, others can't see it. , But boss, you are a legend who pursues all-round perfection from the inside out, right? You see..."

Zhang Nan stretched out his hand with a cheeky smile. It means a light mecha. Hurry up and get one for me, otherwise even if I am injured, you will be the one who is embarrassed.



Rubik's Cube once again felt signs of heating in the core of the computer. This had not happened for a long time. The mechanical eyes flickered a few times to try not to knock Zhang Nan unconscious. Zhang Xiaowen's eyelids twitched next to her. Can this guy still maintain some human dignity? How can he get close to this alien robot's boss and younger brother? It's such a shame...

A group of male and female guard team members couldn't help but snicker on the sidelines. Zhang Nan's two companions turned red and wanted to crawl into the cracks in the ground.

Fortunately, when the team members who went to pick up the light mecha came back, Zhang Nan immediately turned his eyes to the mecha with a smile.

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